
The Breath of conspiracy.

'George freaked and muttered unconsciously but audibly "It cannot be!" He was not at a point to bear it. This was her sister in-law to be.This was Claire, Angela's sister. ' Angela finds out that her boyfriend George has been a criminal and also responsible for abducting her younger sister, will she forgive him? What will be George's fate after he decides to stop crime and is impoverished ?

GidamPotent · アクション
35 Chs

The Discovery!

Alice was out and about after several weeks. Susan was at high spirits upon Alice's return to work. She was looking to have someone to chat with. Someone to share her feminine concerns with. They purposed to spend their lunch time that day.

As Susan started her cleaning as usual near Collin's office , Alice started from the far end of the compound near the parking lot. Collin's was less busy this day as almost all the trucks offloaded the day before. He was lazily going through his phone to confirm his order that he placed in the morning. He had ordered a product to be delivered before mid morning. He finally resorted to call the sellers but just before that, Susan had passed near the door of his office and waved at him. Elatedly ,he responded with a ' good morning ' shout almost immediately.

If it Susan was meant to blot out everything in his brain, then she did it perfectly. He forgot that he was working on his online order . He jolted from his chair as one called on an emergency and went outside. He stood in front of her completely incapacitating her from continuing to sweep. His eyes poising dangerously on her . She felt uneasy and almost embarrassed but managed to stand and face him directly.

Collins had always been a hell to Susan. She did not like him if not loving him at all. He started pursuing and seducing her only some months ago . Since she was employed at The Big Blue two years ago , this male creature was not a deterrent to her peace. The question that lingers in her mind was where he picked this behavior from. She did not understand at all. This was what she was fighting in this organization. She still wondered why he didn't see Alice and why Bruce or George were more scrupulous than him.

A flash of a creative yet dangerous idea crept in her. She did not understand .Should she dismiss it or hold on to it. The idea of giving him the chance once just to know what he is up to. After all she thought it was more or less the right time to do it.

After a couple of minutes of flirty scanning , he finally broke the awkward silence between them and stretched his hands to grab her palms gently and urged her to come to his office. She in turn strained to wear a smile and followed her gentle pull into the office. She felt an awkward mixture of a feeling that was between ecstasy and guilt. She felt remorseful for allowing a smile to form on her face as this was read as a positive sign.

As if he made a great achievement , Collins made her sit in a chair that was not far from the door. His hands felt heavy on her and she started feeling shaky and frightened. It has never been her nature to let anyone play with her body. He rested his hands on her shoulders to massage her but she couldn't bear much of it.

"Stop it! Stop it! Collins!" she shouted wildly at him as she pushed his hands away from her shoulders.

"It's only a little Susan. I can't stand your beauty."

" I don't know what that little means. You're mannerless Collins."

"I'm sorry Susan. I didn't meant to offend you I'm sorry!" he defended feeling embarrassed about himself. He tried to make little efforts to calm her down .She was still bubbling with anger and shouting obscenities.

At that moment, Collins phone rang unexpectedly quieting the situation. It was Hussain calling him in his office for clarification of a certain container delivered the day before. He picked it and left for Hussain's office.

Still sitted on the chair in Collin's office, Susan tried to compose herself. It was one of the scariest decisions she had ever made. Giving in to Collin's desires was not what she intended at all. Another thought brushed through her mind and she started thinking of Angela. She remembered she had a task from her and as quickly as the thought got into her mind she stood up. She confirmed fearfully if Collins was out of vicinity and made a turn at his desk. Whatever information she would find with Collins , must be related to that one of George. She thought wisely.

She looked across the chest of drawers under his table and opened each one of them. She perused through the papers in each of them . In almost all of them, she found nothing suspicious other than invoices, delivery notes , consignment notes and many other businesses related paperwork. At the drawer next to the left frame of the table , a bunch of keys dangled in the key hole . This must be a confidential and lockable drawer. She twisted the key holder and a soft sound was heard as the drawer lock opened. Almost afraid, she pulled it out .

The drawer had a stack of new bank notes she had never seen. She felt a cold sensation through her spine as she stared at the notes. She could not speculate the amount of money it was but she imagined it was not different from what a lottery winner would get. Below the stack , there was a well arranged stack of papers. They just represented important documents. She dared that curiosity would not kill her as it did to the cat and decided to pull one. To her utter supprise, it was one of Collin's salary slip. She tried to go through it as she was over taken by this secret discovery.

She was baffled at a shadowy figure at the door a moment later. She raised her head and only met stern looking eyes of Collins at the door. He held himself akimbo . Not sure if to jump on her and tear her into pieces or blame himself for being a little reckless with his property. She stood up shaking terribly and her palms bound together about her chest. She was speechless , embarrassed but mostly fearful. "I'm sorry ! I'm Sorry. I cannot understand what got into me."

"Did you take anything? Who sent you there?" He asked with

sharp tone of anger and furry.

"No! Nobody sent me. It's just as it was. I swear I didn't take anything!" She pleaded.

" I'm not going to leave you like this! If I let you know my private concerns such as those, I will be in trouble."

" I swear I will not tell anyone Collins." she tried to defend herself with her eyes almost teary.

"Is either you leave this organization, I kill you or..." he thought and smiled as one who just discovered a great idea. "Sleep with me tonight. We'll go with you to my home today. You must bring the necessary warmth I desire in my house. Or else I will not spare you for what you discovered today."

Susan did not understand his words. Is as if she was dreaming. But she heard him right. She did not want to imagine. Should she quit the job and save her virginity? She tried to wipe her tears from the corners of her eyes. At that moment, Collins had strode close to her and tried to hug her. She did not resist this time and reluctantly embraced him. It felt strange to her. Surprisingly he rested his massive hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears with his thumbs gently. He released her but before she was out of the door he called her again. "Wait I must give you something. " He said softly as he untucked some few notes from the bundle in his drawer. He gave it to her and kissed the back side of her hand. "Never tell anyone what you've seen here okay?" His voice was suggesting something between a stern warning and just a romantic vow to her. She was confused. She never understood. She was nevertheless , happy for receiving free and unexpected cash.

At lunch , Alice did not have to ask what the problem was. She clearly knew her day was ruined . She sat next to her at their favorite place still confused of how she could ask her. Susan was gloomed. "What went out hand Susan. Did someone disturbed you?" Alice started out impatiently .

"Nothing Alice! Can you bring up some of your jokes and let us not talk about my concerns."

"No I can't tell you a joke until we solve this. You are not okay Susan. I'm your only confidant. Just tell me."

"Well okay it's Collins."

"Him again? Why can't he just leave you alone?"

"Stop asking me that Alice. I can't talk about this anymore." She broke down into uncontrollable tears and Alice only soothed her yet not knowing what befell her.

"I clashed with him at his office. He wanted to kill me. " Susan remarked after she got consoled.

"Kill you? Speak it out to Hussain! That is so dangerous. It's not something good to hear. "

"No I cannot! It will bring more trouble."

"Why? I will help you Susan. So what brought all that?"

" I don't know just his usual character . He wants me to be his lover." Cried Susan.

"I will stand with you at all times. I cannot tolerate this." Alice encouraged her under her warm hug.