
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · ファンタジー
24 Chs

(3) Third objective, The hunted Hunters - phase 1.3

Outer area of Willow's Creep

2 hours, 54 mins left

I can make it. My stamina is full-tank.

Good thing i increased my stamina and muscle considerably, eventhough my speed at average.

Combined with my method, i should reach the exit in 7mins. The next time i adjust my stats, i'll take empowerment magic for sure.

Alright, there the exit!

BWOOSH!! *Rustle*

Yuki dash out from the top of a tree.

Fuuh..finally i'm out.

By this pace i can arrive at the guild early.

Off we go!


From afar, a guard looking at something moving so fast. When it's in his sight, he realizes it's the adventurer who helped them defeating the Dimoole before.

"Ooh! Heeeii mister! Did you finish your quest in the forest?"

The guard's excited to see their savior upclose. But, it's not the case for Yuki.

"Sorry, mister! I have an urgent business, excuse me!" Yuki greets the guards while passingby.


Even with relatively slower movement

than his speed in the forest, the wind still strong enough to blow their hat.


"Why is he in hurry?"

The guards ask each other while holding their hat.

"Don't know, perhaps he's busy saving other civilians."

"I hope he doesn't bump others."

Yuki still maintains his speed till he sees crowds near the guild. He turns his speed down to the stage when he used for delivering orders. Fast, stable, and silent.




"What is that?"

In a blink, he slips through the crowd. And that's how Yuki arrives at the first floor receptionist before most of the C-rankers that came earlier.

Time left: 2 hours, 22 minutes.

"I want to report my quests. And if you doubt something, please call Miss Emily for me."

"W-whaa? You, mister..Yuki?"

It begins another rumor in the guild.


At first Miss Vena doubt herself about Yuki's completion even after going to the valuation room. It's because some materials is rare and difficult to be found despite the quest level.

Besides other low-rank quests commonly need much time to be cleared. Since it comes to this, she follows Yuki's advice. She wonders if Yuki already expects this to be occured.

After Miss Emily comes, the problem's settled and Yuki completion is processed. For Cooperating quests, all of the clients actually gave their own statement through other staff that later Miss Vena get from.

Albeit it's unbelievable feat, all of the proofs, including Yuki's report, show the credibility of new prodigy.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work smoothly.

While Yuki almost finishes the procedures, some thug adventurers tackle in their way.

"Move, you loser!!"

"Move! We don't have time for weaklings!"

"Hey, move aside. That's Terror arms group."

"Woah! That savage party?!"

"It's bad idea to get involved with them."

"Even our senior B-ranker avoid any trouble with them."

"You already know me, weakling. Then get outta way! I have more important business than you maggots!"

*Whisper whisper*

"That's Noir! The leader! Better get outta here."

"Ugh i guess i'll report later, too."

"Come on, we head to the bar first."

"Can't be better, dude."

*Whisper whisper*

"Ugh, those beginners make uproar again."

"Haaa..they always like that, right?"

"Hey we better goin to the shop than waiting those troublemakers."

"Right, right..."

So his name is Noir, the man feared as the Terror Arms. That's what i hear though from some adventurers around.

Some are afraid of him and others seems annoyed, both cases still avoid him.

Meanwhile the guild girl looks troubled because of this occurence. To me this Terror arms only seems as thug with goat tattoo on his right shoulder and lion on another.

My Appraisal ability triggered by my curiosity against this thug:

Noir (Human)

Height: 185

Weight: 93

Fighter lv.25

Title: Terror Arms

Class: Civilian

Rank in Guild: C

Guild: Brandish Blade

Hmm it's not that tough? If Miss Emily said the truth, he should be weaker than me. Since the guild acknowledge me as


It's better to finish my report quickly than involved with this annoyance.

"Hey brat, you're in the way! Move out!"

"Yeaaahh! We have more important business here!"

Sigh, Why can they wait?

It's only a few more seconds.

"Are you deaf, shorty?" (Noir)

It's only a bit gap in our height, though.

He seems blabbering something.

I ignore him and continue with my quest report.

