
The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]

Follow the journey of a different Neji Hyuga, with a different soul, trying to break free of his miserable, chained fate, instead of succumbing to it like in that different, original universe. What changes would that bring to the Hyuga clan, Konoha, and even the whole Ninja World, in the end? See a different version of the same story, but with a properly explored and fleshed-out Hyuga clan and Hamura Otsutsuki's side of the equation. . . . . . . . . . . * Amoral and very goal-oriented MC. Multiple female leads, one of them an OC, but logical for the story. * The story will definitely deviate from the original plot and events mainly due to the Butterfly Effect. * More fleshed-out, complete, logical, and realistic (dark) version of the Naruto world. * Will include some elements from Naruto's light novels, manga, anime fillers, movies, and data books mixed together so as to create the most logical, real-like world in the end. * Might not include some Boruto explanations, excessive cosmic, Godly elements, or technological stuff and a few characters. So, a bit AU. I will decide what to include and what not at my own discretion and preferences. So, don't complain. . . . . . . . . A/N: I wrote a new high-quality Bleach Fanfiction, go check it from my profile page or the link below if you are interested! . . https://www.scribblehub.com/series/809201/arrancar-ascension-apex-predator-of-hueco-mundo/

Hanma_Jack · アニメ·コミックス
69 Chs

Returning Back to The Village

A/N: I wrote a new high-quality Bleach Fanfiction, go check it from my profile page if you are interested!





On top of the forested hill, another fierce battle was simultaneously raging on between two very powerful individuals on this hot day. Ieyasu, the samurai Lord, employed his twin-style Laido, channeling many chakra flashes forward, onto his opponent, Might Guy, also somehow mixing Wind Release into the attacks. From the moment this battle started, it was in a kind of stalemate.

That Ieyasu's secret attack from his clan, he performed, didn't simply employ the so-called Wind Release nature transformation, from the Ninja World, at all, instead, it used the wind, which was already all around in the atmosphere, with a secret kenjutsu method, picking up and sharpening the wind with his channeled chakra flashes along their trajectory towards their opponent, making those ordinary channels many times stronger. It was also the same move his two servants used in battle.

His clan's base style of kenjutsu was called Laido. It was a style concerned with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. The linear motion and force applied to draw the sword from the scabbard results in slashes that are faster and stronger than ones executed with the sword already drawn. It could be also said to be called a battojutsu. However, he was different from most users of this style, as he used twin swords instead.

He could not just strike his opponents up close with it, but he could even channel chakra outside his swords, and mix it with the wind outside, and he could do it in really quick endless succession.

Might Guy used a barrage of fast punches, to parry, which were so fast, that they were set ablaze by sheer speed and friction. Guy was still in his Sixth Gate, but by the looks of it, it won't be enough.

"Might Guy, you are quite amazing! You don't even use those filthy ninjutsu powers for such strength! I acknowledge you, you are the strongest shinobi I have ever fought!", Ieyasu who was in a frenzy of drawing and then putting back his swords, suddenly shouted a little excitedly towards Guy.

It was truly his first time seeing pure physical strikes could be made that way. Moreover, with all his knowledge from the Land of Iron, he had no idea, at the present, to determine how the man in front of him did it, nor why was he so strong physically overall, and what was up with his strange aura and appearance. He could just attribute it to the outside world being more mysterious than the previously thought. He immediately realized that he underestimated this man in front of him, the Blue Beast, the Konohagakure, and even the whole Ninja World, but there is no backing off now.

"However, I can't lose to you! I still need to get back what is rightfully mine in the Land of Iron!", 'I really underestimated him, to think I have to use this trick I prepared for Mifune on someone else!'

Immediately after shouting that, Ieyasu suddenly stopped drawing and attacking with his swords.

"Secret Sword: Twinsword Tornado!", It was a technique of his clan when the user while focusing their chakra into their twin swords while they were still sheathed, performs a battojutsu strike. From this, the user unleashes a powerful shockwave which becomes a massive chakra and wind tornado surrounding them, repelling everything in the area near the user. Powerful as the technique is, it is not without drawbacks. It takes time and focuses to unleash the technique. It is also very chakra-taxing, making it only usable once in a given day. Finally, the technique is also potentially dangerous to the user, as loss of control can potentially cause as much harm to the user as all the other targets.

"It's good, I planned to end this as well and go back to my disciples!", Might Guy looked at the massive tornado forming, without any fear. He even felt a trace of respect for any man who could do an attack of that scale, without using any ninjutsu, 'He must've trained day and night for decades in order to perform this!', "Then I won't disappoint you, Seventh Gate: Gate of Wonder!"

Located below the stomach, the opening of this Gate causes the user's body to secrete a blue sweat. The sweat immediately evaporates, creating an aura around the user that can be mistaken for chakra. It was best used for Guy's signature move called Hirudora. In the next second, it came out.

