
The Blue Wolf

What if? What if events before Robert's Rebellion and the end of the Targaryen line occurred differently? What if Lyanna Stark did have some feelings for Robert and it led to them laying together before she met Rhaegar? What if she was pregnant when they went to the Tower of Joy in Dorne? These small changes have large repercussions. The Blue Wolf is born and he will Howl with Fury. patreon.com/Choejhulkp9writingendeavor. Please support if you can.

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The Blue Wolf is Born - Part 1

Hey everyone, here is my first Game of Thrones stand-alone story featuring an OC character in the canon. It was a story I thought about after reading a few similar stories and thinking about some of the events that happen before the show. A little twist on the Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire mythos by changing up events a bit. In this story, the tourney of Harrenhal occurred in 278 AC, moving all the events of the Rebellion up two years and making the war an extra year longer. Robert was betrothed to Lyanna Stark and she had a tiny bit of affection for him and were betrothed earlier in 277 AC. You can basically think of this as a slight alternate universe. Enjoy!

278 AC: Harrenhal

The Tourney at Harrenhal was in full swing as Lords from all over the 7 Kingdoms had come for fame and fortune. One of them was Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End who was drinking with his friend Eddard Ned Stark before the melee competition. He slammed down another ale as Eddard tried to stop him.

"Easy, Robert. You're going to get yourself killed if you keep drinking." Eddard said.

"Bah, Ned! I fight better when I drink!" Robert boasted, causing Ned to sigh.

"Like that helps when we trained with Lord Arryn." Ned joked. Robert reached for another glass when Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister took it from him.

"You keep drinking like that I'll have to take your place, Stag." Lyanna joked causing Ned to chuckle and Robert to look at her.

"You know father would never let that happen." Ned told her.

"Ha, don't worry, Lyanna. I'll be fine." Robert told her but Lyanna finished his ale.

"We'll see." She bid them farewell, heading back to her father.

"Ah, no better sight than watching a woman walk away." Robert said smiling at his beloved, whom he had slept with a fortnight ago.

"If it's you they're walking away for good reason." Ned joked. Robert let out a hardy laugh before slinging his arm over Ned's shoulder.

"Ha, good one, Ned. Come on, help me get ready!" Robert pulled him away to help get his armor on.

Robert took part in the melee competition and managed to defeat many before he was defeated by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Suffice it to say that it pissed him off, but he calmed down. There were other events including the horse race, the tourney of singers, the archery, axe-throwing contest and eventually the joust where Prince Rhaegar won. Robert was standing next to Ned as they saw Prince Rhaegar take his victory lap and held the crown of winter roses that he would give to his Queen of Love and Beauty. Ned expected it to be his wife, Elia of House Martell but was surprised to see it was Lyanna. Lyanna accepted it, of course, being smart enough to take favor from the Prince but Ned could have sworn he saw a legitimate smile and look between Lyanna and Rhaegar.

"Ha, that's right. My Lyanna is the Queen of Love and Beauty. Giving my love that title is what she deserves." Robert boasted, making people think that Prince Rhaegar only gave Lyanna her due, but Ned saw the look of anger in Robert's eyes.

"This can't be good.' Ned thought to himself. 'Let's just hope Robert doesn't do something stupid. Old Gods hear my prayer.'

Year 281 AC: Tower of Joy, Dorne

So much has happened in the last two years. The 7 Kingdoms had erupted into civil war that resulted in the end of the Targaryen Dynasty ruling the realm. Most people will remember the start of the war when Rhaegar Targaryen stole Lyanna Stark and rode south. Brandon and Rickard Stark marched to King's Landing and asked Lyanna to be turned over and Rhaegar to face justice for his crimes which ended with The Mad King murdering them. When the Mad King asked for Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon's heads, that led to House Stark, Baratheon and Arryn revolting against the Mad King for this awful act. This resulted in Robert's Rebellion which was also known as the War of the Usurper and after nearly two years of fighting, Prince Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon on the Trident. Then came of the Sack of King's Landing where the Mad King was killed by Jaime Lannister while Gregor Clegane and Armory Lorch killed Princess Elia Martell and her children.

Robert supported this action while Eddard was horrified, which caused a rift between the friends. Robert was named King of the 7 Kingdoms with the Mad King and Rhaegar dead, and Jaime Lannister was pardoned for his actions by Robert. Eddard Stark left with Howland Redd and his best men to the Tower of Joy in Dorne to rescue his sister and lift the Siege of Storm's End. With his brother free, Robert had Stannis ready to lay siege to Dragonstone and take down the last Targaryen loyalists.