"Hoo what arrogant brat here!" seems like he shows his lion tattoo as bluffing. Better ignore him, it's just annoying to respond to him.

"Dammit you, Mongrel!"

"Stop your pitiful ignorance!"

There is a surge come from him.


He tries to punch me in the head.

It's easy to avoid his simple punch since my Presence detection already at level 8 and my agility already quite high for beginner.


In instant i counter him by grabbing his neck and hold his fist.


That's the only sounds come from his throat.

"H-hey look at that!"

"What the..is that C rank?! How the beginner grab the bully like that??"

"Seriously?! you know right, that C-ranker is the strongest barehand fighter in lower group!"

"I know! ever heard that fellow killed some C rank monster by himself barehand?"

"I even heard his strength alone equal to some B rank! After all Middle group avoid troubles with him, you know!"

On the other side of veterans.

"Hmph! impolite brat, huh."

"What are you talking? that bastard who start, right?"

"Heh, interesting newbie!"

"Yeah. Geez..we got many troubemakers this year."

With those lines, i already grasp the groups within the guild, who is low group and upper.

i'm wondering the power standard in this world that reflected in spectators comment.

While still grabbing this moron neck, i'm letting out my thought. it's not my business for now how weak this world though.

"Please just get out from my sight."

and then i throw him out the door.


Oooppss, seems like i overuse my strength while throwing him.

"Don't think you'll survive in the wilds, kid!!" said his Hunter friend while helping that Noir to stand with his Gladiator friend.

And then they left just like common villains.

i instantly ignore them and continue my report.

"So how's my current rank?"

"We-well i'll try consulting with Madam Emily later, but...are you alright with this accident just now, sir? i-i mean you pick a fight with C rank adventurer in your second day, no less the strongest in his rank.."

Her eyes looks troubled and worry over my behaviour. I expect no less from professionals.

"No worries, he only get scratches and no trauma i assure you" (Yuzuki)

"But i worry about you, sir (sigh). His team is famous for their mischief and violence against newbies, mainly the resisting ones!" (Vena)

"Thanks, so can i get the reward?"

"A-ah okay wait a moment please.."

She is a bit clumsy but seems know well about the the docs and procedures. I am only waiting for one minute exactly. Her professionalism really worth applause.

"Here's your reward for completing 21 quests today, the total is 10 golds and 70 silvers. For the rankup, Madam Emily said tomorrow you can come to Madam directly. Anything else you need, Mr. Yuki?"

"Thanks alot for your guidance, Miss Vena."

"My pleasure, sir."

She smiles while reply my gratitude.

Now i finished my work and got my reward, i should go to the smith shop.

I still have 1 hour and 18 minutes before six eve. I wonder the smith shop still open,

at least i'll try looking around this city.


This city is a border city, but it's lively ironically. There are so many resources from monsters and nature in market.

So many kind of adventurers and merchants. Actually It's a bit shocked there is some kind of cafe where adventurers and other people rest easy after working a whole day.

I visit the DaDa smithing shop that recomended by Mrs. Rinne.

Hmm it's said open from 8 morn till 5 eve.

It's near to closing time, huh.

"Come on in, youngster! What d'you need?"

As i see, that's Beastmen as in Aerium knowledge. From his looks, he similar to Bear tribe.

"Is the shop still open?"

"It's almost closing time, but it's okay.

you may look around."

"Sorry for intrusion."

"No prob, kid. There's not many customers anyway. So what's your usual weapon?"

"Sword as common, but i just wanna check the material quality around here."

"Hoo do you have smithing experience, kid?"

"A bit but i had appraised many materials back at my hometown."

"Hmm, what dyou think with that sword?"

"Hmmmm...The sword, i'm certain it's made of steel. But it seems stronger than normal steel. I wonder how high the smithing skill."

Indeed, the density and sharpness quite similar to higher metal in my world.

"Hoho i underestimate your eyes, kid."

"Are you who made them, old man?"

"True, it's long enough to reach this level of mine."

"Old man, can i have smithing request?"

"Oi oi i'm not that old, but i'm interested with your request. What do you have?"

