
March 15th 2025

You weren't here today and I don't know why. It's killing me I want to see you I miss you but I don't know you. I'm pretty sure the only two things you know about me is my name and my grade maybe not even that. I know your name I know you're great I know your first period because of my friend and don't know what to do. I know where you get lunch I know where you go after school waiting for your bus I know what bus you get on. I sound like a stalker but I'm not I promise I just see you around everywhere and it's hard not to come up and say hi. I'm scared that you don't even want to be friends. The letter that I gave to my friend it tells you my name my grade and a few other things about me and it also says if you want to be friends to come up and say hi to me and if you don't to throw the note away. I'm scared you're going to throw it away I don't want that but I'm scared you will you don't know me so why would you want to be friends. Someone stand to school and I don't know if you would really want to be friends with someone. I know the people you're friends with most of them are really nice even one of them I'm friends with. I hope you're here tomorrow but I guess we'll have to find out and see. We've a nickname for you it's CB which stands for cute boy we couldn't think of anything else so we decided on that. I told two of my other friends that I like you I let them see my book and read it. You haven't been at school for the past 2 days I'm kind of worried. It's probably nothing major I'm probably just crazy fuck. I am crazy for sure I am 100% crazy I'm writing this like your reading this fucking notebook you will never read the notebook. I want to talk to you I want to hear your voice but that might have to wait till tomorrow or maybe Friday or maybe Monday or Tuesday whenever you get back I want to see you I want to talk to you I want to hear your voice please be here tomorrow.