
Meeting With The Advisers

Prussia, August 3rd 1803

10:59 AM

Lukas and Nathalie were in the living room of the Santen mansion, where they usually waited for their guests, and today wasn't different.

They were also accompanied by Konrad. Even though Nathalie and Lukas weren't very pleased to have him there, for a few reasons, the advisers insisted that it should be like that. He wouldn't be on anybody's side, though.

He would be neutral person, simply watching over the meeting, and as soon as everyone there agreed with something, he would make it official. That was how the meeting was going to go.

Lukas sighed, before checking his watch. 'They will probably be late, since we only there are only 5 seconds left until the agreed time,' he thought.

However, as soon as the smaller pointer of the witch reached the number 11, a knock on the door could be heard.