"1 Lizardmen skin, 2 Fury devils fur, 1 Bladegator scale."

"Bahaha we got promising newbie here. Consider it done in 2 days, the fee is 1 gold for all. I'm giving you discount here, but i'll expect your interesting story soon. How about that?"

"Hmm~ you're too generous here, old man. I won't let you down."

"Nah, i can see you're different than arrogant weaklings around. They got their mouth, not skill."

While we converse leisurely, there are two adventurers going to come in.

"Hey isn't that the newbie who throw Terror arms?"

"Really?! You sure not imagine things right?"

"Hey, damn! you can ask around in the guild! Everyone include the high rank watch it!"

"Damn, we got problem newbie now. i can't buy anything now. you go there and buy for me instead."

"You go!! how can i near that monster!"

"Ssst! put down your voice!"

The smith owner just look at me absently. and start to ask slowly

"is it really true..?"

"What part, uncle?"

"Since when i change to your uncle?! ofcourse the rumor they said!"

"I can't really confirm who's terror arms, but.."


"i indeed throw some thug called like that."


And he falls on his feet. Surprised but

i see hesitation and a bit of fear.

"I guees i'm already old now. Deceived by looks, but...No way you're bad egg, right."

"Hmm..thanks, old man. Just to clarify,

i don't fancy anyone expectation."


"You can judge me any egg you want, and i do any judgement of mine." and i smile a bit to him.

"Right! i agree with you, kid. To move forward we need that often. Sorry for blabbering weird things."

"By the way, i'm sorry to make your precious customers go away."

"Haha no worry! They're just bunch of chatters. I prefer talking with you now."

"So what the deal with those thugs?

i assessed them not too strong."

"Careful, kid..They have many connections and Their abilities can't be ignored, either."


"Those three have quite skill in their own field, when combined they can even corner any Experienced B-rank member."

i don't have any more words. This world standard is quite low indeed.

"So how far they're bad that enough make them known?"

"They did a lot of bullying the newbies. You can't even call that bullying anymore. Killing, plundering, stealing, oppressing, even raping. You can mention almost every crimes."

"Is it the noble backing him up?"

"You're smart, boy. Yes, that's why the guild never able to prove their guilty. The guards didn't make a move even if they do the crimes in front of them."

That's terrible, for my plan.

"How about the high ranker? They should know already, right?"

"Rumor said, the high ranker busy with the disasters around while some of them afraid losing their work. Some others even work together with that thugs behind the scene."

Hmmm i think i'll consult with Mrs. Rinne about it.

"Many customers said that the weapons they bought from here always got stolen. Since then i have fewer customers from time to time."

Ofcourse they know the quality of

the weapons.

"Even my daughter.."

..... (Yuki)

"Went missing, after i give her my masterpiece...if only i gave her average equipments.."

........ (Yuki)

"What i wish only her safety, but in fact it's the opposite...because of my weapon, because of..me..."

"Old man..."

"W-what is it?.."

"You're too old for crying like a baby.."

Yuki shows his annoyed face.

"What the?!! Booy!! In this situation you should support and cheer me up wouldn't ya?!"

"I said it before, i won't fancy anyone thought."

"Hmph! At least show some condolences!"

"Do you need it?"


Or do you need revenge?"


"Since i heard your story, i can't ignore this thought aside, old man."

"Keh..are you even listening just now?

There were already many people like you, tried to take revenge. And what? Their fate ended in grave or prison."

"Do you even listen to me, old man?"


"Do you need pity or payback?"


Flamerose Inn,

05.53 at evening

*Cling cling cling*

"I'm back~"

"Oh you're early, boy~" (Rinne)

"I clear the quests faster than expected."

"Those many quests..?!"


"Sigh...you take it as normal feat again, boy."

The dinner hall is already full of customers. Some of them are the adventurers i saw back then when the thugs annoyed me.

"What's the matter, boy? Did you cause anymore troubles?" (Rinne)

"Nope, it's just i've seen them in the guild.

By the way, why you asked me to return before seven, ma'am?"

