


I leaned over the sink, raking the bristles of my light blue toothbrush over my teeth. The door was cracked and I could hear Harry softly humming as he played a little tune on the guitar he brought. I bent down and spit out the remaining toothpaste before rinsing my mouth and wiping it with a towel. Harry waltzed in just as I finished and I watched through the mirror as he smiled and pecked my cheek before brushing his own teeth in the sink next to mine.

/"When will you sing to me?/" I asked, hoisting myself up onto the counter as i stared curiously at the tall curly headed boy next to me. Harry spit out his tooth paste and wiped his mouth before taking his usual spot between my knees and placed his large hands on my waist.

/"Are you sure you want to hear that?/" I nodded furiously.