
The Blossom of Edo

In period Edo, love is something absurd to the samurai. Unfortunately, Hiroshi is the samurai who feels love is important that bring bad things to him...

Danish07 · 歴史
31 Chs

Chapter 8: The rumors

Kazuo and Yuki discover Kenjiro's involvement in the spreading rumors about Kazuo. Determined to protect his honor and Yuki, Kazuo confronts Kenjiro, demanding an explanation. Kenjiro, fueled by hatred and jealousy, reveals his vendetta against Kazuo's family and vows to destroy everything they hold dear.

Kenjiro's henchmen ambush Kazuo during the confrontation, leading to a fierce battle. Despite Kazuo's skills, the sheer number of attackers overwhelms him. Yuki, unwilling to leave Kazuo alone, joins the fray, using her agility and quick thinking to fend off attackers. Together, they manage to escape but not without Kazuo sustaining serious injuries.

While Kazuo recovers at Yuki's home, their bond strengthens. Yuki tends to his wounds with the same care and dedication that Aiko had shown Hiroshi, drawing them closer. Kazuo is deeply grateful for her support and vows to protect her at any cost.

Despite the setback, Kazuo and Yuki continue to prepare for the art exhibition. Kazuo's family and friends rally around them, offering their support and protection. Word of Kenjiro's treachery spreads, and the people of Edo, remembering the honor and bravery of Hiroshi and Aiko, stand by Kazuo and Yuki.

One night, as Kazuo lies recovering, he has a haunting dream of his grandfather, Hiroshi. In the dream, Hiroshi warns Kazuo of the dangers that lie ahead and urges him to be vigilant. Kazuo wakes with a renewed sense of determination, resolved to stop Kenjiro once and for all.