
The Boy Who Lived Will Not Go To Die Again

Hello, He-Who-Dug-His-Own-Grave. You want to kill me? I spam heals and shields with no f**ks given. You want to kill my friends? I'm immortal and anyone I touch is immortal as well. You ambushed me with your Death Eaters? I'm OP in small scale pvp, medium scale pvp and large scale pvp. I'll kite you forever as I heal myself to tomorrow. P.S. The image does not belong to me. I downloaded it from Google.

Puffy_Bird · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Spell 2. Green Flash


0ctober 31st, 1981

The sound of banging doors can be heard as the doors are blasted off the hinges.

"Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry..."

"Stand aside, you silly girl...stand aside now..."

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead..."

"This is my last warning---"

"Not Harry! Please... have mercy...have mercy... Not my son! Please--- I'll do anything."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green light, followed by a scream that rises and descends as something very much non human flees the house.

Inside the ruins of the house, the crib holds a baby with a fresh lightling shaped scar on his forehead.


<Initiating System...>


<System has one new update. Download now?>


<Downloading now>

...Wait, what?


<Download is complete. Install updates now?>


<Updating now>



<Update completed. Restarting the System...>


...What the heck is this...my head hurts...everything hurts...I'm hungry...


<Restart complete>


...Did I just piss my pants?


<Would you like to log in?>


...Do I get a choice?

<Logging in>




<Welcome, Mr. Harry Potter.>


