
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


Grace watched silently as Bruce helped Sandra shop, his eyes were filled with so much concern and adoration for his wife.

Every minute he would ask Sandra if she was alright, tired or hungry.

This infuriated Grace, it seemed to her like Bruce was no longer aware of her existence, he no longer looked her way and he treated her like a nuisance.

She should be the one holding hands, laughing and shopping with Bruce not Sandra.

Her blood began to boil and she clenched her teeth.

Sandra and Bruce chattered away, both unaware of Grace who was carrying everything they bought. The bags were extremely heavy for Grace but Sandra seemed to care less.

Sandra darted over to a cloth section, she waved her hand impatiently at Grace to hurry over.

A middle aged woman attended to Sandra. On her name tag Store Manager was boldly written on it, she was chatty but yet polite and homely.

"That dress," Sandra said, pointing at a yellow gown with white floral designs. "Can I have one in my size? and Grace what's your size?"

Grace was shocked, she couldn't understand why Sandra wanted to get her a dress. She had to admit, the dress looked really good.

"I don't really know." Grace said thoughtfully.

"Perhaps I could be of help," The store manager suggested. "Judging from her body... she should be wearing my size of clothes."

"Excellent!" Sandra exclaimed. "I'll like one in my size and hers."

Grace could already picture herself in the gown, she would look amazing. Maybe she could get Bruce back if she wore the gown and got her hair done. She laughed to herself, the pain it would cause Sandra when she finds out Grace seduced her husband with the dress she gifted her.

The store manager got both dresses and put them in separate bags as Sandra requested. She handed the first bag which had Sandra's dress in it to Sandra and handed the second one to Grace.

"What are you doing?" Sandra demanded, the manager was confused, Sandra's sudden outburst startled her, had she done something wrong.

"What do you mean ma'am?"

"Why are you giving her the dress?" Sandra snatched the bag away from Grace's hand. "I couldn't ask for your size so as not to offend you."

The surprise on the managers face was unmistakable, Sandra gave her the bag and said "You were so nice, I felt really comfortable with you and I decided to get you this dress. It'll look good on you."

The manager couldn't stop thanking Sandra, she couldn't recall the last time a customer tipped her, she was extremely happy.

"I'll wear this to my wedding anniversary." The manager murmured to herself.

Grace eyes shot daggers at both Sandra and the manager. How dare Sandra humiliate her that way? and the fact that Bruce kept mute although made Grace more mad, she fumed with anger. As they neared the escalator, She walked hurried towards Sandra. Her intention was to push Sandra once they got to the escalator, she could already see Sandra in bandages and a wheelchair. She was going to force the hospital food down her throat.

She walked hurried behind Sandra but before she could think properly and carry out her plan Sandra hit the floor.

Grace was confused, she knew her hand didn't touch Sandra but the position she was in made it look like she did.

People in the mall gasped, they all stopped what they were doing and watched while some started videoing.

"I didn't touch her." Grace said desperately. Bruce shoved her aside and rushed to Sandra, He lifted Sandra's head slowly. She looked pale, all the colors in her face were gone, her eyelids flipped open weakly. He rested his palm on her forehead and Sandra flinched.

"Please don't hit me, I'll do what you want." Sandra said weakly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Bruce didn't pay attention to what she said or the looks being cast at him, he knew Grace would make sure what Sandra said did not hit the internet. He carried Sandra on his back and rushed to the car parked outside.


"Why didn't you get rid of it?"

"Why should I?"

"Because it's your damn job!"

"It's not my fault."

"Your job is to get rid of the mess."

"I get ride of your mess not your wife's."

"It's the same thing Grace."

"Tell your bitch of a wife to get rid of this herself."

"You have gone crazy."

"Yes I am crazily in love with you, don't you love me Bruce?"

"I am married."

"You were married for the past five years we slept together and I carried out several abortions for you!"

"I am a changed man, moreover I can't have you bear me a child. Have you seen yourself?"


"Weren't you ever curious about the reason why I made you my secretary?" Bruce leaned closer to her and whispered. "No one would ever suspect that I cheated on my wife with you. That's why I always hit from the back, you're hideous to look at."

Grace raised her right hand and her palm landed on his cheek as she tried to hold in the tears threatening to come out.

"You're done, leave everything that belongs to the company on your desk," He said touching his reddened cheek. "And I won't sue you for the slap, just for old times sake." He turned and headed back to Sandra's private ward.

Tears blurred her vision, she looked pitiful as she managed to find her way out of the hospital. Her face was red and swollen and her nose puffy.

Grace walked ahead for long not paying attention to where she was going, her mind was occupied with the thoughts of Bruce. She noticed a man in black overalls, a black cap and black nose mask but she paid no attention. The more turns she made, the more turns the man took too, he made no efforts in hiding that he was following her. She turned into a dark alley and increased her pace and he increased his also. She knew something was wrong, her shoulders tensed and she took to her heels.

He ran after her and caught up with her, he grabbed her and easily overpowered her. A white handkerchief was pressed forcefully on her nose, she let out muffled screams before she blacked out.....