
The Broken Prince (BL)

Alexander, the Prince of the Sea who's power has not yet been brought out of him, came to know the reality of his existence that could lead to his demise. Hade, the Prince of Fire. He despises all of which who comes from the sea. Scarred by the death of his mother, he finds comfort, in the arms of the Alexander, the son of the person that killed his mother. "I'm sorry. For loving you." "And I'm sorry, that you hurt me." Disclaimer: The artwork on the book cover is in no way owned by the author. Credits are acknowledge to the owner of the amazing artwork.

158 Chs



"When I was in my room contemplating my life and what could have been our tomorrow, I just wanted to be in your embrace. Just wanted to hear you say that everything will be fine but how could I come to you when I was restrained and chained. Father is a kind man but everyone knows how he gets when it's about the image and reputation of the family and I was no exemption to his stance in life. I did hated Athena the first time we met, I wanted to yell at her but then she did not became the person I wanted to hate. You know why? Because she never wanted to push herself to me. She did not demand anything, she was just there for me during that time and what made her even more as a person was that she knew about us. She knew about our relationship and never did wanted to take your place. And to have her taken away? It feels like loosing you again but more pain because it is my past that came to haunt my future that I came to love."