"You'll see by yourselves, just wait few more minutes boy."

Mrs. Rinne brings me a juice while ask me to wait.

"Anyway, why do you ask that? To begin with, do you even have other plans?"

"Initially i want strolling around the city at night, ma'am."

"Geez, there's no interesting view for good boy like you, you know."


"Why do you look at me like that?

It's true, the city night time is only full of entertainment for pervert adults. You better already go to your room after 8 night."

"Hoo is that so? I thought there will be any unique culinary spots. Thank you for your information, ma'am."

She saves my precious time that could be wasted.

"No prob, just be careful with your curiosity. Ah! Here they come."

As she says that, i turn my head following her direction.

"Attention pleeeaasee~ Ladies and gentlemen."

"W-what is it?"

"Is there some performances today?"

"Heeyy don't bother me!

I already had bad daay!!"

"Wait! Isn't she Seilyn's Dawgian party?"

"Y-you're right, Dawgian party themselves."

"And that's..Manna, right?"

'What is it? that is Dawgian party?

And Manna?' Thought Yuki.


"Where have you been todaay?!!"

"I've come only to see you, Mannaa!"

"Hahaha..as popular as always our little missy."

"Feels like her own father, huh?"

"Ofcourse we are."


They are the comments from customers, which most of them are adventurers.

"All of you, thank you for always coming here for your meal."

Suddenly the always noisy adventurers become silent and listen to the speech.

"While listen to our announcement, please enjoy your time here. Tonight we will celebrate a welcoming party to our talented newbie."

*Whisper whisper*

"Who's the newbie?"

"There are a lot of newbies lately,

and some of them are promising, you know."

"I quetions myself."

"Some of you may know already the individual we're talking about. He has just registered sometimes ago, yet already accomplished many things and became the

center of rumors at some places in this city!"

What rumors really? Why am i invited?

Couldn't be possibly...(Yuki)

*Whisper whisper*

"Oh, i guess that newbie."

"Which one?"

"You know, the one that got attention from Madam Emily."

"Oh you mean that newbie."

"I guess It makes sense."

'me..? Or not?' (Yuki)

"To celebrate his feats, tonight we'll have a party and all of you are welcomed! But before that, let's hear a heartfelt congratulation from Flamerose representative, our lovely little miss, Manna!"

"Kyaaah, Mannaaa you're so cuute tonight!"

"Uwoooh Miss Angel, please look at me!!"

"U-umm..hello..sorry for..bothering your dinner..customers. B-but, mom sa-said we should celebrate th-this way. So p-please pardon me..."







Suddenly all of them outburst with laughs, be it adventurers, merchants, travelers, old customers, new customers.

Mrs. Rinne herself do the facepalm.

And on the other hand, Manna flinch at the moment they laugh so hard.

From afar she's seen acting nervous and making gesture to Seilyn whether she made a mistake.

"U-uhmm..can i continue..?"

And then they freeze the moment they hear Manna's request.

"Right now, i'm going to tell my new sibling, my brother....how glad i am..and my mom to have...him here. For me...."

"........." They patiently wait Manna.

"It's like i have new family...

Thanks to him..i can go outside with less caution from mom..."

Suddenly most of adult customers look at the mother.


And Mrs. Rinne stare to them back piercely.

The customers turn back their gaze to Manna.

"I'm glad i can enjoy walking around the city without being nervous.

I'm glad i know how it feels having big brother.

I'm glad i have someone i can give my cook. I am..."


"....in short, these few days i'm glad i have you here..brother Yuki. Congratulation to become B-rank, brother and welcome home." She ends her speech with teary eyes and bright lovely wide smile.




"T-that's the truth?!!"

"That's shocking!!"

In that moment, all of them are shocked by the facts little missy said. Whichever facts.

"That newbie is the new brother of Manna?!"

"So Manna cooks herself for his meal?"

"He's really B-ranker, huh."

"That's how it is."

I'm sure they know Manna meant no ill-will to them, after all Manna always tries her best to serve them.

"I thought Dawgian is whom she meant."

"I thought it's myself."

