

A Historic Tale of Love Written By Blood and Burned By Betrayal

RedhouseInc · 歴史
2 Chs

CH 2 :Pure Love

As the Throne Hall stood in complete silence , Matthew decided to shatter it with his Direct Request to the King . He made it clear in No time " I Am here to talk about .... Selina " He tried his Best to hold his own ground against the Intimidating King , Who was sitting on the Throne with a Blood Red Wine Glass. "This Is Not what I asked You , Little Boy " The King calmly told hik while sipping his wine . He stood up from his seat and started walkimg towards him . "What is that You need , Mr. Matthew " The King's Voice more intense this time . At this Point , Matthew was beginning to feel like his Hands and Feet had went numb , His nerves were Ice Cold and The Reason was clear to Him But still he did not wish to succumb in front of King Xavier , Perhaps This was a Test and He would appear Weak if he did that and This way the Plan to Ask for Selina's Hand in Marriage would be destroyed in it's Intial stage . " I Will make it Clear Sir , Me and The Princess , We have been Childhood Friends from the Start and I am not sure how to tell you but I have developed Romantic feelings for her during these years and my Highness , I , Matthew Dallion would like to ask for your Daughter Selina Xaviers Hand in Marriage " As he finished along the Lines , He realized that What he had thought of was completely different from Everything he just Said . He was astonished by his own self that he had managed to pull through .

"Well ....Well , That was a Very Formal Proposal , I must say Young Matthew .... But I would like to hear it again " The King was now standing parallel to the Glowing Light of moon which made him appear like a Sort of Make -believe God . As matthew heard these lines , He gave off a nervous grin and a nodd , Showing his acceptance of the proposal But in his mind , He was completely devastated and all he thought was "Why is this Geezer making me look like a Clown !" He was not afraid but anxiety and panic were normal in this situation and while he tried hard to remember the same lines .. A Drop of sweat broke from his Forehead and that's When he realized that..... Two guards with their long Rifles were Already pointing at his Forehead and for the Fact , He knew that They were not going to miss at any cost . "What the Hell is this ? " Matthew thought to himself while sweat trickled down from his forehead down to the chin . The King's Grinning expression turned into a Fuming expression. He grabbed Matthew by his long hair and shoved his Head down , "You Bastard , Just because I let Selina play with you , Does not mean that i will hand her down to you and Yet you have the courage to ask for her hand in marriage " The King started shouting like a Mad dog in the middle of Night . "But I Love her and Deep Down , Even you know that she wants to marry me ,So ple--" He was suddenly kicked by the king in the face ."If you were not the son of my governor, There would have been a bullet in place of this Kick . How dare you try to even talk about her , I would never allow this kind of larceny ... She is my personal property , She is the Key to Winning the Southern Island "Tropica" and when she has turned eighteen , You dare to try and become a threat to my plans " He was so driven by rage that he had shattered the Wine glass with his own hand , which was now covered in blood . "Plans , Tropica , Selina , Property ..... What in the hell are you talking about Xavier ?" Saying this Matthew stood up from the ground and stood face to face with the king ."Hahahaha.... I like that look on your face and that is why .... Leave Now , You Commoner " The king had just issued a Quick but impactful Warning to him . He turned around and Left without a word .

That Night Matthew was not sleeping like everybody , He was in the Royal Library and after scanning Hundreds of document about "Tropica ", He finally found the Answer in one Article Dated Eighteen Years ago and what he read next , Shocked him to the Core and He could not believe what he just read . He tried to comprehend in every possible way and This was the Absolute truth . This was an exchange of letters between Xavier and Someone Named " Insigne " eighteen years ago .

The Morning was beautiful and so eveey inch of the Town. The streets were bustling up in the morning and amidst them was Matthew walking towards the Royal Garden to meet Selina . After Fifteen minutes, He was standing next to Selina and the First words that gushered out of his mouth were "I Love You .... Selina , So please Be my Wife " He cautiously proposed her and as he was waiting for the Answer , "Do I even need to tell you Matthew .... You know I love you and it has always been a big yes for you and me " She Hugged him and Tears came trickling down her Eyes , She continued... "You know all Stories Do not end happily ever after ..... Oh God " She started sobbing and tried to hide her face from Matthew in utter Embarrasment . "What do you even mean Selina ? " Matthew revolted against her happily ever after comment . "Dad Has already decided the Groom for my Marriage and it is .... Not you " She could not even speak properly and was still sobbing like a toodler . Matthew was stunned and he could not believe that it was happening so quickly and he could not dare to tell Selina about the Last night incident . He quickly Grabbed Selina by her Arm and Told her "Selina , if you believe me and if you truly love me from the depths of your heart ..... Then Run away with me because The Groom your Dad has selected is not just an ordinary groom and moreover this is not a marriage " He shook her while trying to convey these things. "What are you going ln about now ?" Selina looked confused but wnated answers for the hundred question that were raised by Matthew's wordings . Matthew took a Deep breath and sighed .

(Last Night In the Royal Library)

As he found the Exchange of letters between the King of tropica and J. Xavier , He quickly read the Date , It was this day but exactly Eighteen Years Ago ..... The First line that J.Xavier had written was "Long time no see , The Lord of Tropica , It is deepest Pleasure to tell you that I Have been blessed with a Baby Girl and Most Importantly ... Your Future "Daughter -In -Law " ".