Robert remained in Kings Landing as the new King to govern the kingdoms. Old enemies began to bend the knee and he dealt with them. Eddard 'Ned' Stark rode to the Tower of Joy, hellbent on bringing his sister home. At the Tower, there were only two maidens and two Kings Guard members of Prince Rhaegar Ser Gerald Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne who were commanded to stay there on guard.

Gerald and Arthur were sharpening their swords as they saw the group of horses riding to them. They grabbed their helmets, buckled their armor, and walked in front of the tower to meet Eddard Stark and his party. Ser Arthur stabbed his great sword, Dawn, in the ground and stood beside Ser Gerald before Eddard and his group.

"Lord Stark." Ser Arthur greeted him.

"I looked for you on the Trident." Eddard said.

"We were not there." Arthur replied.

"Woe to the usurper if we had been." Gerald added.

"When King's Landing fell, I found your brother Jaime Lannister, had slain your king with a golden sword. I wondered where you were." Eddard told them.

"Far away. Or else Aeyrs would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells." Gerald replied.

"We came down on Storm's End to lift the siege, and the Tyrells and Redwynes dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty."

"Our knees do not bend so easily." Arthur told him.

"Ser Willam Dary fled to Dragonstone, to your queen and Prince Viserys." Eddard said.

"Ser Willam is a good man and true." Arthur praised.

"But not of the Kingsguard. Why weren't you there to protect your Queen? Or at the Trident to protect your prince?" Eddard wondered.

"Our prince wanted us here." Arthur said as Eddard looked up at the tower. "The Kings Guard swore a vow. We do not flee."

Eddard was done with the pleasantries. He was here for a reason. "Where's my sister?"

"I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come." Arthur said, putting on his helmet. "And now it begins."

Ser Arthur and Ser Gerald unsheathed their swords and stood ready to fight. "No, now it ends." Eddard replied as he and his men drew their weapons.

Howland Reed struck first with his sword, but Ser Arthur blocked it and slashed him in the shoulder. Eddard charged with his sword, but Ser Arthur skillfully used his two swords to block and parry. Ser Gerald killed one of the Stark men and tried to take down Eddard, but he managed to block and stab him in the throat. Now it was just four North men against Ser Arthur. They attacked together but Ser Arthur was fast, agile, and able to block them all. He killed one Stark soldier and then another and soon it was two to one, but Ser Arthur dealt with the last soldiers, leaving it to just Eddard Stark against Ser Arthur Dayne.

Ned readied his sword and engaged Ser Arthur, using everything he learned in his years of fighting and knowledge to his advantage but even then, the fight wasn't in his favor. Ser Arthur Dayne was considered the greatest warrior in the 7 Kingdoms for a reason.

Arthur managed to disarm Eddard and took a deep breath, ready to deliver the final blow when he heard something that made him and Lord Stark stop.

"HHHHEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!" They heard a very young boy shout as they turned to see a small boy in the window of the Tower of Joy. Ned couldn't see much but could see the boy had dark brownish/black hair. The boy looked and saw dead men, but Ser Arthur was still alive.

"SER ARTHUR!!! HELP!!!! MOTHER!!!!!!!" The boy shouted. Ser Arthur sheathed his swords and ran up the stairs to the tower. Ned was confused but put that to the back of his head when he saw Howland Reed stand up with his bloody shoulder.

"You all right?" Ned asked.

"I'll be fine. Go." Howland told him. Ned grabbed his sword and ran into the tower, hearing the screams of his sister. Ned climbed up the stairs of the tower and charged into a room to see two maids, Ser Arthur with his swords on a chair and his helmet off holding onto the young boy of 2-3 years who called for help. The last thing he saw in the room is sister laying in a bed, covered in blood.

"Ned?" Lyanna called out.

"Lyanna." Ned replied as he put his sword down and knelt next to her. He could see she was pale, tired, and seemed to have lost a lot of blood.

"Ned, is that you?" Lyanna called out and raised her hand as he took it. "Is that really you? You're not a dream?"

"No, I'm not a dream. I'm here. Right here." Ned said.

"I missed you, big brother." Lyanna said, causing him to smile.

"I missed you too." Ned replied, tears in his eyes.

"I want to be brave." Lyanna said in pained breath.

"You are." Ned replied.

"I'm not." She said as Ned looked at the blood. "I don't want to die."