"Keep dreaming, oldman. You're even longer in the guild than me."

"The most shocking is she still being nervous around us, huh."

"You're right. It's a bit disappointing."

"I'm jealous like hell."

But still, some can't hold their thought.

Are they going to change their attitude to Manna?

Manna seems down and feeling guilty.

But then someone break the ice.

"I guess i should try my best protecting this city then, so Manna feels safe all the time~"

"Heh, you steal my words, oldman."

"I'll protect you, Manna! Leave it to me!"

"No, i will! So please look after me, Miss angel!"

"No! Please rely on me, lil sis! I can be your brother, too!"

"Stupid, don't scare her! Come here Manna, you can embrace this big sister."

"Come to my store! I'll show you good stuff!"

"No, my shop! I'll give you rare goods!"

"I'll give you discount!"

"I'll give you bonus!"

"I can let you pet my breed."

"Let's play in our farm."

"You can taste our new bread~"

"I don't have anything, but i will lessen my amounts of drink. So don't be scared, lil miss."

"I'll lower my voice while drinking, perhaps my laughs too~"

"Hahaha the latter is impossible for us!"

"I guess you're right!"


'It's a waste to worry about

these fools after all. Since the start,

you already have a big family, Manna.'

From afar Manna become more brightly than usual.

"Then let's start the party!!"

"We already start!!"


Another fools' night with echoing laughters in neighborhood.

After the dinner is calmed down, i come to Mrs. Rinne to discuss about the thugs.

"What is it, boy? Your face still hardened despite the party we worked on."

"There's a favor i need to ask."

"Ooh, albeit you've stayed just for a brief, but it's rare you request something."

I only gaze at her eyes with serious determination.

"Alright, but loosened up boy or

i won't listen."

"Sorry, ma'am.." *fuuuuhh..*

"So what is it?"

"I want to know about the C-ranker group, Terror arms."

"Hm? Who ar-"

"T-terror arms, you say?!"

Dawgian cuts Mrs. Rinne answer.

The party is finished, other customers already left. It's only us and Dawgian party still stay here.

"Brat, d you know them?"

Asked Mrs. Rinne while upsetting.

"Eh..sorry Madam...it just shocks me that Yuki would interest about their group."

"Haha it's alright leader. Let me tell madam. They are wicked groups of C-ranker, madam. But, their influence almost same as A-rank group." assisted Ranngarf

"Haaa just low rank amateurs, huh.

What's so troublesome about them?"


"They're known as newbie-hunter, ma'am. Lots of promising newbies who will advance to high rank in short time is dead, tortured, or forced to quit by them."

explained Dawgian

"Hmm..what's the guards doin?

Even the guild?" (Rinne)

"They have backups from high noble, ma'am. Even some of high-ranker such

A or S-ranker support them." (Myrian)

"Who're the high nobles?"

Mrs. Rinne easy-going gesture change to murderous aura.

"Mayor of this city, and Baron of Civice. Please don't let them know that we tell you this, madam."

Seilyn begs her with trembling.

"You know madam, we can be forced to get out from their territories." Myrian tells the reason they're scared of.

"That Baron huh and that kid Mayor?"

"Kid?!" Dawgian's party is shocked hearing the facts that Mayor called kid by Mrs. Rinne despite his age similar to hers.

"Yeah, i know that kid since i'm still active as A-ranker. And that shitty Baron, it's old story i don't wanna remember. In short that Baron is shitty and envy of me."

"W-wow..the reality is stranger than fairytales, huh." (Ranngarf)

"So what do you want with them, kid?"

Asked Mrs. Rinne to Yuki.

"I'll state this bluntly, i'll erase them."

All of them are silent with Yuki decision. Fortunately Manna is still in the kitchen.

"Myrian, Seilyn. Please look after

Manna a while."

"Madam?" (Myrian)

"Certainly, madam. Come on Myrian, we don't want our lil sister lonely back there right?" (Seilyn)

"Al-aalright if you say so." (Myrian)

After awhile they both go accompanying Manna, Mrs. Rinne continues our discussion.

"What's the reason you take the risk?"

