
The Boy Who Left

“I only left so I wouldn’t hurt you.” “Yeah well, you leaving hurt me so l guess that plan backfired!” Kian bloom went her whole life with her head in some book being aware that she was unseen and unheard by nearly everyone. That’s how she liked it, until her boyfriend well ex-boyfriend Ethan Gaytes left two year ago to god knows where breaking Kians heart and trust. Leaving Kian with no one to be alone with anymore. Now she’s a new person. She’s the head cheerleaders right hand man ruling the school with her wits and sarcasm, enjoying her senior year to the fullest, but what happens when Ethan returns.

Reviewly · 若者
7 Chs

THE Return

"Very good Kian, but the problems not negative it's positive." I didn't mind school or any subject In particular actually I excelled at it but what I did hate was teachers who just couldn't do there job and always has to prove a point. Like if you didn't want to be here why are you making my life miserable while being here to.

"Negative ten to the third is negative " I pointed out to my math teachers who always felt the need to correct my work but always made herself look stupid in the process. She made a face that screamed I hate you, but I ignored it. She should know by now to just not call on me.

Before I had to go up and answer the hardest question on the homework last night in front of the whole class I was texting the group chat about hating AP clac and how I had not one of my friends in this class to talk to. Then this bitch wanted to call me up to the board like I was doing something wrong. Which I was but I feel as though I should be able to be on my phone every once in awhile. On the other hand she just hates me and I know this because she pulls this shit all the time. She should know better by now because of my 97% in her class. What a bitter bitch.

As soon as my back was towards my cunt of a calc teacher my phone was in my hand texting in the group chat that consisted of every popular dick at this school. Right now they are talking about ways to take down damsel. Sadly I was uninterested, I mean I was always ready for a fight, but the pettiness of it all is just too much. I just don't want to waste my energy on a girl who cried after being pushed lightly up against a locker and told to stay away from someone like who does that.

"You can be Kian's partner all of her previous ones left because she just doesn't know team work very well, Raise your hand Kian." I rolled my eyes at her insult and thought back to everyone who wanted help on the homework so I just let them copy it. I wasn't a teacher so who am I to teach someone.

I finally looked up from my phone when I heard my name to see Ms.Cunt scowling at me, but then I looked at the figure next to her. And I immediately started choking on my own spit. Everyone turned around and looked at me like I was crazy. No one offered to help me from choking other than the ass dick himself.

"Are you okay key?" He whispers in my ear and tried to touch me but I jerk away. How dare he?

"Get started working. This is due by the end of the hour." The whole class went nuts when she said we could work together meaning no one was no longer paying attention to me. Great.

"Hey." He said but even the simple greeting irritated me. I wanted to slap him. Hit him. Scream at him. Throw a chair at his face but I couldn't. Because we were in class. His voice though. It rang in my ears like a melody and my body was telling me I missed hearing it but my brain was still mad.

"Don't you dare." I muttered without looking at him. His eyes were on me like a hawk I could feel my hairs stand up under his gaze. Once I could catch my breath I sat back down at this stupid trapezoid table that gave us no personal space. I had so many questions running threw my head but I couldn't even formulate one into a sentence. As much as I used to dream of this day I never thought it would happened. Not in a million years and yet here it is, in-front of me and I'm choosing to play it cool. What is wrong with me. How does he still have this hold on me that I can't shake.

"I thought your mom would have told you." He mutters. Is this what she was trying to say to me this morning, that my ex boyfriend would be coming back? She should have sent me a text or something, but in her defence a text was not enough for this. She could of told me weeks ago and I wouldn't be prepared for this. Nothing in the world could have me not internally freaking out right now like I'm a fucking child meeting there favorite tv show Character. But this pit in my stomach is what was really was doing it for me and it just felt like it was getting bigger and bigger the more I stayed sitting with him. I kept looking in the opposite direction as him because I knew if I looked at him I would get lost in the amazing memories that were once great to look back on, but now I hate them. I couldn't even describe how much I hated him now even if I tried. This wave of emotion that I have tried to bury for so long is coming back and I can't have that. I haven't felt that way in a long time. I have to leave.

"Thought this would be easier." He said under his breath, but I could tell he wanted me to hear him. I looked around the room to make sure that everyone's eyes were off me and thankfully they were.

"Excuse you?" He just sat there looking like he just didn't say anything. He's still a coward.

"You heard me, Kian." He laughed at this and god was it an amazing sound. Fuck him.

"No, I didn't Ethan."

"So she does remember my name."

"Wish I didn't. I wish I could forget everything about you." I snap he showed just a little frown, but tried to keep his face neutral but was failing miserably at it. He couldn't keep a poker face then and couldn't keep one now.

I got up after that and took all my shit with me and told Mrs.Cunt I was going to the nurse. I'm not even two steps away from the door before I start feeling my eyes water. I make it to the bathroom surprisingly without him chasing after me. Thank god.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and I saw the girl I had run... well tried to run away from for so long. This girl had puffy eyes from crying and ruined mascara. She was red all over and her hair was out of place. I didn't want to know this girl. I wanted to be strong and cold. I was shaped into the perfect bitch and I had no intention of turning back. Not even for him.