
The Boys: Domination

The boys is a world full of corrupt superheroes, who care more about their images and themselves, than being actual heroes. One of those was caught by the boys, but before they could even figure out a way to kill him, a mysterious man appeared out of thin air wearing what seemed to be battle gear and wielding a massive axe. Who exactly was this man? Why did he just appear in Frenchie's house? And why exactly is he on a manhunt against supes? --- A/N. The Boys fanfic, as I really love that show. It will follow the Amazon version of the story with quite a few changes the MC will cause. Warhammer 40K inspired MC. Semi Warhammer 40K, The Boys crossover. Gonna post elsewhere too

Nike13K · テレビ
22 Chs

Chapter 1:Richard

"Every since the day I first saw a man teleport, I have always dreamt of this! My dear Curro, have the chronomancers start the process!" A man wearing what seemed to be a set of space marine gear stood near a monitor displaying images of 100 comatose old humans hung in the air by their hands.

With a slow nod, a blind woman wearing a helmet with mystical green rods sticking out of it waved the steel cane held in her hand.

Without her saying a word, the over 100 old men and women instantaneously began changing. Their beards and wrinkles receded, soon their eyes went white and their skin became smoother, their hair grew back and within a couple of seconds, instead of the aged and near-death bodies, what was left were people, who were barely in their twenties. But it didn't stop there.

They turned into teenagers, children, toddlers, newborns, fetuses, and... Poof. Over 100 mighty masters of time, people who have probably lived hundreds of years were erased out of existence in the same instance and what were left of them were only a massive disturbance in the stability of the giant facility and an enormous amount of magical energy.

The woman named Curro stopped waving her staff, as it slowly fell out of her arm and she collapsed onto the ground, with mental damage nearing brain death.

The slightly short man wearing the space marine gear quickly appeared behind her and gently laid her down on the ground and put her head on a pillow he took out of his backpack. "Thank you for indulging my selfish wishes, my love. I wish to nurse you back to health, but I must go".

The man kissed his beloved for the last time, stepped forward and jumped down to a control room, where Stood one woman and two men. The young man approached them and said "Dosako, any mishaps with Deus?"

The slightly obese woman shook her head and said "None. You sure have a reliable partner. So much chaotic time energy and I haven't seen him flinch. The portal should be safe to approach soon."

The young man sighed and looked to his left where he saw what can only be described as a living mountain. A man with his face hidden behind a massive helmet fully equipped with armour weighing well over 500kg of arcallium and wielding a massive decimater made entirely out of arcallium and a green orb with thousands of souls floating inside of it stood next to the two normal humans and slowly turned to face the tiny men and his booming voice sounded "I am giving up my life's work for this. Your right hands' calculations better be on point, or I will complain."

The tiny man laughed and said "Who might you complain to, oh mighty necromancer? To our resident bard, Bibble? If you waste Snas on this, then I'll personally make sure you get enough resources to make another one."

The mountainous man nodded his head and flicked his wrist. Afterward, a 2-meter-tall abomination appeared next to him, wielding a sword made out of an unrecognizable metal, that looked sharp enough to cut space itself.

The humanoid itself was hidden behind a cloak made out of an unknown leather and a goat skull, that looked to be a demon's or carved out of a demon's at least. The most dominant feature being the green and skinless muscles, that supported the creature's body.

The young man nodded his head and said "I never understood how you and Xiaolobar managed to make... This creature out of a reanimated corpse, but I digress, It's time to erase him out of existence!"

The young man turned forward, as the gate in front of the three opened and revealed a very week looking old man, who kept sitting cross-legged, but as soon as the team blinked, the old man disappeared and what was left was a child, barely older than 3 years of age and, after another blink, the old man once again appeared.

But no one seemed to pay attention to this amazing sight, as the three unique characters and the hundreds of operators only stared at the 2-meter-tall gateway, that kept attracting all the chaotic time energy.

"Sir, the last energy source has been delivered." Said a muscular person with a very feminine voice "Thank you crocodile."

The young man smiled as he grabbed the axe on his back. As soon as his hand came into contact with the axe, both he and the necromancers' life's work, called Snas disappeared.

Snas stood in front of the arcane gateway, as a black aura surrounded him. The young man appeared slightly away from the gate and the meditating man.

"Deus, once you are sure the gateway can handle it, summon the sacrifice inside of it and Snas will finish this project!"

The meditating man smirked at that response and said "Using our necromancers' abomination in such an unique way, only you could think of this"

The young man, whose face was hidden behind a plasteel helmet shrugged with the gigantic battle axe on his shoulder and said "You're the one that did all the calculations, all I did was tell Dosako to tell you to do stuff."

The meditating man laughed, but the laughter was cut off instantly, as a short humanoid woman, not wearing any pants suddenly appeared in front of the gateway.

The humanoid had red skin and a dark red horn on its head, along with a tail and she was only wearing a buttoned-down shirt, that barely reached her thighs.

"Snas, kill the creature of Chaos and finish the ritual!"

With the necromancers' command given, the undead jumped at the cute demoness, wielding his blade with the intent to kill. The demoness smiled mischievously and a small ball of pure arcane power appeared in her hand. She shot it towards Snas.

The ball looked small, but once it came into contact with the undead abomination, it instantly disintegrated its left half, but that didn't stop the undead. It jumped, arriving in front of the stumbling demoness, who forgot to prepare out of pure shock at the "human's" dedication.

Within a second, she was beheaded and the skeleton jumped into the middle of the arcane gateway with the demonesses' body.

As soon as they crossed the gateway the two instantly attracted all the chaotic time energy and disintegrated into dust. Seeing this, Deus smiled, as he stood up and puked blood.

The young man patted his shoulder and said "Take care of my wife. She gave her all to help me achieve this, and make sure my love gets the care she deserves."

The meditating man suddenly stopped looking sick and turned into a 30-year-old man, with slightly gray hair, who was wearing the robes of an arcane master. He slowly raised his hand and an oval-shaped object, with legs, appeared in his hand. "You know the blueprints of the gateway and how to work this. Just stay safe there and make sure you activate it."

The young man nodded his head and said "Curro can't take another hit to her mindscape like today. Let her rest for a while and make sure you get the empire to sign over eye of PSI to use and have him control the chronomancers next time... For now"


The ball of energy gathering in the middle of the gateway suddenly exploded and a portal barely big enough to fit the young man's axe appeared and, even though his helmet blocked it, the fact that he was excited and smiling was obvious to all.

Without wasting any time, he swung his axe and... disappeared. Within a blink of an eye, the portal also closed and everyone let out a sigh, as the obese woman named Dosako screamed "It was a success!"


"Frenchie, Hughie, who the fuck is this cunt?!"

Hope you enjoyed the first Chapter. And don't forget to bookmark this bad boy if you liked the intro

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