
The calm oni

A young orphan boy stumbles across the movie that would change his life ip man, watch as he takes over the world with wing Chun. bakiXmanhwa

Borg_Zilong · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


pov: caretaker park sui

'Demon child' was what they called him. a child who looked like no toddler his age. already standing 5 feet tall at the age of 4 had made him an outcast of the whole facility.

With his abnormal size also came strength that was only weaker than an adult. He had gone through many transfers of orphanages before finally being sent to a juvenile jail.

Was it morally wrong to send a child his age to jail? Normally I would've said yes. could've they at least tried to change him? he was only 4, who hasn't even felt the joys of life.

Only when I met him did I understand.

his unrelenting charge against the correctional officer didn't waver even through the beating of the baton the officer gave

'how cruel!' It made me sick to my stomach. the officer didn't hold back with the beating. 'i need to stop this'

"stop this immediately!" I ordered the officer

It was only a brief moment when he turned my direction.

"ahhhrage- you shitty brat" the officer shouted in pain.

the child had latched his jaws on the man's hand. At a second he made an attack when the officer wasn't looking.

'Oh my god' the child was no better than a beast, looking at his face made my spine shiver as he bit off the man's fingers.

The other guards came inside the room and separated the two. It took a tranquilizer to finally knock out the child. It was either that or beating him to death.

It struggled to the last moment. The guards carried him back to his room and got the officer medical attention.

I collapsed to my knees, ' I'm supposed to be the new caretaker of this demon'

I was already pushing the limits of 40, how could I possibly change it. My experiences in this profession was never easy but never had I dealt with this much trouble on the first day with a child.


"Lee is a special case, punishment doesn't work on him, instead he has built up a so-called immunity to it." The warden said. He was in his uniform, a solid build was noticeable. He had a stone face that seemed to never show emotion.

"So we decided to go a different approach, if physicality doesn't work we can only work through his mental status. That's why we hired you park sui. We leave the case of 'demon child Lee' up to you "

"I- sir I don't think I can, he's just- he's an animal" It makes me mad that I'm giving up like this but it's dangerous.

The warden sighs and looks at the camera in lees room.

"I believe all kids are innocent. It's the upbringing that molds that. He is 4 right now, the perfect time to make a future out of him."

"Miss park I've read your profile, you've lost a child before so I hoped you could try understand him better and make an effort to change him"

I frowned as I could guess the direction this conversation was going. The warden didn't care as he continued.

" We can't have just anyone work in this facility, we hand pick every last person till the last janitor. Your unique statuses were a very compelling factor in chiseling you. Your very son who died looked similar to Lee."

"Youu-!" My face switched in rage as I held up my fist to punch him only for him to block my fist mid punch.

He was right, but it's also another reason I didn't want to work with the demon child. He reminded me too much of my son. A pain that would keep resurfacing if I look at him.

"Miss park can be made all you want but it doesn't change the fact he needs your help."

"Then hire someone else" I took my fist back and angrily said

"No it can only be you."

"Why, just because he looks like my son? You bastard, I don't want to deal with you any more"

"That was partly the reason, but if you can't do this then we will ultimately have to put him down."

I stared in shock at what I had just heard

"You can't do that, that's illegal, I'm going to report-"

" To whom the police, the government, the press? Good luck trying to survive the consequences"

"Are you threatening me?"

" No, I'm informing you on the situation. I don't don't like it any more than you do but it is beyond my chain of command. The government doesn't waste money on people that will be harmful to others and harmful to its self"

He held out the file for lee one more time

"Help him miss park"

"...I'll think about it" I took the file, and left the room.