
The broken nindo

a boy named ivy a name given by his mother some may take him as a joke after dying his fist time having sex from a robber he is reincarnated to the world of naruto after getting 4 good wishes and 3 down sides join him on his way as he try's to live in the ninja world

Sutadasuto · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

insanity and bloodline secrets

"lord 3rd lord 3rd" a man says to the 3rd hokage.

"yes son what is the problem son are we being attacked" the third hokage says while like the man up and down with a confused face on why he looks so destressed.

"no sir this boy this boy this boy can't be human he looks to be struck in the middle of his heart. not missing any vitals the very middle of his heart, witch should have killed him and some on like itachi would not miss vitals in the heart even kakashi can't defeat itachi without dying himself." the man says in a face of fear and shock at the same time.

''even more weird is that his healing factor was healing his heart see it should not have been healing his heart because they way his healing factor works, it is different from anyone else's it draws power from some thing in his heart not from blood like some healing, factors but from something more powerful not i guess you could say primal in a way." the hokage has a shocked look on his face as if it is big deal but in his heart he feels a little bit of fear.

"okay son when he going to wake up we need to know as soon as we can." he says with a stern look on his face.

"well right now he is in a coma not from the damage but for the mental trama it could he tomorrow could be today hell it could be never, thank god a monster like that is not in this world with a healing factor like that, if he got strong enough could take out the whole village with just jonin level."


"huh were am I why can't I move am i dead again if I am I thought i would last until I was in my 40's with this power to, wait are my eyes closed damn they were but why can't i move system why can't i move." ivy say with a little worry in his mind

[ present mind state broken your mind in this world is broken because of the death of your mother and father in front of your eyes.] the system says with a quiet voice.

"well this is the naruto verse and im not that bothered about it maybe at the time but not now."

[ this is a roleplay world which means thing happen with a roleplay aspect to it even if you don't feel like that in your mind, after you get out this coma or not you will have a slight change of your personality not a big one but just noticeable.]

"hopefully I don't become like emosuke or worse." he say with a horrified look on his face in his mind.

"put a timer on how long i will be in this coma."

[ okay a timer put on for 5 YEARS in the future would you like to stasis until then or would you like to train your chakra.]

"fuuuuck i knw the smart option but the smart option is so slow uuuuuughhhhh fine train."

[ smart option picked LEVEL UP]



"finally so how does this work do I wake up slowly do I just get up." as he says this he sees a big red botten that says get up he presses it as soon as he does a ton of chakra shoots in his body.

as soon as it does 3 anbu appears in front of him and the causes him to jump back but the anbu see that this was a child so they bring him to the hokage.

" lord hokage this child has the chakra levels of a kage he could be a jinchuriki from an enemy village."

"did any villages move like they were playing it safe for some reason" the kage says with a puzzled face.

"from what our spies could pick up no the are not acting in any weird manner" the anbu says in a confused face.

"boy what is your name rank clan and village." the kage says with a look on his face that could not be figured out.

"well my name: is ivy shi, rank: ginen clan: new village: land of fire." the boy says.

"what do you mean your clan is new." the kage says with a face of wonder.

"well my clan is a mix of uzumaki and uchiha, so I don't know what to call my clan I guess." he says with an with an embarrassed face.

"the hokage has a shocked look on his face as he get back his composure." 'this is impossible the never even give them the time of they day, unless they are fighting ok i have to look calm.

'to everyone else the shocked look on his face is only there for a second but everyone saw it.'

"so tell me." the hokage says making everyone look up at him.

"what do you want to call this new clan of yours anyway."

"i would like to call it the Shi clan." he says in a calm voice.

"okay can you tell us the it is okay if you don't want to." he says truthfully.

"i will be cause i can feal donzo's ass already plotting." as he says that 7 anbu on donzo's side him with swords surround him and the leader says. "apologize to lord donzo right now." as he looks at him with blood thirsty eyes.

'ivy's eyes turn red but not with the uchiha dojutsu but like a pupil filled with blood.' ivy says "move or we can see what is more sharp your sword or my claws." and his nails begin to grow and sharpen the don't look sharp until his finger nails sink through the hokages desk.

donzo says back off as they then back up the hokage says. "i guess we can add bone manipulation to that huh." he says with a smile.

"no just claws also with a bite i can add someone to my clan biologically, but only the clan members that have red eyes usually it is only one person in a clan with red eyes but it is one normally. one way to get the eyes is to kill the leader but this will only work if you are a what is call a werewolf. there is one other way but that is secret oh yeah. by the way if anyone was a werewolf you would never know unless you see there eyes them healing or if you get wolfs bane, but if they were the reason that you would not know is because it heals after one night. also on full moons we can not control our selfs, so we need a place on the outskirts of the village oh i almost forgot we can stay calm in a full moon if we train, there is more i have but those are clan secrets." he says smiling while the hokage thinks you sly devil.

idk if it is a long or short chap, sorry for being gone so long see you next time

Sutadasutocreators' thoughts