
The Broken Sword

The worthless swordsman or the broken sword. that was what people called me. my name long since forgotten by everyone but me. despite the fact that I was one of the best swordsman that could be bought. no these unusual nicknames came from the fact that I never had so much as a copper on me. my equipment was all old and worn. some of it being repair. the most valuable thing I owned was my horse. the reason behind my poverty was simple. I never took coin as payment. only rations, repair, room and board. there was a reason I never took coin as payment, but that was my secret. a secret I never intended to let anyone find.

Angelina_Bennett · ファンタジー
39 Chs

The north men

The north men weren't ones to flee usually, but they knew when they were fighting a losing battle. The last of them fled as I raised my head slowly. I watched them flee carefully as my muscles settled. I was the only one who could see them clearly as they got farther, and farther away. The smell of blood, and death perked up my senses.

My stomach rumbled hungrily as Faith came up to my side. I was exhausted, and hungry. I growled at her slowly. Letting my lips fall so she knew it wasn't a threat. I tried not to move quickly as I turned both of my eyes on her.

I caught movement coming towards us as I looked at her. I could see most the way around my head so looking at Faith the way I was now I could see quite a lot of what was behind me as well as most of this side of my body. I was cut, and bleeding in many places. The noble was approaching us slowly. A fancy useless blade in his hand.

His men flanking behind. This dumbass. Faith saw the direction I was looking, and moved away from me. Starting to head towards him. I moved my tail into her path.

Stopping her. She looked at me confusion in her eyes. I turned around slowly so I could focus on the coming danger. That was why I hadn't seen any of his men helping me. They'd held back.

"Such a powerful spell," the noble looked me over carefully.

I growled angrily. I didn't like how close he was getting. He stopped but his men kept moving forward.

"It's forbidden magic for a reason," Faith seemed to be catching on.

The air of magic around her intensified. I let a hiss out through my teeth, and roared at them. They flinched at the tremendous amount of sound. My horse would come now. He knew he was supposed to.

I could still fight despite all the wounds I'd suffered. They seemed to think I'd be easier to take down since I was heavily wounded. I knew swordsmanship better than any of the men there. I could tell what move they were going to make when. I could tell what even those inexperienced idiots were planning.