
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · 都市
64 Chs

Beautiful goddess (2)

Chaoter seventeen

Vomaah held spriya's hand tightly as the couple stepped into the venue.

The place were lively and colourfully decorated with different enticing colour which made the place enormous. The different light colors of the chandelier made the place beautiful and enticing. An ancient romantic song titled " We will be forever together" filled the place which made the atmosphere warm . The great mansion were crowded with prominent figures in government.

The entrance of the stunning couple attracted many people. They were left astonished on seeing their interwined hands. Many were marvelled that, they forget to blink seeing vomaah and an astunning woman. Many wondered who the beautiful goddess beside him was but on a close reflection. They recognized it was the same woman on the magazine. They were left agape on seeing her stunning look .She looked hundred percent more beautiful in real life to magazine. Even due, they were astonished at first on seeing his wife on magazine but seeing her now. She looked extra ordinary beautiful. She looked like a goddess on her expensive sexy blue dress . Her beautiful curves were like an art work. The fuzzy light at the entrance revealed her smooth and flawless skin.

This was also the first time, vomaah was seen putting on a casual clothes apart from his camouflage uniform. He wore a golden suit . His hair was styled one side. His golden expensive suit was neatly ironed. He enomour looks majestically beautiful in his golden suit. His presence send goosebumps on people. His was like an ancient emperor making an entrance with his beautiful empress . His presence screams a dangerous aura of a war god's. His elegant and body physique screams perfect which attracted the stares of many women.

After their entrance , they were about step into the stairs when Ma Smittian rushed towards them and said in a low voice that can be heard by them alone" You unfilial boy." she reprimanded him " Why are you just arriving. I have been worried ." she left out an exaggerated sigh and raised her eyebrows

"I am sorry grand ma, there were a traffic jam on the way." he replied nonchalantly

Ma Smittian scoffed and said"Traffic jam my foot. You of all people in the flareless city in traffic jam. You of all people experiencing a traffic jam?" she sneered at him and turned to her grand daughter- in - law totally ignoring his existence .

She enguffed her into a warm embrace but before she could hug her back. She pulled back to get a better view of her

" You look extremely beautiful today." She commented

" Welcome home my daughter ." she looked at his grandson before returning her gaze back to his wife. " I hope he is treating you well. If he is not then, let me know. I won't spare him"

Spriya smiled at her and pouted at her husband and gave him the look of 'see am her favorite.' Vomaah smiled at her. He found her character cute.

"Grand ma, he is the best."

"Always praising your soldier. Where are my stars ?" she asked

"Oh grand ma, they are coming."

Ma Smittian frowned. She was about rebuke her grand daughter in law and her grand son for leaving her precious stars behind but before she could open her mouth. She heard a tiny voice calling her name at the entrance. She looked towards the direction and her heart soften.

The tiny figure that looked like a small angel ran towards her shouting. Her princess pink dress dangled along with her " Great grand ma." she ran towards her and held her legs. Ma Smittian bend down and carried her into her arms. She embraced the little girl and kissed her forehead. Tara encircled her hands around her neck and said " Great grand ma, Tara missed you so much."

Ma Smittian looked at her and smiled. Tears of joy threatened to escape from her brown eyes "Great grand ma missed you too. How have you been. I heard you were sick. Come let me...." she was cut of by her two great grand sons who entered the place

"Great grand ma." they called out in chorus

She pulled Tara into her embrace with one hand and outstretched the other hand welcoming her children. Tara smoggy into her embrace and kept her head on her chest like a kitten.

"Baby boys come ." The two boys obediently approached her

She hugged them with the other hand . "Come let's me take a look on both of you."

She took them out of the crowd towards the room ignoring the couple. They shaked their heads, and smile before going into the crowd.

Spriya and Vomaah went to greet his great grand father and his father after their arrival. Of course he and spriya was reprimanded for arriving several hours late.

His great grand father let him off because of the occasion.

After that they went into the crowd. Many came to greet them and some flooded around spriya to seek attention in order to attain favour. The people were socializing and merrying


It was already 10:5 pm when PA Smittian stepped into the crowd. He wore a black suit. His golden grey hair was combed back. He held his walking stick as he stepped in. Even at his old age his beauty had not fully faded. After some mins, he went up and took the mirco phone and spoke in deep velvety voice. He stood supporting himself with his walking stick "Good evening everyone. Thanks for honouring these invitation. I want to give a special announcement. For the first time in my life am celebrating my birthday.

