
The Blood Born

After the tragic death of her uncle, Vivienne Westing finds herself in the center of a brand new world. Taking over her uncle's company and becoming a member of the secret society introduce a new life filled with twists and turns... and a lot of mysterious new faces.

barbaraemartin77 · ファンタジー
36 Chs

I have questions 2

Vivienne felt her stomach churn. "King of what?" "Everything that lurks in the shadows on this Earth." Oliver replied. She felt her heart skip a beat at this. It wasn't like she hadn't met royals before. The prince of Sweden had even proposed to her once after a long night of drunken debauchery in college. The concept of royalty and royal people didn't impress her. She had never been interested in a controlled and appointed lifestyle in that way. They always seemed to be lonely people who were bound to archaic ideals of responsibility. This though, seemed nothing of that sort and somewhere Vivienne had a hunch that he didn't acquire this title from lineage.

Vivienne put a hand to her head, pulling the IV cords with her as she did so and looked down. "I think I'm going to be sick." She muttered under her breath. Silence filled the room as she began to recollect the events of last night, trying to piece together what she could and remember every last detail. She remembered something, just before she fell unconscious. Something that vampire had said. "That vampire last night.. He said something about my blood?" She asked and her eyes fixated on Piers. His eyes were dangerous and dark, not wanting to get into this detail so soon or even at all.

"Do you remember the painting I showed you?" Vivienne nodded gently. "You have the blood from the goddess in that painting." Vivienne's eyes widened a bit but she didn't understand what any of that meant. "What does that mean?" Piers uncrossed his arms from over his chest as he prepared to explain. Oliver looked visibly uncomfortable. The secret he had held for so many years was about to be exposed and he wasn't sure that it was even the right decision.

"The blood of the angel, the goddess from the beginning is something of an elixir. Only strong, noble vampires can handle it. That blood gives a vampire or any other creature enhanced powers and strength.. Usually a vampire can't drink blood from an angel. It would be like drinking holy water." Vivienne's mouth had gaped open in shock and wonder. Her stomach did flips as Piers spoke to her, unsure of what to even think. How did this even happen? How did she become someone that had this? There were a million questions running through her head. Her entire world had changed in the most drastic of ways in a few hours. It was all too much. The events of last night, finding out Oliver was a vampire, Piers is a king, and she has some weird blood from an angel? What else in the world could possibly happen or that they could tell her that wouldn't shock her at this point?

"Oliver I need water." She said weakly and Oliver zipped out of the room without a word. "I know this is a lot to take in. You need to rest." Piers commanded, his voice silky smooth in the silence of the room. "I don't think I could possibly sleep now..." Vivienne whispered as she stared downwards, still lost in thought. "As you can imagine, this puts you in a very vulnerable position..." Piers began, "I will make sure you're protected at all times. It's only a matter of time before other vampires find out about you." Vivienne's eyes whipped to Piers'. "I'm in danger..?" She asked gently, fear spilling into her thoughts now. Of course, she would be. How couldn't she be? What an idiotic girl, she thought to herself.

Piers nodded slowly. "Yes, Vivienne... There aren't many who would dare to go against my word, however... Greed and power can make many do inconceivable things." Vivienne nodded and looked down again, her thoughts running in every direction. Oliver returned with a glass of water and she took it gently in both hands, lifting the glass to her lips. "I have some matters to attend to this morning but I'm going to have Seraphina keep you company until I return." As soon as Piers had uttered the words, the doorbell downstairs rang and she looked up. "How did you do that..? More vampire tricks?" She asked, wondering if she had teleported or he had spoke to her telepathically. Anything at this point, in her mind, was possible. Piers only grinned and slipped his cell phone out of his pocket, waving it in the air.

"Not all things are magic." Vivienne managed a small laugh but it hurt so she stopped and took another sip of her water. Piers stood and planted a small kiss on her forehead. "I won't be long." Vivienne felt her cheeks burn as he did this, especially in front of Oliver. She still couldn't believe how things had progressed and happened. It was only a few nights ago they were dancing away at his party and only a little before that she had even laid eyes on him for the first time. Still, there was some magnetic pull that she couldn't describe or understand. She wondered if he felt the same pull. It was more than just lust or love or the feeling you get when you're first with someone. It was something much more.

Just then, the doors to her bedroom burst open and Seraphina strode in, golden hair cascading down her back. "Oh, Vivienne!" She said, her voice full of concern. Piers nodded to Seraphina. "Thank you, Ser. I will be back after dealing with the court." Seraphina nodded. "Of course, Endymion. Don't worry about anything at all. I'll keep her safe. Though I doubt anyone would try anything right now." It was then that Seraphina noticed Oliver in the room. Her eyes fell on him and the mood changed. "Oliver.." She said softly, in shock as she stared at him wide eyed. Oliver stiffened up, hands behind his back. "Seraphina." He said coolly, lifting his chin slightly. "I will take my leave." Oliver left the room and Piers only smirked further. Vivienne watched, eyes moving between the other players in the room. There was a dynamic going on here that she wasn't privy to. How did they all know each other? Clearly something was going on between them all.

Piers nodded to the two ladies and took his leave as well, the room filling with silence. Seraphina sighed and sat in the chair next to Vivienne's bedside. "I am so sorry you're in this state, Vivienne." She placed a hand on Vivienne's shoulder and immediately Vivienne felt the calm wash over her again. She was thankful for this, as she hadn't been calm from the moment she woke up. Truly, she hadn't been calm since last night obviously. Seraphina's gift was better than any morphine she could get right now after all the news she'd just been given.