
the blood saint's journey

when the magic awakening happens most people fear for their lives but what would happen if you can't lose yours? this story follows our MC on his path to becoming a Saint not just in name but also in spirit and mind (mostly) is he good because he has to be or is he actually a good person? I have no idea! warning swearing, gore, Minor cannibalism, other mature themes

_Jacky_writer · ファンタジー
25 Chs

the four schools 2

It has been two days since the start of the second tutorial and I was a little back to normal some small creatures were attacking us we started to called zobs they were around the size of a fat two year old and there only weapons were some hard sticks or planks even to me with my low stats and non offensive abilities they were very easy to kill.

however I know that much more stronger monsters are going to start appearing soon even if the zobs had some greater numbers or better weapons they could kill a few of us if we got careless but on the plus side Jase monoa is a really good leader and we have started fortifying the institutes gym which didn't have massive holes in the roof and sides.

turns out some people had really useful earth and metal manipulation abilities so we mad a metre and a half dirt wall around the gym with two entrances at the front and back made out of metal and some work of art person even made a multi layer reinforced cage like metal structure to keep any future flying threats.

the camp was actually really shaping up. but we weren't just protecting against monster but also humans especially after Suzan a really interesting thing are the two institute survivors abilities jase had Something along the lines of a very good constitution but he demonstrates great prowess even without using it at all he has told anyone is that all his stats were above normal so he was pretty strong.

and then there was Taylor volt a boy around my age his ability wasn't anything to do with combat he had two abilities and apparently a title ability but one thing was for sure and that was that he is in absolutely no way a combatant I'm pretty most healer types would be stronger than him.

Taylor actually had a unique copy ability so everyone was given a better weapon I personally had no training in any weapons unlike my older sister who was a fencing prodigy but I choose a metal pole made from the institutes window bars I decided to call it Phoenix so it can be reborn like one.

a few more days passed and we learnt about the other schools situations FLA was currently controlling the students of SC high which is really weird because FLA doesn't have many students while SC is the school with the highest number of students.

all we know that they have a queen ruler and that she has a weird ability with a lot of loyal friends and underlings we only know this because of a SC student we captured.

my current role in the camp is a front support fighter so things like first aid, weapon repairs, sewing, etc. along with both ranged and melee with combat throwing knives which are really just sharp metal and my afore mentioned staff(window bar) but fighting zobs wasn't exactly the most exciting or productive use of time however at the same time I'm glad it is only zobs.

It isn't like I am not getting anything out of it I have seen some of my stats go up and I'm really starting to get good at first aid, sewing, weapon repairs and my weapons I almost have 100% accuracy with my throwing and I am getting less flashy but much better at my staff fighting.

unsurprisingly most people don't even pay me a second thought anymore which I'm not complaining about Luke is basically like our military leader and Taylor is our admin I actually like where I am at in the camp I know that it won't go on like this forever but that is exactly why I am enjoying this plus I'm starting to become friends with both Jase and Taylor not like I would die for them or anything if I could but I would definitely trust them with my back.

me and Luke made plans to go zob hunting together so we were patrolling together and just having some small talk.

"so kai what are your stats? lets compare"

"yeah sure"

staring at my stat screen I am actually embarrassed to show such low numbers taking a deep breath I presented my stat screen to him.


name: Kai Sanctus


titles: the strongest weakling, sacrificial saint,

abilities: eternal life regeneration SS, strongest weakling aura A(special), effigy healing B(special)

ability description: eternal life regeneration= slowed ageing then eternal youth also hyper regeneration and  the inability to die, strongest weakling aura is a title ability which gives user the ordinary aura ability but also reflects any auras that are directed at the host back to the caster, effigy healing is a very unique healing ability where in the user or consenting party can be used as an effigy and transfer the damage of an injured to themselves it is mostly used as a last resort/ultimate sacrifice.


Strength 12 normal

Speed 7 human

Stamina 8 human

Perception 19 normal

Endurance 35 intermediate

the apocalypse advice tag: listen to your ruler


after looking at my status he showed me his


name: Luke varri

age: 16

titles: (minor)commander of justice

abilities: command A, greater enhanced body constitution AA

ability description: command is a ability that lets the user give better orders/instructions and even slightly control those which are weaker/have less will power, greater enhanced body constitution is a unique to one bloodline skill given to the most talented young athlete it enhances the base stats by the amount of 4x the original human stats.


strength: 44 intermediate

speed: 47 intermediate

stamina: 46 intermediate

perception: 21 intermediate

endurance: 31 intermediate


'I would of jumped off a cliff onto a sharp rocky place if I could die how in the s*x life of Jesus f*cking Christ can I even hope to live a good life in this world of walking possibly sociopathic superhumans and monsters.

"Wow Luke you are very OP!"

" yeah hahaha"

"so you see any zo-"

'i stopped because I felt a sharp pain in my chest I looked down and saw a arrow and a piece of my heart and I collapsed on the ground still conscious but completely unable to move or even blink.'