"You're not going to die." Ned said, looking at the maids. "Go, get her some water! Is there a maester?!"

"There isn't one, Lord Stark." Arthur informed him.

"Listen to me, Ned. Listen to me. Tell Robert…I'm sorry. I never told him…never told him, I was with child." Lyanna said. Ned turned and looked at the small boy that Arthur was holding who was crying. "Will…come here."

The boy ran to her side and held her hand as she pressed her forehead against his. "Mother…stay." Will cried his eyes out as she cried as well.

"I'm sorry, William. I can't keep the promise to teach you to ride. But I need you to be strong. Do you hear me…I need you to be strong…for me, for your father…and for your uncle." Lyanna said as she looked at Ned. "Ned…meet your nephew. William."

"You and Robert…" Ned said as she nodded.

"I'm sorry. I loved him once. Tell, Robert, I'm sorry." Lyanna managed to say. She reached over to the table near the bed where a crown of Blue Winter Roses laid. It was the same crown Rhaegar gave her years ago. All the flowers had welted except for one. She grabbed it and handed it to William. "Stay strong for me, Will. I'll be watching over you…be strong for me. Promise me."

"I promise, mother." Will promised. She smiled and kissed his head.

"Now, go to Ser Arthur…I need to speak to your uncle." Lyanna said. Will slowly walked over, and hugged Ser Arthur as Arthur hugged the boy and comforted him. "Ned, I need you to listen to me."

She then whispered a message to Ned that he needed to know. Lyanna then began to say promise me, over and over again before she finally closed her eyes and died. William ran over and hugged his mother as Ned stood up and one of the maids came over and handed him a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket. Ned looked at the baby as he saw his nephew crying over his sister.

The next day, Ned and Howland Reed sought out a carriage and a casket to transport Lyanna north. She would want to be buried at Winterfell. Arthur had to pull William off Lyanna so Ned could put her in the casket. Ned gathered his supplies as Howland readied the wagon and looked after the infant while William sat in the back where his mother was, holding the blue rose she gave him. Ned grabbed his sword as Ser Arthur grabbed his pack and strapped Dawn to his back.

"I'm truly sorry, Lord Stark." Arthur said.

"Did Rhaegar know…she was pregnant?" Ned asked and Arthur nodded in response.

"Yes. She was showing signs when we arrived here. He didn't do anything to harm her or William. He cared for the boy…because he loved Lyanna. You can't blame people for who they love." Arthur told him.

"No, you can't. And there's nothing I can do now. But William is Robert's son, he needs to know." Ned pointed out.

"How much?" Arthur asked.

"Only what he needs to know. I'll take the baby with me back to Winterfell, he'll be safe." Ned said.

"The baby is one of the last heirs to the House Targaryen." Arthur said.

"And he's also a Stark. The Mountain slaughtered Elia Martell and her children and Robert did nothing for his punishment. I'd hate to think what he would do if he found out Lyanna and Rhaegar were married and had a son. A son who could restart the war we've just ended." Ned told him as Arthur reluctantly nodded and agreed. With nearly all the 7 Kingdoms having sided with Robert, there's no way another war would go their way. "This war is over, and House Targaryen has ended. The best thing for the boy is to be far away from all of this."

"He has a right to know where he comes from." Arthur replied.

"If words get out about who he is, he'll be hunted down and killed or worse. Maybe one day in the future but not this day. The war is over, Ser Dayne." Ned told him. Arthur looked over at Howland caring for the infant. While his honor goes against what Ned Stark is saying, his conscious understands now that the old Kingsguard are gone, Queen Rhaella is dead, and Rhaegar's siblings are who knows where. One day the boy will know who he is but for now, he's safer not knowing. "He'll be safer with me."

"What will you tell people?" Arthur asked.

"I'll handle it. Right now, I'll take William to Kings Landing. He needs to be with his father." Ned told as Arthur secured his pack.

"I'll ready my horse." Arthur replied, causing Ned to look at him like he was crazy. "Prince Rhaegar tasked me to protect Lyanna and her son until my death. I failed Lady Stark…I won't fail the boy."

"Robert will kill you the second he sees you." Ned informed him but the Sword of the Morning just shrugged.

"If it be, then let it be. Then I'll die doing what I was tasked to do." Arthur said, walking over to his horse. Ned walked over to the wagon and looked at his nephew.

"William?" Ned called as William looked up, his eyes blood shot from crying so much.

"Uncle?" William asked. Ned smiled and leaned down to be at his height.