To make this move, the user places a palm facing forward in front of their face with one hand and then taps it with his other hand, formed into a fist, which creates a massive amount of air pressure. Next, the user forms a unique hand seal resembling a tiger. This launches the air pressure at the opponent in the shape of one by leaving a gigantic tiger-shaped impression into the initially built-up air pressure with the hand seal. The air pressure will condense as it's moving and be focused into a single point. The technique then explodes on command, releasing the built-up air pressure in an instant. Quickly, the giant intimidating white tiger jumped in front of the giant blue sharp tornado.

"Noo!", After a few more seconds, a fascinating scene suddenly unfolded. Guy's white tiger managed to bite off and chew onto the tornado, breaking its defenses and then bursting out!

And, in his few last seconds, Ieyasu's whole life flashed in front of his eyes. Training for decades to defeat the legendary genius Mifune who unexpectedly overtook his clan's rule over the Land of Iron. He was once in a century genius, gathering common people, and overthrowing his clan's rule.

Their centuries of rule over, his destined throne overtaken when he was young, he vowed to get it back! And now when he felt like he had a good shot to take down Mifune, while he was on his mission to gather enough funds and bribe some of Mifune's supporters, he died crazily like this!


Konoha's Hospital is one of the largest buildings currently inside the Konohagakure. It got three to four different floors, spacious rooms, and hallways full of all kinds of medical equipment and medical ninja. The Hospital serves the medical needs of ninja and other villagers in Konohagakure.

Inside one of the top-grade private rooms on the highest floor, there was a white elegant bed in which laid a teenager with long black hair, scattered all over his pillow, while slowly opening his white eyes. The other two teenagers in the room, also quickly opened their tired eyes and exclaimed at that same time. Those were Tenten and Rock Lee who accompanied Neji during the whole time he was asleep. They were sitting on chairs near his bed, and leaning onto it tiredly with their arms.

"Neji, you finally woke up!", Rock Lee jumped in joy, while also having a little complicated look in his eyes, while Tenten looked like she wanted to rush and hug him hard, but in the end, still held back.

"How long was I sleeping?", Neji nodded a little and immediately asked in his usual composed tone.

"More than a whole day passed already, Neji!", Tenten answered softly, with a worried but relieved look.

"That's good...", It seems that his body wasn't too weak, and all those hard body exercises paid off. Not to mention, that his body and chakra reserves would only get stronger with time. His body was currently still very young and underdeveloped, far from its peak potential that it would reach later.

"The nurse said that it was just a usual body exhaustion situation, but I was still very worried for you, Neji!", Tenten continued speaking a little irritatedly. She wasn't back there with Neji and Lee.

She was dealing with that group of ordinary bandits while protecting Konoha's merchants, as tasked, when all of a sudden, a giant blue tornado, a giant white fierce tiger, and then their sensei Guy carrying an unconscious Neji with Lee came. Her heart nearly stopped beating until Guy explained that Neji collapsed just due to his body exhaustion and that he wasn't injured anywhere.

That whole thing left a really profound influence on her mind. First, it was her first time seeing movements of such scale. And second, when she learned that Neji used Eight Inner Gates as well.

"What happened after I collapsed?", Neji mainly wanted to know the result of Guy's own battle.

"Just a couple of minutes after you collapsed, Might Guy defeated that strongest samurai with his move called "Hirudora". He was shocked that you learned Eight Gates, on your own, but said that you have a surprisingly strong body for a Hyuga and that your condition wasn't bad. But, he'll have a serious talk with you!", Tenten explained seriously, while Rock Lee was clenching his fists a little.

'Tornado requiring Hirudora to defeat it? Is it that one move later from Boruto made using sword battojutsu? Didn't expect it to appear in this timeline. It seems that this truly is the real-like world.',

Neji wasn't all that surprised about Might Guy defeating his opponent, but he wasn't expecting it to require him to even use his signature Hirudora and the Seventh Gate, 'If that's the case, that older samurai is probably around the middle Kage level of strength, then what level is Mifune truly on?'

'I really can't treat this world as the same one from a manga from my previous life. This is different!'

'I'm still really far away from the peak players of this world! I must step up my game during the Chunin Exams and acquire those things next!', Neji's white eyes suddenly turned resolute and firm.

'My maximum is only a low Kage level of strength, right now, and that's only for a short period of time, it's obviously not enough!', Neji also clenched his fists a little, but suddenly found Tenten and Lee having the same mood and looks in their eyes, 'But, how far can you two really progress?!', Neji knew what he did was stimulating and earth-shattering for them, killing two full-fledged elite joinins in a couple of seconds, but Neji knew, that in this world, that was truly nothing worth of consideration. In fact, at thirteen years of age, both Itachi and Shisui Uchiha were stronger than him.

