
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


"Channel six!"

"The votes are in."

"After a free and fair election."

"Bruce Morgan is the new mayor of Ottawa."

"Bruce Morgan emerged victorious."

"Bruce Morgan the pride of Ottawa."

"In international news, Bruce Morgan has been elected as the new mayor of Ottawa Canada."

Sandra leaned close to Bruce and whispered, "We have concluded the deal, today my dad's company is officially partners with yours."

It was like a dream come true, Bruce felt like he was on top of the world, floating above the clouds, nothing could stop him, he was after all, the one and only, Bruce Morgan.

The city hall was was filled with politicians, well wishers and few reporters who were privileged enough to stay inside. The new city council that was just elected alongside Bruce, quickly shook hands with Bruce, of course he would not want to be on the bad side of the new mayor.

Bruce shook hands with other politicians who congratulated him, some sincere while others jealous. The former mayor who had hoped to be re-elected shook Bruce's hand and said a quick congratulations.

Bruce wrapped his hands around Sandra in an embraced her.

"You are currently the first lady of the city." He whispered in her ears.

"Anything you say, your lordship."

He chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Congratulations Sandra." Velvet said through gritted teeth, from behind.

Sandra gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek and watched him walk to other people to exchange pleasantries. She turned behind her and smiled at Velvet.

"Thank you first lady," She smirked, her eyes mocking Velvet. "Oh wait, that's me now. Well thank you ex first lady."

Velvet brows creased together in a frown and she waved at her sister to come and join in on their conversation.

Jenifer joined them, completely ignoring Sandra she asked her sister what the problem was.

"This bitch has the guts to insult me, just because her husband is the new mayor."

Jenifer looked at Sandra and laughed mockingly.

"Hey Sandra don't get a little ahead of yourself, I see that little attitude of yours is coming back" Jenifer said.

"I see your husband ain't." Sandra retorted.

Jenifer's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.

"Let's see how long your so called husband would last in office."

"He will last longer than you did in your marriage."

Sandra walked away with a satisfied smirk on her face, she heard Jenifer quarreling with her sister and asking her why she had stayed quiet throughout, especially since Velvet was the one who called her attention.

Sandra sat down on a chair, she unlocked her phone and locked it back, her gaze fell on the wall clock. She smiled and relaxed on the chair, she hummed quietly to her self with her feet tapping gently to the beat.

She felt a gentle nudge and she looked up to see Bruce holding out his right hand for her. She stretched out her left hand and held his, using his weight to support herself as she got up.

"Let's go home." He said, he unlinked their hands and placed his on her shoulder instead, pulling her close to him as they headed outside to where Gabriel was waiting with the car.

Sandra could not count the number of reporters nor supporters that were outside. The amount of cameras flashing almost got her blind, supporters singing songs of praises to Bruce.

"How does it feel to be the new mayor?"

"Will you fulfill all the promises you made?

"What do you have to say to your supporters?"

The lights from the cameras, the questions being thrown from reporters and the loud songs the supporters sang were unbearable for Sandra.

Bruce noticed this and quickened their pace, his hands holding and shielding her from the lights protectively. They got to the car and Gabriel opened the door for them, they got in and he entered the driver's seat and started the car. The crowd was too much, Gabriel had to horn so much before a way out was paved for them.

Bruce stared at his wife and for the first time in ten years he admired her, everything about her seemed to just be making him happy recently. He knew that he had changed towards her only when he found out she was an heiress but he was really happy he did. Everything was going perfectly well for him, he was just elected as the new mayor, his company would no longer go bankrupt, he just struck a billion dollar deal, his marriage was going perfectly fine and to crown it all, a baby was on the way, he definitely could not ask for anything more. Looking at her now, he realized why he had fallen the first time he saw her. A part of his mind told him to apologize, he had put her through alot but the egoistic part refused, he could never picture himself begging a woman.

"I love you Sandra."

Sandra opened her mouth to reply but the car stopped suddenly causing her to almost be thrown out of the seat.

"Are you out of your mind Gabriel?"

"I am sorry sir but you might want to take a look at that" Gabriel replied pointing at the big television on top of a building.

Bruce could not believe his eyes, he slowly came down from the car.

His eyes glued to the screen.

Breaking news! was boldly written on the screen and a video or series of videos that were edited into one, where Bruce was beating Sandra was being played on the screen.

People also parked their vehicles as they recognized Bruce, they whispered and began taking pictures and videos.

"So he is a woman beater!"


"I can't believe it."

"You better believe it, there's evidence."

"I heard the prosecutors are at his company now, they are doing a seizure."

"I heard that also, tax evasion and the rest."

"And to think I voted for him, Ahh fuck."

Bruce hurried back into the car and buried his head in his palms as he burst into tears.

"Drive!" Sandra shouted.

Gabriel immediately started driving. They drove a short distance and Sandra asked Gabriel to park the car.

"Honey don't leave me." Bruce said in-between his sobs.

"I am not, we just have to keep you safe till we sought this out," she stepped down from the car and gave him a reassuring smile. "Gabriel take him to the vacation house and stay there with him, call if anything goes wrong."

Gabriel nodded and started the engine.

"I love you!" Bruce said as he put his head out of the car window and waved goodbye to her like a kid.

Sandra, still smiling, waved back until the car was out of sight.

"It's too late now."

The smile got replaced with a deep scowl....