
Chapter 39: Elena!

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XLR8 just stared as the supe's examined Homelander's 'injury' like it was the 8th wonder of the world. 

"I'm just gonna go." He say's to nobody as nobody was paying attention to him now. 

You would think they'd wanna get revenge after the humiliating beatdown.

XLR8 then ran back to the van where Hughie and Frenchie were waiting. Transforming back he looked and asked. 

"Where's Butcher?" He asked.

"I don't know he should be here." Frenchie replied.

"Maybe he had to pick something up?" Hughie wonders.

"Like what?" Frenchie asks, then the door to the back of the van opens.

"Sorry mates picked up a souvenir." Butcher says before placing Elena inside then closes the van. The other three stars at her as Butcher hops in and starts driving.

"So, how the hell do you know Starlight?" Butcher questions, breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"I don't really know her like know her." Hughie responds. "Just, uh... we met on a park bench." He clarifies. "She gave me her number." He adds

"Huh good." Butcher comments with a smile. Things were looking up for them and looking down for the cunts.

"Are we just gonna ignore the you know?" Ben asks, gesturing to other 10 year old in the vehicle.

"I'm Elena." She introduces. "You guys aren't with Vought right?" She questions.

"Is she Vought?" Frenchie asks Butcher.

"How should I fucking know I barely know anything about Benji and I tried to track him down." Butcher replies, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You brought her here." The Frenchmen reminds him.

"Hughie." Hughie introduces, then gestures to Ben. "He's Ben."

"What's your story?" Ben asked.

"I kinda messed up something and released a Ghost." Elena answers. "You?"

"I got sucked into a portal with two of my arch enemies and ended up in this dimension." Ben answers casually.

"This sounds like a movie." Hughie comments.

"More like a Fanfiction." Ben answers. "Who would ever read that story?"

"Good work Benji." Butcher comments out of the blue. "You showed those cunts they ain't shit and they Homelander is just another one of those cunts."

"What about A-Train?" Hughie asks, since a large portion of the fight was XLR8 showing up the worlds fastest man. Plus he still has his vendetta against him.

"Fuck them all." Frenchie says.

"Four and one." Elena comments, then seeing Frenchie's confused look clarifies. "You said bad words."

"We doing a sweat jar now?" Hughie asks.

"If so Butcher is gonna be in deep debt." Ben adds.

"Oi kid." Butcher calls then gets the attention of both Ben and Elena. "Not you Benji. You're gonna stay with us, for free and get our protection. So unless you wanna pay rent with that chunk of change me and me mates are gonna fucking say whatever fucking shit we wanna say."

"Can we get KFC?" Ben questions randomly. "All of that running around made me hungry."

"Oh I love their Mac & Cheese!" Elena says excitedly, then crawls up to between Frenchie and Butcher. "Can we please please please!" She begs.

"What does this look like!" Butcher asks incredulously. "A family road trip, no. We have somewhere to be."

"Come on please?" Elena asks again, bringing out puppy dog eyes.

"No." Butcher says again. "That is final."


"Here you go sir." A KFC worker says handing a stern faced looking Butcher two large bags.

Butcher takes it and hands the kid a bill. "Keep the change." The drives off.



"Overall that could've gone worse." Stillwell comments as 6 of the Seven are sitting at the table of the Seven. 

After XLR8 left they were called by Stillwell to do an assessment of their perform. 

"Starlight, Noir you're points went up quite a bit for getting some of the only hits on Shifter." Turns to Deep. 

"You Deep obviously stayed where you are for obvious reasons."

"And me?" A-Train asks, expecting to be kicked out since he technically didn't beat Shockwave.

"Up 3 points actually." Madelyn told him. "It was clear you were faster than Shockwave, not to mention you took more hits than him."

"Maeve." Stillwell said with grimace. "You're down a point." She tells the female warrior like her pet just died. 

"It would've been more but people came to your defense saying he just had speed and he was sexist." Maeve just nods.

"Homelander." Madelyn says with a bit of dread.

"How bad?" Homelander questions.

Just as Stillwell was about to answer a new voice does. "4 points." Turning they all saw Stan Edgar walk in as if he was on a mission. 

"That's only because of similar reasons to Maeve and the fact that the last hit was a surprise attack."

Homelander accepts that and nods.

"I assume you're all wondering why I came down here personally." The CEO begins.

"I only have a bit of good news, and large amount of bad news." He tells them.

"What's the good news?" Starlight asks.

"Apart from the points we stand to gain a large amount of profit from the footage of that embarrassing display." Edgar answers to Starlight.

"The bad news is this." Edgar continues. "Apart from Starlight, and to a lesser extent Noir, you've all proven incompetent in dealing with Shifter." He tells them plainly. 

"Not just in heroics but also in combat, case in point today's fight."

"From now on unless Shifter attacks you then none of you are to engage him at all." Edgar adds. "It's a miracle he hasn't sued us for slander or assault, which he has grounds to do."

"We can't just leave him alone." Homelander says. "He's our enemy."

"No he's just a competitor." Edgar corrects. "A competitor who has bested you at every turn and you can't accept the fact that he does his job better than you do." He tells him, intentionally digging into his skin.

After a bit of silence Edgar clears his throat. "Either way I'm taking full operational control of the Shifter situation. Until I deem it necessary when it comes to Shifter, you must be engaged to engage." Pause. 

"That is the strict policy am clear?"


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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