
The Boy Obsessed With Space

Alfred_zion · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Begins to make plans for space.

As time went by 5 years later everything wasn't as they used to be because of they lost Grandpa everyone wore a sad face nothing was really cheerful to them because of the lost.

The boy grew up he is 10 now handsome with a really interesting personality and a nice smile he always tried to make everyone laugh.

On Saturdays they pay tribute to him.

The boy tried some jokes which he basically wasn't good.

He tried and brought back a little happiness to them things began to go back to the way it was Mom resumed at her Salon and Dad Went back to work Grandma join oldies association to help her from being sad.

The kids resumed School the boy was really happy to tell his friends about his plans about going to space and also his teachers.

His teachers encouraged him his friends laughed also while some decoded to give him some helping hands they gathered alot of boxes everyday after school to make a space ship they did this for a long time and finally got enough boxes to make an artificial Space ship.

Now it's time to build it after putting alot work to get together the instruments used to build it they were all happy.

The boy Shaun started building his spaceship took him few days hour's and seconds it was finally done he was happy he had a really nice night.

Whenever he comes back from school he always went inside to play and have fun then a certain night came he forgot to return the Space ship into the garage then a really heavy rain fell and the Space ship was destroyed with no traces.

The next day he woke smiling went to school, getting to school he wanted to day at school to come to an end so he can go home to play, school closed he rushed home leaving his siblings behind getting there he couldn't find the space ship he went to the Garage nothing was there asked everyone they all said they didn't see it.

He got sad and wasn't happy.