
The Cannon Fodder and Her Mr. Right

Mo Yangyang, the fake daughter was kicked out of the family when the real daughter of the family returned. The real daughter demanded a good reputation, thus Mo Yangyang had to set her off by being the bad girl. She couldn't stand it any longer when she realized she was terminally ill. Even cannon fodder deserved to die with dignity. To leave no regrets behind, Mo Yangyang made a move on the man whom she was secretly in love for ten years, but she ended up being entangled with the man's uncle, the fifth son of the Xie Family whom every woman in Xiacheng was willing to squeeze their heads through a crowd just to meet in person, the man with the name Xie Xize. Mo Yangyang, "Don't worry, I'm almost dead anyway. Three months later... Mo Yangyang, "Why am I still alive? And why is there another life in my stomach too? Wouldn't Fifth Elder Xie murder me once he found out about it?" So she ran... Five years later, the little kid dragged his trembling mother to Xie Xize and said, "Take good care of your woman, don't make me have to worry about her always." Fifth Elder Xie, "How are you going to pay me back for kidnapping my son for so many years?" Mo Yangyang shuddered, "I can give you another child...do you want it?" The little kid, "I have a chance to start over again. I must take precautions earlier. With my father around, I won't have to worry that mom would be killed like cannon fodder again. It's time to teach those scum a lesson!"

Early October · 都市
1584 Chs

Please Take Care of My Corpse

翻訳者: Exodus Tales 編集者: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

Before the sun rose, Mo Yangyang staggered out of the hotel with a pale face. Her clothes were in disorder, her panicking eyes were filled with terror. 

Her teeth were trembling non-stop in fear. It was scarier than when the doctor told her she only had three months left.

She went back to Lan Dongzhi's room and hugged her, "Dongzhi, I'm doomed!"

Lan Dongzhi pushed her arms away. "You're going to die anyway, don't you dare tell me it didn't work out well."

Mo Yangyang shook her head and said, "No, you don't understand. I was trying to say, I...I...if you woke up and saw Xie Xize lying beside you...what would you..."

Lan Dongzhi immediately pulled a long face.

Mo Yangyang grabbed Lan Dongzhi's hands and said, "Help me, find me a place where I can wait peacefully for my death."

No one could possibly understand how terrified and shocked Mo Yangyang was when she woke up and saw who the man lying beside her was.

She initially thought she was just a cannon fodder in a typical soap opera, yet it turned out that she was a cannon fodder in a horror story instead.

Everyone regarded Xie Xize as the perfect Prince Charming, but Mo Yangyang knew he was far from it. 

Despite his modest and gentle appearance, he was cold and stubborn inside. 

Everything and every person was just a part of an insignificant game in his eyes. His intelligence and his abilities allowed him to manipulate everything with ease. He was the gamemaster!

If Xie Xize found her… Mo Yangyang shuddered when the thought crossed her mind. She would rather die than stay alive. 

Lan Dongzhi pointed at Mo Yangyang with her scarlet-nailed finger, "You..." she snapped, "Off you go, go die yourself!"

Lan Dongzhi felt like her lungs were lit up and ready to explode. However, she picked up her phone even though she was cursing under her breath. She angrily dialed a number.

"Hello, it's me, you're asking who I am? I'm your f**king dad..."

"Didn't you say you still have a vacant room still? Yes, I want to rent it, now, right now, I don't care if you've reached a deal with someone else, I'm renting it, three months, not a day less..."

Lan Dongzhi grabbed the pen on the coffee table and wrote an address on a notepad. "Here it is, now go."

Mo Yangyang was very scared at first, but somehow...she felt a lot better now.

She took the paper and said, "Come take care of my corpse in a few months."

Lan Dongzhi clenched her teeth angrily. She opened her purse and pulled out a stack of cash. She pinched the notes hard before putting them back into her purse and shoved it into Mo Yangyang's chest.

"Piss off...I f**king owed you in my past life. Why do I have to take care of you like your nanny?" 

Mo Yangyang hugged her and said, "Dongzhi, goodbye."

Lan Dongzhi's eyes reddened. She pushed the girl away and snapped, "Go away!"

Ten minutes later, Lan Dongzhi received a text.

Mo Yangyang: Dongzhi, the watch under my pillow is the only thing I took from the Mo Family. It should be worth some money. Take it and sell it.

Don't drink too much alcohol. Your stomach trouble is getting serious. I wouldn't want to see you in Hell so soon.

Shanglin Spring isn't a nice place. You should get yourself another job if you can.

Take care of yourself!

A teardrop fell onto the screen. Lan Dongzhi wiped the screen, but the more she wiped, the more tears fell on the screen...

I will take care of it. I will mummify it.

Hello Police

XephiZcreators' thoughts