"They troubles alot of people already, including my recently favorite store. You can say it's for my selfish benefit."

"What's store?"

"Your recommendation, Ma'am.

DaDa smithing store."

".....i see...if that's the case, i can't say it's a bad deeds. They got real impact from that thugs i heard."

"Are you sure you can say that before us, madam?" (Ranngarf)

"What? You lot their accomplices? Huh?!"


"N-nope madam! What did you say, Ranngarf?!" (Dawgian)

"Easy, leader. I don't mean anything, madam. It's just, are you sure you support to kill fella adventurers? I know though the reason is just, still..."

"That's why i asked Yuki what he'll do.

Your group can excuse yourself now and forget all of it. For me, I'll give you my support boy, even if it's only from the shadow."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Eeerr...what are we supposed to do, Ranngarf? I'm not good in this situation."

"You're the leader, boy. And we never said not helping them."

"So?" (Mrs. Rinne)

"Alright, huuuhh...actually i want to help Yuki too, especially it's about Terror arms.

I have my own selfish reason with them."

They listen patiently

"Since Ranngarf trust my judgement then..

Yuki, please count us in this plan, too. And Ranngarf, please lend me your strength. I'll ask the same thing to Myrian and Seilyn."

Ranngarf just smirks.

"Good, it's decided. Then what's on your mind, boy?" (Mrs. Rinne)

"It's simple, i only need information of them, and their hunting schedule. The faster, the better."

"What are you goin-" (Ranngarf)

"Accident in forest, right?" (Rinne)

"Huh?!" (Dawgian and Ranngarf)

"You understand me too well, ma'am."

"Can't be...but, it's too reckless to fight them alone! Furthermore you need to watch out the surrounding monsters!"


"Do it discreetly. Don't let any witness escape, boy." (Rinne)

"Thank you for your trust, ma'am."

"Are you sure, ma'am?" (Dawgian)

"Didn't you watch Yuki's talent by your own eyes?"

"Ahahaha....yeah, i forgot about that.."


"So what do you exactly need of us, boy?" (Ranngarf)

"As i said i need their schedule, do you have any news? Or can you look that up around your acquaintances?"

"Hoh if that's all we do, it's a piece of pie."


"But please do it without arise any suspicions, we must obtain it as natural as possible."

"Ofcourse." (Ranngarf)

"Ma'am, please hear any rumors about them, especially about their corrupt connection. And please suppress any suspicion on us. Please do it naturally, too."

"Heh It's my routine, kid." (Rinne)

"The rest of plan, just leave it to me."


Next Morning

Southern area of Willow's Creep

I didn't expect it to be this fast, this morning i got a message from Myrian that recently the thugs group tried to clear Lizardmen quest in southern area of Willow's Creep.

It only takes an hour to get that detailed information. I guess i can rely on them in the future.

Now i'm back in Willow's Creep, where my first arrival in Aerium. Since i took quite long time in exploring this forest, i have memorized the majority terrain in here.

Right now i'm not going to hunt monsters, but hunting the hunters themselves.

It only take 5 minutes to reach the Lizardmen nest, thanks to my lvl 8 Presence detection and my agility. And it turns out the rumor is true, they are hunting right now.

Right now i'm stalking them like hunter waiting a prey for opportunity.

Though my lvl 3 Stealth is activated, i doubt it's effective against them. That's why i use my original magic to amplify my concealment.

Seems like they're already exhausted.

It's the right time to ambush.

Wind creation magic: Lance form.

They're still unaware of me, now i take aim to the hunter whose attack range is the longest in their group.



Throwing tech: Straight blow.


*The lance penetrated through the wind*

With my strength and the wind property, its power and speed accelerate in a stage they don't aware.


It breaks the hunter whole body and he become skewer instantly.

The fighter and the gladiator still attack the enemies for a moment, while they scream for the hunter's assist.

"Damn, they're everywhere! How the hell they surround us?!" (Dage, Gladiator)

"I got nothing about their brain like this.

We better retreat! Ruan, cover us!" (Noir)


"Why you sil-?!"

