

Austria, August 24th 1803

6:13 PM

Erik kept his hand on Lukas's shoulder for a little longer before moving away, however, he still maintained his smile.

After a short break, Lukas sighed. "Very well, then... what's the first step?" he asked. "I bet you planned a schedule for me to watch here, so I wouldn't be bored," the blonde boy said.

Erik shook his head. "No, Lukas, not at all," he replied. "I want you to watch the daily routine of the Von Neumann house, so you may very well be bored out of your mind, because we will do the exact same way we always do," the blonde man said.

Lukas raised his brow. "...So... what is the point in doing this?" he asked.

Erik shrugged his shoulders. "I told you. I would like to show that we are not the evil bastards you think we are," he replied.

Lukas sighed, almost as if he was tired. "Erik, I never said that about all the members of the Von Neumann house," the blonde boy said.