

Jason "Jace" Martinez is a 24-year-old amateur boxer whose dreams of becoming a champion seem perpetually out of reach. Known in Frank's Gym as the perennial loser, Jace is frequently beaten and bruised, the punching bag for more skilled fighters. Despite his unwavering passion for boxing, his body and spirit are nearly broken, until an unexpected opportunity changes everything. After another humiliating defeat in the ring, Jace receives a mysterious message on his phone inviting him to beta test the "Fighter's Edge System," a revolutionary training program that promises to enhance his abilities beyond natural limits. Skeptical but desperate, Jace accepts the offer, and his reality transforms into something out of a video game. The system overlays his vision with a transparent interface displaying his stats, levels, and experience points. As Jace completes training sessions, he earns experience points and levels up, gradually improving his strength, endurance, and agility. For the first time in his life, Jace feels a glimmer of hope and a renewed sense of purpose. As he begins to see tangible progress, Jace faces not only the physical challenges of his rigorous training but also the psychological battles against self-doubt and the skepticism of those around him. With each level he gains, he comes closer to realizing his potential and proving himself to the boxing community.

TTC_Note · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The Underachiever

In the dimly lit basement of Frank's Gym, the rhythmic thuds of fists against heavy bags echoed, mixing with the grunts of exertion and the occasional shout of encouragement. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and the metallic tang of blood—a testament to the brutal nature of the sport. The gym, a sanctuary for aspiring fighters, was alive with energy, except for one corner where a solitary figure was taking punches more than he was giving them.

Jason "Jace" Martinez, a 24-year-old amateur boxer, stood in the ring, his body battered and bruised. His opponent, a hulking brute named Trevor, was relentless, delivering blow after blow. Jace's vision blurred, and he struggled to stay on his feet, his own punches weak and ineffective. He knew the routine all too well; he was the gym's perennial loser, the punching bag everyone practiced on.

"Come on, Jace, keep your guard up!" yelled Coach Harris from ringside, though the frustration in his voice suggested he knew it was a futile command.

Jace tried to comply, but his arms felt like lead. He barely managed to dodge a vicious right hook, only to be caught by an uppercut that sent him sprawling to the mat. The room spun as he lay there, gasping for breath, staring up at the flickering fluorescent lights.

"That's enough!" Coach Harris called out, signaling the end of the session. Trevor stepped back, a look of mild pity on his face.

Jace hauled himself up with the ropes, his body screaming in protest. He avoided the eyes of his fellow gym-goers as he stumbled out of the ring. He knew what they thought of him—pathetic, weak, a waste of time. But boxing was his passion, his dream, and despite the constant losses, he couldn't walk away.

In the locker room, Jace sat heavily on a bench, cradling his aching ribs. He glanced at his reflection in the cracked mirror above the sinks. Dark hair matted with sweat, a swollen lip, and eyes that seemed to always carry the weight of defeat. He sighed, closing his eyes to block out the image.

As he sat there, wallowing in self-pity, his phone buzzed in his bag. Groaning, he reached for it, expecting another bill or an unimportant notification. Instead, he found a message from an unknown number: [Congratulations, Jace! You've been selected to beta test the Fighter's Edge System. Do you accept?]

He stared at the screen, puzzled. "What the hell is this?" he muttered, considering deleting the message. But curiosity got the better of him. He tapped "Accept," and the screen went black for a moment before a new interface appeared, bright and vibrant.

[Welcome to the Fighter's Edge System. Your journey to becoming the number one boxer begins now.]

Before Jace could react, a flood of information overwhelmed him. His vision blurred, and he felt a strange sensation, like an electric current running through his veins. When he could see again, a transparent overlay hovered in his field of vision, displaying various stats and numbers.

[Name: Jason Martinez]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 0/100]

[Strength: 2]

[Endurance: 3]

[Agility: 2]

[Points Available: 0]

Jace blinked, trying to process what he was seeing. "Is this some kind of joke?" he wondered aloud. He tapped at the air where the points were listed, and a new message popped up.

[Complete training sessions and win matches to earn experience points (EXP). Level up to gain stat points and improve your abilities.]

It sounded like something out of a video game, not real life. He shook his head, still skeptical. "Okay, let's say this is real. How do I gain EXP?"

Another message appeared instantly: [Complete a basic training session. Reward: 10 EXP.]

He looked around the empty locker room, half expecting someone to jump out and laugh at him. But he was alone. Taking a deep breath, he decided to play along. "Fine. Let's do this."

Jace went back into the gym, ignoring the curious glances from the others. He approached the speed bag, something he usually struggled with due to his lack of coordination. He began to hit it, slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed. To his amazement, each punch felt more precise, more controlled than ever before.

[Training Complete. EXP earned: 10.]

The notification popped up in his vision, and Jace couldn't help but grin. "Okay, maybe there's something to this," he said, feeling a spark of hope. He went on to complete more exercises—jump rope, shadow boxing, and even a short sparring session with a junior member of the gym.

By the end of the day, Jace was exhausted but exhilarated. His stats now read:

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 50/100]

[Strength: 3]

[Endurance: 4]

[Agility: 3]

[Points Available: 0]

For the first time in a long while, Jace felt a sense of purpose, a glimmer of possibility. He knew the road ahead would be tough, but with the Fighter's Edge System, he might just stand a chance. The next fight was in a week, and he was determined to make it count. Little did he know, this was just the beginning of a journey that would change his life forever.

Hello, this is my first novel that I'm writing. If you have any tips or ideas, please let me know.

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