"Wha-what?! H-how?.."

They're stoned as look at their friend.

But, their sense back after get hit by the monsters.

"Gaaa!!" The Lizardmen start to attack those stoned thugs.

"Uugh! damn no time to stop here, let's escape now! Dage!"

"Alright! I'll assist you open the path!"

Kehehe..their spirit start to fall apart.

Soon it's time to join the fun.


"Finally we lost them. What happened? Dage, how we got worst luck today?"

"Dunno man! and how Ruan killed? Don't you have presence detection?"

"Don't blame me, dude! Last time i got nothing, How about you, huh?! You too have magic detection, right?!"

"Nothing on my detection, too. That's why i ask you! And your detection higher than me."

"Stop there, it's best if we fall back right now."

"Indeed. But, What happened with Ruan till like that? No magic or weapon trace on him."

"We can investigate it later, or even ask City guards. Let's treat our wounds and back. You have any potions? I spent them all."

"Sigh, You owe me one, helpless fool. I give you on the-.."

"What now?"

They see me when i appear on their front.

Slowly i move closer to them prepared to kill without bloodlust.

"Heh! We have no time to deal with chump like you!"

"We have bad luck today, scram pimpsqueak!"

"You deserve it."

In a second i use my swift swing.

Since my stat is 500 in Muscle and 300 in Speed, this swing unleashes a fast blow that their perception can't keep up.


The gladiator suddenly stoned as he looks at his Cut-off limb.

"Gaaaaahhh!!" (Gladiator)

"You!! Have death wish, huh?!" (Noir)

"This worst luck of yours

suit bastards like you."

"Gahh..you're..the one killed Ruan, huh?"


"Hmph, you're so slow old man."

"Gaaaah!! You get on my nerve!! Newbiiie!!"

The fighter use his Multifist with his explosive muscle. but it's still slow to my perception.

I counter with basic fist to knock him back.

"Patient, old fool. You'll be the last one."

"Geehh!!" He can only cry like that as he falls down.

"Don't you dare look away from me, brat!"

The gladiator use Swift swing on the low. Even with my low Flexibility, My reflex and muscle can avoid his attack.


I slash the gladiator body with the same swift swing that chop his left arm.

"Keehh.." Silent took place as his upper body tossed away from his lower body.

"Now it's you, old man." (Yuzuki)

"Yooouu!!! You want death huh?! I already have killed so many arrogant newbies like you! Ignorant justice without ability! Foolish dreamer!! How dare you insects challenge against the great me!!"

Berserk Empowerment!

The arcana around the forest swirling around the fighter. It's concentrated to empower him, but looks like he's on the verge of insanity. Is it anomaly perhaps?

"Gaaah!! No one can defy me!!"

He dash to me with sonic speed. Since his speed low, The speed still looked slow.

"Hmph. still slow."

I evade him with a step. and kick him with 0.1 sec delay. I put all my strength and speed to my kick.


He's flying high after take my hit. My feet felt that all his bones broken, i guess there's still recidual impact even after absorbed by his body.


he fall to the ground after

flying 10m high in the air.

"Geehh..is it..real?"

"I..lose to some beginner?!"

"It's decided, old man. If we show our stats, you'll know you never had a chance."

I immediately show my stats to him. It's common in this world to show our info to others with our consent.

"Wha?! How could you possibly reach that stat?!"

I answer him with murderer eyes looking at him.

"What are you?! Daaammn..what have i done huh?!"

"Do you forget about the victims?"


"How about the little beastmen girl?

she's the daughter of the city's smith."


"...so you do remember."

"Indeed, the stupid innocence! How could i forget? i owe her for weapon made by her daddy, unfortunately she has the beast body that i disg-!!"


"Thanks for your confession."

i say that while chop his right leg.

"I'll tell my noble friend in town! if you spare me you'll get promotion for sure, otherwise i'll make you never able to get in even any village!! So what your choice upright man of justice?! gahaha-!!"

"As you said, i'm just bumpkin of village."

While continue chopping his left leg.