At thirteen years of age, with Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi managed to solve Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sanin, with just one look, in a second, as well as killing hundreds of Uchiha strongest clansmen nearly all on his own. Obito, Danzo, and Hiruzen were all paying attention to him at that time and regarded him as their equal. At that time, Itachi should've already been late Kage, in terms of strength, in Neji's opinion, while Shisui should've been around the middle Kage level of strength.

While there was not much information on Shisui, in his previous world, thanks to his awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, difficulty Kotoamatsukami ability, and the international nickname received at only nine years old, "Shisui of the Body Flicker", Neji could only speculate he was just a step bellow.

However, don't confuse it, Neji didn't admire them at all due to their strength. In fact, he even felt ridicule for them, from the bottom of his heart. After all, one killed his own clan, family, and love, while the other got his eyes dug out, due to his stupidity. They were zero in mindset, naive peace-loving idiots. Strength is not everything in this world, as seen in how both of them got manipulated.

Silence suddenly filled the room, and no one knew what each other thought about for a while then.

However, Neji didn't guess presently the power the so-called butterfly effect, that he created, would bring, to the lives of those two young people beside him in the future, and where they would reach.

Later, the conversation continued as usual, and Neji learned that it turned out that even Hiashi visited him personally while he was asleep before in the Hospital! As for why, Neji could only guess.


Some time later on, inside the Hospital's top-floor hallways, two adults and three younger teenagers walked slowly ahead. One of the two adults had a bowl-like haircut and a green jumpsuit covering all of his body, alongside a smile on his face, while the other one had a similarly peculiar look on him. He had spiky silver hair oriented to his left side, dark grey eyes, and a lazy expression. He wore a formal Konoha jonin uniform, consisting of a green flak jacket and dark blue pants.

The first, and the most loud one, of the upcoming teenagers, wore an orange and blue jacket with a white collar, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, and a distinctive crest on the back. He also wore orange pants with a shuriken holster on his right knee, blue sandals, and a blue forehead protector. But his most distinguishable features were his yellow-blond, spiky hair and blue eyes.

Another male teenager walking there looked way more passive and calm than the blond one. He wore s a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar, white shorts, and white arm warmers. He had black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint. His hair was long and hung over his face as bangs.

And finally, there was a female teenager, in the group too. She had fair skin, a pretty face, green eyes, and long pink hair. She wore a red qipao dress with slits along the sides accompanied by a zipper and white circular designs. She also wore tight dark green bike shorts with a shuriken holster around her right thigh, blue sandals, and the standard Konoha forehead protector worn as a hairband.

"So, Guy, you're finally willing to introduce your little disciples to me. How very late of you.", Kakashi plainly exclaimed all of sudden when walking beside Guy with a nonchalant and relaxed attitude.

"Well, well, now, Kakashi, you always said yourself that you weren't interested before. So, what changed so suddenly for you to ask me that?", Might Guy suddenly smirked a bit as he looked at his long-time friend of decades. He also casually glanced at Kakashi's own disciples knowingly for a bit.

Might Guy has considered Kakashi his rival ever since they first met in the Ninja Academy when they were kids. At first, Guy began striving to earn Kakashi's approval, back there, so as to show that his perseverance could be just as good as Kakashi's natural genius, despite him being the most excellent genius in Konoha's history at the time. But in time, they developed a strong and close friendship, and Might Guy's challenges toward Kakashi, and their competitions, became much less serious. Their competitions currently ranged from eating contests to Rock, Paper, Scissors battles.

'Well, you're right. I wasn't interested before, but now, after hearing all of that, I simply must give them some motivation and clarity...', Kakashi thought while looking at his peculiar disciples in front.

Even Kakashi couldn't believe it when he heard those rumors. A thirteen-year-old Hyuga clan member managed to kill two elite jonin level opponents all of his own, in a matter of seconds. In fact, by now, those rumors circulated around the whole village. And as neither the Might Guy, the boy's sensei, nor the Hokage denied them, it seemed to be the truth. It was really earth-shattering.

Even though Neji was always regarded as the leading genius in the new generation, nobody expected him to reach that level so quickly. This is just a level below those two Uchiha geniuses of the past. So, Kakashi quickly took this chance to broaden the horizons of his disciples with this crazy news. Sasuke was the most affected, of them, while Naruto and Sakura didn't quite grasp the significance of it yet. Today was their team's day off, and after meeting with Might Guy, he brought them all here, maybe after meeting him in person, that could change, not to mention, even Kakashi was curious. After all, even him currently wasn't sure if he would be able to perform the same feat.

Up to 30 additional chapters are available on my Patreon, check that out as well. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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