
Chapter 2

I didn't say anything else and I quickly headed out to go to the ceremony that was held in the high school yard. When I arrived, the principal was just introducing the freshman year and the class masters that are going to be in charge for them.

-Mr. Paul Michael will be the 9th grade F class master, announced the principal, then she started to list a string of names that I haven't been paying attention to.

Another classes followed and a couple of minutes passed. Despite the fact that the ceremony was almost over, I was not able to find my class.

-All students will follow their class masters who will show them the class where they will study and give them a tour of the high school, ended the principal and the crowd dispersed.

Now…all I had to do was to find my class. Easy, huh? Not really. In a high school that big, finding the 12th H class seemed an impossible mission. I started running on the halls, hoping that something would catch my attention…a sign or something written on a door.

"OUCH!" Suddenly I fell on the floor, after hitting something...or someone.

-I'm so sorry! Are you ok? I heard a voice and, then I saw a boy. He stared at me in a worried way and I could see that he was blushing a little.

-I'm all right! Don't worry! I replied. But can you tell me…where can I find the 12th H class?

-Actually…I can. That's where I'm going too. Unfortunately I'm a little late…as always. My name is Alex, by the way.

-I'm Alessia! Pleased to meet you!

-So…you're the new girl.

Next to us, a door cracked open and a woman came out.

-Alex, I'm sure that you could stop being late all the time if you would be a little more responsible.

-Yes, Mrs. Hamilton.

-And you must be Alessia Hale. I've been worried about you, she said with an angelic voice.

In fact, not only her voice was angelic but also her appearances. She had a long, black hair long enough just to rest on her shoulders, her eyes were ocean blue, and her lips were reddish, which made her eyes stand out. That make-up made her face appear so young. Her clothing consisted of a white knee-length skirt and a white shirt. She didn't have any bag to match the pair of black shoes that she was wearing, but who am I to judge someone's taste in fashion?

We followed her to the class where we spent a little time listening to the rules we were not allowed to break in any way! After that, we took a short tour of the high school and returned to the classroom.

-Hi! Can I sit down? I heard a voice and looked for the source of the sound. I realized that the question was addressed to me when I saw a person standing near the empty desk beside me. She was a not very tall girl with brown hair and chocolate eyes. She was dressed in a pair of tight, blue jeans and wore a white shirt and sneakers.


-My name is Maddie! She addressed to me again, sitting down and holding out her hand

-Alessia! I grabbed her hand, smiling. Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you too, Alessia!

I remained at school for another hour, talking to Maddie and got to know her better. After all... she's going to be my colleague 4 years from now and she looks like a good girl. Who knows? Maybe we'll even be best friends. I smiled at that thought. It would be really nice to have a friend here to talk to about anything.

After packing my stuff, I was about to go home, but I was stopped right by the front door.

-Alessia! Wait!

I saw Maddie running towards me.

-Uhm ... do you want to go in the park for a walk? It's only 13:30 and I was thinking of spending some time together. I know we just met, but I don't know anyone here and... and…

-Of course I want! Wait a minute so I can call my mother!


I took the phone out of my bag and called my mother.

-Hey Mom! I called to ask you if it's okay to go for a walk in the park just before I come home.

-Alone? she asked.

-No! I'm not alone. I made a new friend today, a girl from my class. She's my desk mate. I'll go with her.

-That's sweet! Don't be too late!

-I'll not be late! I love you!

-Love you too, sweetheart!

I hung up and, when I was just about to leave, I bumped into someone, lost my balance and fell.

-Hey! Watch it! Are you blind? said that person, and by his voice he seemed to be a boy. I looked up and there was a tall boy, about 17 years old, with black hair and piercing black eyes. He was wearing a black T-shirt, dark jeans and a pair of cream-colored boots.

-Maybe she is! Maddie replied coldly and helped me get up.

She didn't let him say anything anymore and took my hand and pulled me out of the high school yard. As I passed him I noticed that there were three more boys around him and one of them caught my attention. He was different…at least his clothes: he had a pair of white jeans and a pink blouse, unlike his friends who were all dressed entirely in black.

As we reached the alley, Maddie let go of my hand.

-Alessia, are you ok?

-Yes. I'm fine!

-What a rude boy! she said more to herself.

-Do you know him? I asked.

-No! Not that I would want to, honestly! He stumbles upon people and they are the ones to blame?!

-Well ... I really needed to be more careful!

-Alessia! Don't defend him! Even so... he's a boy and...

-Doesn't matter! I'm not defending him, Maddie! It's true that he reacted quite poorly, giving the fact that I didn't hit him intentionally...

-Let's leave it like that! she interrupts me. I bet that he and that bunch of idiots are just rich and arrogant kids.

-He suffers from a lack of good manners! I said, making her laugh.

-You are right! It's best to ignore guys like him.

I nodded and we headed for the park. We stayed at least 2 hours in the park and took a lot of pictures, talked and exchanged phone numbers. After that we went to the mall to eat something. After eating, I said goodbye to my new friend and took a cab home.

-Hey Mom! I'm home!

-I'm here, honey! shouted my mother from the kitchen.

-Hi! I said entering the kitchen.

She was preparing dinner. it looked delicious but I couldn't eat anything.

-Hi honey! How was your first day of high school?

-It was well. The professors seem kind, but the high school is so much bigger than I thought. I was afraid to get lost somewhere.

She laughed.

-I also met a very nice girl.

-I'm glad everything went well.

-Yes... everything was perfect, I said, not believing myself, still thinking about that rude dark-haired boy. I'll say pass to dinner, Mom. I ate with Maddie at the mall.

-It's alright, dear. Now go, take a shower and prepare for tomorrow.

After everything was ready, I spent the end of the day continuing to read a book that I found in the attic last week. I made a habit from reading until I fall asleep with the book on my chest. But tonight was different. Despite the fact that I was caught in the plot, my mind couldn't stop thinking about something.

…those piercing black eyes.