"Call me Ned. Are you ok?" Ned asked and as predicted, William shook his head no.

"I miss her." The boy stifled a cry, so Ned took a seat down next to him. 

"I miss her too. I loved her like you did." Ned said with William just looking at the winter rose in his hands. "Do you remember what she asked you?"

"To be strong." William replied.

"I think you will. That flower…it's pretty but strong. It grows in cold…so it must be. I think, she knew you'd be strong." Ned said when William suddenly hugged him. Ned was shocked at first before he hugged him back.

"I miss her." William said as Ned sighed.

"I know. But she'll always be with you, so long as you remember your promise." Ned said as William nodded. "Come, William. It's time to meet your father."

Line Break xxxxx

Ned and the group traveled back to King's Landing, which took some time with the wagon holding Lyanna and stopping every now and then for William to go to the bathroom. Before they entered the city, Ned told Arthur to get rid of the Dragon emblazed armor he wore so he could at least get into the Red Keep.

They moved through the city and saw that it was still recovering from the Sack as buildings and homes were being rebuilt and there was a larger presence of Stormlands, Westerlands, Vale and Northern soldiers in the capital and the surrounding land. Ned and his group stopped near the Red Keep to park the wagon. Ned grabbed his sword and got off the wagon.

"Howland, stay here and rest. Arthur, William, let's go." Ned led them into the Red Keep. They made their way through the castle to the throne room and to the Small Council chambers where Robert was said to be with Jon Arryn. Ned had Arthur and William wait in the throne room until he called for them. Ned walked in to see Robert talking to Jon.

"Ned!" Robert shouted as he hugged his best friend, glad to see he was alive. "By the 7 it's good to see you're alive."

"And good to see that the city is still in one piece." Ned separated from Robert and hugged Jon.

"The city is still in repair after the Sack but it's getting there. Tywin Lannister is behind the rebuilding, no doubt to try and carry some favor." Jon said as Robert shook his head.

"Bah! Let the blonde shits do as they please. The sooner they're out of my city the better. So, Ned. How was Lyanna? Is she waiting outside?" Robert was hopeful but Ned's somber expression shattered that.

"Lyanna is dead, Robert. She passed." Ned said and Robert was shocked. He turned around and grabbed the table so hard that his knuckles turned white before he shouted in anger and threw one of chairs into the wall with such force that it broke apart.

"That white haired shit!!!!" Robert shouted in anger, filled with overwhelming anger. "I would bring him back to life only to kill him again!!!"

"Robert, easy!" Jon tried to calm him down. "I'm sorry, Ned."

"Thank you, Jon." Ned replied.

"Where is she?" Robert asked.

"I put her in a casket. I want to bury her in Winterfell, she wanted to be buried with my brother and father." Ned told him. Robert's rage turned into sorrow over the loss of his beloved.

"We should have gone sooner…I should have gone with you." Robert said as Ned looked at him.

"You couldn't. If you did, the city would have fallen to chaos if someone else tried to take the throne. You can't change the past, my friend." Ned said, looking at him. "But there's something you should know."

"What?" Robert asked.

"Robert, you and Lyanna slept together, right?" Ned asked, causing Jon to look at Robert in disbelief.

"Robert, you weren't even married yet." Jon chastised him.

"So, what? We were betrothed and would have married anyway. To hell with the ceremony." Robert replied.

"Then there's something Lyanna never told you before she was taken. She…she was pregnant." Ned said as Robert and Jon looked at him.

"Pregnant?" Jon asked.

"The child…is the child alive?" Robert asked, grabbing Ned with a face of desperation.

"He is. He's— ""Drop your sword!!!" Ned was interrupted when they heard the shouting and the sound of sword's being drawn.

"What in 7 hells?!" Jon asked. They ran out of the Council Chambers into the throne room to see several Baratheon and Lannister soldiers with their swords drawn surrounding one man with a scared child behind him. Robert and Jon recognized the man as Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning

"Give it up, Dayne! You're dead!!" One of the Lannister shouted as he reached for Arthur, but the young boy ran forward and stomped on his foot hard, causing the Lannister soldier to shout in pain and drop his sword.

Arthur pulled William back and was ready to fight to defend William to the death when Ned ran in-between them. "Stop, lay down your swords!!" Ned shouted. Some of the Baratheon men who recognized him lowered their swords, but the Lannisters didn't care.

