
The Bloody Vampire Boss

"My boss is a vampire?" *** An unknown creature killing and draining humans blood at night... A curfew by the cops to keep the people safe from the strange deadly creature. Here we have Allison, an office secretary. Allison's world revolved when she fell in love with her new hot boss Nicklaus Michelson. Unknown to her that her new boss is the wanted beast... A vampire. Will Allison get through this? What if the vampire is obsessed with her already? *** Find out!

Preshpinky · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Inviting him in


I sat in the living room watching TV when I heard a rushing wind at my window. It was so swift and fast.

I stood up from my couch and walked to the window. I peeped out of the window to see if there was a storm coming.

And when I looked outside I could perceive rain. I shut the window happily, I love the rain.

I walked back to the couch and began to watch the movie again, and just then, I could hear the rain pouring heavily.

The rain accompanied by thunder and lighting, made me want to pee on the couch.

I held my pillow firmly as I kept watching the movie.

Just then, I heard a loud knock on my door making me jolt In fear.

"Who could that be at this time of the night??" I asked in fear, then my mind went to Marcus.

"Could it be him? We are having Issues, so why would he come to my house at night, especially in the rain?" I thought further.

The knock came again, this time it sounded urgent, and I was forced to stand up.

I walked to the door and opened it to see a young total stranger in front of my door. He was a young man who was actually handsome. Drenched in the rain.

"Hey." He said smiling and rubbing his palm together.

"Hey. You look..." I said and he cut me short.

"Look like trash." He said and I smiled shaking my head.

"No, you look cold. Why are you in the rain? Where are you coming from? Cos I haven't seen this face around here before." I muttered.

"I am new here. Before I can tell you anything, can I please come in?" He asked shivering and I felt pity for him.

I remembered what Mr Nicklaus told me, but seeing this guy like this, I don't think he is a bad person.

"Come in." I said and he walked into the house. First putting one of his feet inside like he was testing the floor.

Later he walked in smiling.

"Thank you." He said and I nodded shutting the door.

"I will make you some hot water. Wait here." I said rushing to the kitchen. I picked up my flask which had hot water in it and I poured out some into a cup.

Furthermore, I carried the cup and Flask back to the living room, in case the one in the cup won't be enough for him.

"Here you go." I said dropped the cup and Flask on the center table.

"Thank you, you are so nice." He said and I smiled.

"So I think I deserve some explanation or answers." I said walking up to the heater and putting it on.

"You can ask me anything." He said gulping down the hot water at once and my mouth fell open. He noticed it and he smiled in embarrassment.

"I know it's weird, but it doesn't burn my tongue. I am used to it already." He said and I nodded proceeding with my questions.

"So what's your name? And where are you coming from?" I asked and he sat on the couch.

"I am Tyler, and I am coming from a very far place." He answered and I nodded.

"So who have you come to see?" I asked sitting too.

"My brother." He replied.

"Your brother?" I asked, and he nodded pouring himself another hot water.

"Yes. He packed into town some days ago. I don't know if you know him. His name is Nicklaus." He said and my eyes widened.

"Oh My God. You are Mr Nicklaus's brother?" I asked in shock.

"Do you know him?" He asked with his eyes narrowed.

"He is my boss." I said in amusement.

"Wow, it looks like he has started building a life for himself here." He said, and I nodded getting more engaged in the conversation.

"Yes. I never knew he had a brother nor family. He never mentioned it, nor did it show in the records that he has any family." I said and he nodded.

"Like I said, I come from a very far place. I bet the record can know that. And for Nicklaus, he is the secretive type. He would have his reasons for not talking about our family." He said and I smiled.

"So why are you here? I am sure your brother will be so happy to see you." I said happily.

"I doubt that. Actually I am here because my brother suffers an illness, and I am here to help him get through with it." He said and my countenance changed.

"Yes. He told me about it. I feel so sorry for Mr Nicklaus." I said and he looked at me in shock.

"He told you his illness?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's not easy to hide it when you have phobia for touch." I said, and I saw him swallow hard and then smile.

"Wow. I guess he trusts you to tell you his secret." He said and I smiled.

"You think so?" I asked and he nodded. He looked at the window, and then I noticed the rain was down.

"The rain is down. I should get going." He said standing up and I stood up too.

"It was nice having you here Mr Tyler." I said and he looked at me.

"Just Tyler will do." He said and I smiled nodding.

"Extend my greetings to Mr Nicklaus." I said as he stepped outside, and he nodded looking at me.

"I will do just that." He said walking down the pavement.

"And... We are having a party at the company tomorrow night. You are invited, you can come with your brother. I am sure he will be so glad to have you around." I said and he smirked.

"I get he would. Good night…"

"Allison." I replied.

"Allison." He said and finally walked away.

I smiled walking into the house, it was so amazing to know Mr Nicklaus has a family.