"You'll regret it!! you-" (blablabla)

"Relax, old man. you'll see your wish from underworld. Oh but for now, you won't die soon, relax~" I grin while prepare my sword stance.

"Wh-what are you?! Don't!! You'll pay!! Cuuurrse-!!"

Bwoosh!! bwooosshh!!

I chop his both arms then break his armor.

And collect their weapons, dunno if there're stolen weapons.

"Daaamn!!! Curse you bastaaard!! You little shiit!! i won't die!! i'll report you the mayor of Spawnhall!! I'll report you to the Baron of Civice!! You'll never rest in your liiifee!!"



"You won't die now,

i have not allowed you to die yet."


I kick him on the gut with a bit force but enough make him tossed around.

"Gaaahh!!" He cough blood, now all over his body there is his blood.

Now i trample his chopped legs


Next his arms, then again his gut.

Next his chest, then again his legs.

Again, again, again till he tired screaming.

"Pl-pleeeaassee..i beg yo..yoouu. i confess all my sins. i...i will chaange..pleeaasee..stoop.."

"You should do that from the start."

His groan and curse completely change to begging.

"Then I'll take my leave, old man."

"W-what?! Hei save mee! you'll save me right?!"

"Hmm? You only ask to stop, right?"

"But..it's common sense! no need to ask the obvi-!! gyaaah!"

"Looks like you won't change as you said." as i kick him again on his gut.

"Pl-pleeaase!! gaaahh!! i beg- gaaahh!! i just want liivee in p-peaacee, gyaaah!!"

"You still have lot energy, don't you?"

I repeat his 'lesson' as he continues groaning.

This time not even 5 minutes, he already collapse not in the right mind while crying and repeat a sentence like a baby.

"forgiiivvee meee..i made mistakes..forgiiivee mee..i reflect my siins..pleeeaasee.."

As i look at him unconciousness, i leave along with my magic barrier that repel the surrounding monsters. Left him alone without any protections.

I dash out to the exit of Willow's Creep,

after 10 mins i got away from the fighter spot i hear the monsters roar and the agony scream.


Finally i get out of the forest and back to Spawnhall. It's evening already, but still i visit the smith shop.

"Sorry we're closed now..hm?"

"Evening, old man."

"What do you need this late? i need a break too, boy."

"Sorry, i just want to clarify things with your ability."

I put the thug's weapons on the table.

"What ability you mean..?! th-that's!! my daug-!! where you get this things?!"

"Ofcourse, from the current holder, you know what it means, right?"

"You..but..it's too risky! you'll be in trouble, boy!!"

"Easy, old man. it's safe, you'll hear rumour tomorrow for sure."

He drops his knees while brace the daughter weapon.

"Th-thank you, such blessing..thank you, god....i can't thank you enough, boy..."

"oh by the way i forgot to ask something, oldman."

"W-what is it? You don't like watching me crying again?"

"That's the one-"


"But, what the heck with the store name?"

"Oh...it reflected my happiness and my pray back then"

"What is it?"

"DaDa...Daddy and Daughter's Happy store. Back then i hope we both can always live side by side each other. Though i should change it now for not making worry my daughter there."

This warm atmosphere is continued awhile.

His spite, guilty, despair are now lifted.

It's worth of my choice.

"Alright, i've decided..i will assist you with all of my abilities, boy!!"

"That's what i need."

"Heh you've planned this, boy.

Leave it to me anything you need."

"Then i'll count on you when i need some connection."

"What dya mean by that huh?"

"Supplies, Distribution route, back rumor, black market secrets, customers info, and other things like that."

"Gahaha you sure have strange request."

"Ofcourse i won't involve you in any troubles."

"Nah, it's fine. it's more like my atonement to my daughter. i need to save her saviour at least."

Immediately i grab his shoulder, prepare to unleash my grip's strength.

"huh..?" he reacts confused.

"OLD MAN, i hate to repeat myself.

I don't need your pity."

"o-okay, calm a second. b-boy...now my shoulder..it's in trouble..serious trouble..."


The shop in that evening filled by a creepy groan of an old man.

- Third objective,

The hunted Hunters: cleared! -