
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · ファンタジー
41 Chs

The Meeting Part 2

The room was almost clear. Despite the curiosity bubbling within many of the generals, they had no choice but to turn away. What did General Skeeve know? What was the King hiding? Was Hayden really involved? Many questions went through their minds. The Crown Prince was also concerned. As he turned to take another look, he noticed the King's somber expression. He could tell right away that he was troubled by what General Skeeve said. General Skeeve, however, seemed calm, as though he had nothing to fear of the King. As General Skeeve took his seat, the Crown Prince noticed the King's subtle change in expression. It was even more worrying. The Crown Prince was hesitant to leave but he could tell that he shouldn't get involved. He was the Crown Prince but there was still much that he had no say in. He clenched his fists as he turned his back to the two. He was the last to leave. Everyone now gone, it was time for the King to hear what General Skeeve had to say.

Once William had closed the door behind him, he looked around and saw Viola and Alexander waiting at the other end of the hall. William unconsciously wore a smile. As he walked towards them, their expressions seemed to brighten as well. The meeting seemed to have taken longer than they realized and it was now getting dark.

"What are your thoughts on what the King said?" asked an uneasy Alexander.

Before responding, William checked his surroundings to ensure they were alone. Once he felt confident, he began discussing it with Alexander. They shared similar opinions on things.

"One thing's for sure, he didn't trust all the generals in that room. General Skeeve now seems suspicious but the other generals didn't do or say anything unusual. For now, we need to get stronger. Regardless of what's being planned from the shadows, we must not fall," said William.

Alexander nodded in agreement. He may have been treated coldly by many but he was still an Ancillian. He didn't want any harm to come to his home or its people.

"Do you have any thoughts on this Viola?" asked William.

"I only have one thought. I just need to eliminate any enemies that come and protect this kingdom and its people. I have no interest in schemes or conspiracies," replied Viola.

There was something about the way she spoke that they couldn't ignore. It was as though she only thought of herself as a tool to be used as a sword and shield. It may have been true that the Blossoms' purpose was to assist the Kingdom but hearing it from her somehow hurt them. It was as though she didn't even consider herself as more. How would they feel when the time came for her to leave? When did they start getting so attached? The atmosphere around them was almost unbearable. Neither of the princes seemed to know what to say. How were they supposed to react? The indifferent look on Viola's face didn't make it any easier.

"Vi, how about we get some of those cookies that you like? I heard they made a lot today!" said Alexander.

"Oh, sure…" replied Viola.

Her expression seemed to have improved slightly. Alexander's attempt to lighten the mood seemed to have worked, if even just a little. The walk towards the kitchen seemed longer than usual.

Most of the generals had already left the castle grounds but General Blare and Willey were moving at a snail's pace. It was a beautiful night with a cool breeze in the air. They managed to make their way to a secluded area, away from the watchful eyes of the guards.

"What do you think is going on?" whispered General Blare as he matched General Willey's height.

"Whatever is going on, I'm sure we'll know more when we need to. The King must have his reasons," replied General Willey.

"You're probably right," said General Blare as he straightened himself.

General Blare repeatedly glanced at her as they walked together. General Willey pretended not to notice.

"I, um, I hear your men are pretty good... Maybe I could come by and you know spar with them a bit. After all they can't be weak, if they wanna protect you."

"I can protect myself just fine," said General Willey with a light smile.

"Yeah, I know but, dammit… I mean, what if things get dangerous? Your life is more important!"

"All lives are equal but I appreciate the thought Vaughn."

Vaughn blushed at the mention of his name. It was like he became a young boy again. He had butterflies in his stomach. He reached out and held Rebecca's hand. As composed as she was, she couldn't hide her flushed face.

"Rebecca... I'm not saying we'll lose in this war, in fact, I won't let that happen. I just don't want to keep losing out on the time I could have with you. You've always been the only girl I had in my heart and you still are. Let me be more to you, please…"

He was now hugging her from behind. Despite the difference in height, it felt comfortable. Rebecca could feel her heart racing.

"Won't you regret it? There are so many women who want to be with you. You could have a beautiful wife and even raise your family's standing. You won't have to worry about her getting hurt or having scars from battle. You could do more with someone else…"

"That's enough. I don't care how many excuses you make, I don't care how many times you say it, you should know by now that I'll never change my mind about you. I'll respect you and respect your decision but only if you're being honest with yourself, only if that's what you really want. I'm still young, I can wait and even when I'm older, I'll wait. I'm a hot head, sure, but I'll be patient, for you."

"When did you become so eloquent?" asked Rebecca with a shaky voice.

"Ha, there's a lot more to me you know."

"Then… I can't wait to know more."

Vaughn was shocked by her words. Did they mean what he thought they did? Vaughn loosened his hold. Rebecca turned to face him. There were tears flowing down her face. She kissed him sweetly on the cheek then smiled.

"Let's be more, for each other."

Vaughn smiled and embraced Rebecca.


After some time, they left the castle grounds, happily holding each other's hand.

Hayden faced his window as he sat in his armchair. He held a low grade fire stone in his right hand. A sudden sound drew Hayden's attention.

"How are the preparations going? asked Hayden.

A masked man dressed in all black made an appearance.

"Everything is going according to plan. We'll be able to start the next phase soon."

"Good. How about our guest, is she behaving?"

"Yes, there have been no incidents. She's aware of what will happen if she does."

"How did my brother's little meeting go?"

"It's as you expected. The King is suspicious of your return but he didn't bring it up with the generals. He did, however, have a private conversation with General Skeeve. He seems to know more about the situation. Should we take precautions against him?"

"Winhel, that old bastard... We'll leave him be for now. Alert me immediately if he does anything unusual."


"That's all, you're dismissed."

The man swiftly and quietly left the room. After he left, Hayden walked around his room for a bit before getting on the bed. He opened his right hand revealing burn marks left by the fire stone.

"This feeling... is what keeps me alive," said Hayden as he looked at the stone.