"Move, you shit!" One of the Lannisters shouted when Robert stepped forward

"Drop your swords, in the name of your King!!" Robert shouted and the Lannisters immediately did. Robert then looked at Dayne and glared. "Dayne, you're one of the last members of the Dragon's Kingsguard. Why shouldn't I kill you now?"

"Robert, please. Wait a moment." Ned looked back at William who was both frightened and confused. "William, come here."

William looked at Ser Arthur who nodded for him to go to his uncle. He slowly walked out from behind and Robert and Jon got a good look and him and both gasped. The boy had brown hair like Robert but was a little darker and looked like him when he was younger, but the eyes were grey, like Lyanna's. His hair was full and slightly trimmed to make him presentable, but he wasn't looking his best with the brown shirt, pants and boots he was wearing. William was still holding the Winter Rose in his hand as he walked up to Ned. "William, this is Jon Arryn. Someone who means a great deal to me. And next to him is Robert Baratheon, you're father." Ned said as William looked at them.

"Robert, meet William, your son." Ned introduced the two, but Robert was too in shock to even move.

"When?" Jon asked.

"About two years ago." Ned informed him. Robert knelt down to William and saw he was both confused and scared.

"Two years…" Robert managed to say. "William…from Lyanna's family." Robert then noticed the winter rose and smiled. "A Winter Rose. Lyanna loved them."

"It's ok, William." Ned ushered William forward and he slowly walked forward to Robert who smiled.

"Hello, son." Robert said. William took a few small steps forward and lunged into a hug. Robert breathed a huge sigh of relief as he held his son in his arms. The last reminder of Lyanna was in his hands, and he would keep him safe. "It's ok. Don't worry."

Ned and Jon smiled when they saw Robert hug his son. Robert then stood up as William held his pant leg. "William is a good, strong name. Thank you, Ned." Robert thanked him but Ned looked at Ser Arthur.

"You should thank him. Ser Arthur has been taking care of William since he's been born. Hasn't hurt him and kept him safe." Ned said as Robert spared the Sword of the Morning a glance.

"Part of me still believes you should pay, Dayne." Robert warned him when William ran over to Ser Arthur and hugged him closely.

"Don't hurt him." William said, pleading to keep him safe.

"Robert…" Jon said as Robert looked at him and nodded.

"Ser Arthur Dayne, for your job in keeping my son safe, I shall not take your life. But you are hereby stripped of your position in the Kingsguard. Lord Stark told me that you safeguarded my son, so from now on, you shall swear to protect him with your life and if you fail, your life will be forfeit." Robert told him.

"Yes, your grace." Arthur said, taking a knee and bowing his head.

"It's ok, William." Robert assured his son that everything was ok. 

"What shall you do, Robert? With Lyanna…no longer with us, you'll have to marry Cersei Lannister." Jon told him.

"Tywin's daughter?" Ned asked.

"After Tywin's help to liberate the city, Tywin approached Robert with a marriage proposal with Cersei and his financial backing. We know the Lannisters are the wealthiest in the 7 Kingdoms, who can help us keep the realm together now more than ever." Jon pointed out.

"And Tywin's daughter becomes Queen. Convenient." Ned pointed out with obvious disdain in his voice.

"I know how you feel, Ned but now that the war is just about over and I'm named Hand of the King, I need to think about our future and the Lannisters are a part of that." Jon said. Ned looked at Robert who was contemplating the situation.

"Robert?" Ned asked.

"Yes, I'll marry her dammit. Send the raven, Tywin's daughter will be Queen so long as I am King. But then, William will be King after." Robert said, looking at his son. Ned and Jon looked at Robert thinking he was crazy because this was not how the line of succession worked.

"Robert…" "Don't start, Jon. Lyanna and I may not have been bonded in marriage, but we were betrothed. Despite William being born out of marriage, he will take my name and be a Baratheon, not a Sand or Waters or whatever bastard name people say he should be. With Lyanna gone, Cersei can be Queen, but William will be my heir. Heir to the Stormlands and the Iron Throne. And if the gods think they can change that then piss on them." Robert proudly declared. Seeing as how noting would dissuade him, Jon conceded the argument.

"All right, that's enough of that. I'll get the ravens ready as soon as possible to announce the marriage and your son." Jon left to go about his business.

"Come William, let's get you something to eat." Robert said, leaving with William, Ned, and Ser Arthur.

If you guys like the story, please support me at patreon.com/Choejhulkp9writingendeavor. I've got several tiers at varying payments so support what you can. Anything helps.

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