There silence everywhere

I have been wanting to fulfill my promise to them on these day." he continued

At the back, Vomaah scoffed. His eyes became dark and the expression become stenfed cold, making the whole place tensed. The smoothly flowing atmosphere become suffocating.

He laughed softly revealing his white teeth. "Don't be tensed. It is just a small announcement. Today is my birthday and I am already ninety one years old. I made I promise and I have fullfilled it. I will now rest in peace."

Vomaah leered 'These old man and his exaggerative words.' his heart suddendly gnawed on remembering .... he burdenly sighed

The held his wife's hand beside him, bent down, and, whispered lowly in her ear . His voice were low but deep " Love stay behind. I want to inhale some breathing air." he kissed her lips softly before standing up .

Spriya smiled at him as he stood up and left. Many women who witnessed the chemistry looked at her with envy.


He rested his hands on the rails. The glowing moon danced on his skin showing it's smoothness and flawless. His perfect face dangled with the moon which can strutter butterfly from any young woman and make them intoxicated by his charm. He took out a packet of cigarette out of his pocket and brought out a stick from it and light it. He let a heavy smoke escape from his mouth.

He felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Subconsciously, he dropped the cigarette on the floor. He let his guard up and fleet out a gun from his waistband ready to attack. It was not like a knife could kill him or gun but he hate taking chances .

He turned only to be intrigued with a face he has not seen for some times now. He immediately, switched to his professional mode and saluted him "Good day sir."

His mentor smiled, patted his shoulder and snert " Drop the formalities. How have you been doing my boy."

Vomaah sighed .He had been more than a mentor to him. All his war strategy came from him. The gruesome war glory he encountered was behind him, and the perfect dangled jungles of his prostate achievements in military. He was behind them .

"Darkin , I have trying. The weight of the country is too much"

He put back his gun in his waist band

Both of them leaned on the rails with their hands hanging on it. Vomaah raised his head up and looked towards the sky. He smiled at the full bright glowing moon.

"Sir, when do you arrive? I wasn't aware you were coming."

"I Know you weren't aware, I was in the party. If not you would have come to greet me." he laughed softly "So your grandpa, just organized the party for these. He is really funny and exaggerative ."

Vomaah smiled still looking towards the moon but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"Boy." he started. Even due, Vomaah hated been addressed that way . He had tried several times to make him stop but rather he increased his teasing technic. Eventually, he scofflaw and gave up.

His turned his attention back to him and looked at him without looking into looking his black eyes " I don't want you to leave the city or visit your friend that you have been planning to . It is too dangerous for you to leave. "

vomaah turned towards him. He lifted his brows and tainted.

Vomaah wanted to speak but he put his right middle finger up signaling him to stop. Vomaah stayed mute and allow him continue.

"You are too stubborn but don't say you weren't warned . Stop moving about till the storm is calm. Take my advice. let's go and take a drink and loosen up, and before I forget . Be careful with your friends. " He was a man of few words. He always hit the nail whenever he wants to said something.

Vomaah felt a heavy load on his shoulder. He sigh and asked "Drakin what am going to do to those people? It has been confirmed that they were responsible for the couple de ete."

His mentor laughed. He wasn't surprised. He knew they were capable of that . "Let's go and drink. we will discuss the rest while relaxing."

He laid the way while Vomaah followed behind.


On the other side, Danvers was surprised on seeing Tiga sitting on their private sitting room couch playing games. His leg was crossed over another. His white striped shirt and black pants hugged his body . His black hair was neatly combed.

Tiga turned when he felt a presence in the room. He became excited on see Danvers as if he was given his favorite chocolate cherry.

"Hi Danvers." he said while he stood up from the couch and rushed to him to give him a tight hug. He wanted to pounce on Danvers ,reaching closer to him but he invaded him.

Danvers cut him as he was about to fall. On helping him stabilize he coldly said "Don't go hugging people any how."

He left him and sat on the couch crossing his legs over another. Tiga blinked on what happened but he immediately changed to his dramatic mode "I was only trying to hug you. Why do you have to avoid my hug like am disgusting. Am hurt." he stated patting his chest.

Danvers leered on his dramatic attitude " Continue being exaggerative. How do you get here."

Tiga switched into his professional mode "Have you forgotten what I told you that day. Of course what else, we were invited. Your great grand father and mine are best friends."

Danvers looked at him raising his brows but did not reply to him.

he continued "As for why I am here. I invited myself but I came with my great grandpa. I wanted to see you." he stated smiling.