
chapter 4


🔞For Adults 🔞



"You sl*uut! You sl^*utty b---h!" Cindy shouted as soon as Becky came inside the room.

"What the h€ll!" Becky shouted back as they bumped into each other.

"You think you are fast hun? You think so!" Cindy was really ma*d.

Yesterday night, after witnessing the s£x scene, she had gone back to bed, boiling with @nger that stayed with her through out the night.

"Oh, you must have seen me walk into Arnold's bedroom?" Becky said and laughed into her @ngry face.

"Baby girl, now you will understand that I'm really here for business."

"You should get disqualified. I'm gonna tell Aunt Linda right now! " Cindy thr€atened and turned to go but Becky's laughter stopped her.

"If you dare do that, honey. Then we are both out of this competition cos you will have to also explain what you were doing in front of Arnold's door last night!" Becky thr€atened back.

Cindy gr0aned @ngrily into Becky's face and stormed out of the room. She was gonna show her she isn't the only fast f!nger here.

Valerie came out of the bathroom, going straight to her bag to dress for the day.

Becky stared at her as she lifted up her puppy from the bed, k!ssing and playing with it. "Haven't you got any brain at all? Put that dog away from this room!" She y€lled.

"Look. I've tolerated you enough. What's your problem? " Valerie asked. She hissed and took her cloth to the dressing room.

Becky h!ssed back and git ready to have her own bath too.

"Oh, Maria! What are you still doing in there now?

Aunt Linda is going to call us out very soon. Please, be fast. "Natasha voiced out."

She was selecting her dress for the cooking competition.

Maria was busy blasting igbo songs from the bathroom. She finally came out, still singing happily.

"Today na today! Everybody go no say I be better cook!" Maria boasted.

She was very good at cooking and she knew this was her only chance of winning.

Natasha only smiled and rushed into the bathroom to have her own bath.

Natasha knew she had nothing to fear. She was always good at anything she does.

Aunt Linda had bought a lot of food items for the cooking and they were all in the kitchen.

"So girls, I've decided to make everything easy for everyone. Two girls in a day. The next day, two girls will cook their own food and the third day, one of you girls remaining will cook her own food. Great, right?"

"Yes!" They chorused.

Cindy and Becky were the first to cook theirs while the rest of the girls visited the gym.

Natasha did not feel like sweating this wonderful morning so instead, she strolled out to the compound to enjoy the fresh morning breeze.

She went to the back garden and saw Gerald, standing and staring into the pool, lost in thought.

Their previous encounter rushed into her mind and for a second, she felt gu,ilty to have sl,apped him.

She brushed off the g,uilt and approached him.

"You aren't even supposed to be standing here. This is not your duty post." Natasha said, standing beside him.

Gerald turned to look at her, annoyed. "And what's your business with mine if I may ask?" He threw ru,dely at her.

Natasha breathed in she turned to face him. She couldn't take it anymore. She knew she had hu,rt him.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry for what I did. I was a,ngry. I'm not a bad person. So please, don't get the wrong impression of me." Natasha said.

Gerald looked away. "Whatever."

"Show me where the library is here. I heard there is a library." Natasha asked.

"The next building after the second hallway." Gerald responded, walking away.

Natasha stared at him as he left, feeling strange. She shrugged and went into the next building.
