
Round 1

Nora and Anna patiently waited atop the tranquil hill, surrounded by a lush forest that enveloped them with its vibrant foliage. 

From their vantage point, they gazed upon the majestic castle in the distance, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ethan should he emerge.

Nora, seeking solace against the rough bark of a towering tree, finally broke the silence, her voice filled with curiosity. "Sis, can I ask you something?" She delicately proposed.

Anna, her unwavering gaze fixated upon the castle's grandeur, turned her attention towards Nora. "Of course, What is it?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

A wistful smile danced upon Nora's lips as she extended her arm, revealing a mysterious marking that had materialized upon her fair skin earlier that morning. 

"You see, this appeared on my arm today," Nora revealed, her head slightly tilted, allowing Anna to inspect the crimson tattoo.