

Stefnih kept panting and eyeing Kabir, the latter smiled devilishly, 'he's getting into her', he grinned. Stefnih begins to withdraw backwards, planning on what next to do. He suddenly makes up his damn mind and speeds to her like a furious, heartless gladiator.

He's running very fast, he takes a step, and another, then another. Stef carefully copied his rythmatical pace and runs to him too with her best ever calculated pace.

She takes the first step, the second step she took was a precise leap into the air towards the advancing beast; like some badass freaky athelete in an Olympic long jump field event.

She lands on her buttocks on the watered ground causing a big splash but her boots stopped Kabir's right foot causing him to fly carelessly above the sitting Stefnih who was gliding on her fat-ass along the watered grassland.

She stands instantly and throws one of her sword at him, it travelled like lightning and dug into Kabir's right arm; very close to his shoulder. Stefnih speeds to him and strikes him with the other sword, he ducks but she gave him a deep cut on the left arm

Kabir couldn't hold it anymore, he deals her a deadly punch on the cheek, she grunts as she receives the punch, staggers back and lashes her sword at him with the left hand. She was standing only with the right leg as she swung the sword but she used the attack to turn to her right, knowing how Kabir attacks.

She spins round to face him again but she ducked while spinning. This made his sword to miss her neck; cut her hair but when she finished the crazy spin standing on one leg with her in-step fully bent backwards. She slashed both knees of his. In the same split second she slashed his throat, with an impossible counter-move. Kabir couldnt believe this as he staggered back, tightly clutching his throat.

Stefnih grunts still pointing her sword at the dying Kabir, she staggers back a bit, held her stomach; she was bleeding profusely. She took a look only to realize she sustained a deep cut too from Kabir when she sliced his throat.

Blood oozed out from her mouth as she coughs faintly, Marcus smiles; he carefully studied Kabir who was struggling for life.

"You're not dying dear cousin, you fought gallantly, he fixes his stern look at Stefnih, "but she's gonna die and nothing can stop it". He laughs like a wicked demon lord he was.

He sped to Kabir like light; held him close to his bosom like a caring uncle, held out his left hand and bit himself. His canine tooth was a razor, fresh blood flowed out; he offered his hand to his cousin and spoke with a very serious tone.

"I make you a warewolf this night, drink cousin".

Kabir was dying, he managed to open his mouth and commenced sucking the blood like a baby starved for a whole day. Marcus studies him keenly but Kabir suddenly withdrew from the sucking and died...

Stefnih watches keenly too but she couldn't move as she was dying gradually, she was kneeling on one leg; supporting herself with her sword dug in the ground. The remaining three members of the marine cult watched intently. Everywhere instantly became as quiet as a grave yard. Then Kabir came back to life, Marcus was carrying him in his hands, kneeling on one knee.

Kabir opens his eyes looking sternly at Marcus who smiles at him.

"Get up cousin", Marcus spoke to Kabir, unbelievably, he rose up.

Carlos saw everything, he re-suscitated a while ago; Marcus and stefnih were both aware. Then did Carlos realise that he has been living with demons or super humans on the same planet

"End her", Marcus ordered.

Kabir rises, he looks strong as ever; all his sustained injuries were amazingly completely healed. His men were all shocked as they stared.

He picks his sword and walks to the dying lady.

"Nooooo!!!" shouts helpless Carlos; he's being bound with chains like a prisoner. Marcus smiles happily again.

Stefnih crawls dragging herself along the ground, she cant even get up. But she stops, forces herself to turn round; she manages to stand while she groans from extreme pain.

Barely standing, she looks at Carlos one last time, tears rolled down from her eyes; same was happening to Carlos. Then she smiled a dry smile at him biting her lower lips, Carlos nods his head absent-mindedly while more tears flowed.

She falls on her knees as Kabir angrily walks to her.

"Nooooo!!!" shouts Carlos but his shouting was absolutely useless as Kabir swings his sword and posed like a pro baseball player just after he took a nice, damn shot.

He froze with that posture still holding his sword with two hands. Stefnih's head almost fell off from the body; only being held by a sizeable portion of flesh from the back of her neck.

As Kabir who loves being too dramatic withdraws from his after-shot-baseball-posture, he really took his time to do this; moving with a slow motion. He always jokingly tells his men that he's gonna study theatre acts when he finally becomes a warewolf.

But something spectacular co-incided with his 'slo mo' withdrawal from the after-shot baseball posture; Carlos was very busy shouting at the highest max volume of his voice with so much rage mixed with vicious fury.

He was kneeling, sitting on the back of his legs with each of his wrist chained, one marine held each hand with the chain. He stops shouting and takes a slow, full deep breath, he exhales in a like manner...

Four more marines rushed into the gathering. Marines dont walk while on duty; they jog or run instead. Six more join them, three were adult females. Two wore very short, hot mini, black leather skirts; they were almost naked as the short skirts exposed all their sexy, curvy thighs.

They were all rocking high-heeled boots but the third lady was rocking a red leather skin-tight jean.

Her onion-shaped buttocks pictured from her back can make any man want to make love to her. She got big boobs too, round and very tempting to squeeze. They stood firm like two large water melon.

But she has no qualms walking fastly, knocking everything beside away with her curvy hips despite the load she carries on her chest and arse.

One of the last three men that entered was carrying a young girl that looks very tired on his shoulder. She saw Carlos kneeling, with chains on both wrists; held by two wicked marines. Blood was all over his face and body. She found it hard to recognize him if not for the ash colour New Orleans National Park T-shirt he wore. She personally dry cleaned it for him yesterday.

Then her heart skipped twice; Debbie couldn't control her tears as she saw a lady on pink short gown lying down dead with her head almost separated from the body.

Its her dear, loving and caring elder sister; Stefnih San Diego. She wept the more.

The marine carrying the young girl walks closer to Kabir, he drops her angrily on the watered ground; practically throwing her off his muscular shoulder.

Debbie just commenced learning some simple combat moves from her elder brother, two days ago. She knows almost nothing about combat but she controlled her falling, by landing on her side and shooting out her hands protectively displaying an interesting adrenaline rush.

But the height she fell from was too much for her; causing her to hit her round hip on the watered ground; there was a big splash. She screams as the pain was unbearable...

Carlos was beginning to behave strange. Still kneeling and looking down; his long dark shiny hair pouring down and covering his blood-stained face. He hears the scream of Debbie; he knows this voice too well. It shocks him like a thousand electric volts and he wakes up like the famous Undertaker, though still kneeling.

He makes things worse for himself by panting heavily, his hair made it impossible to behold his face but that didn't stop Enzo, the third in command of all the marines to walk to him and deal him a hot punch on the jaw.

Carlos, concidering his age was supposed to crash to the ground soon he received such a punch but it simply ingnited his energy and anger.

"Harrgghhh", he roared, now he's no more screaming. He's fuckin roaring like bloody lion. But the marines are the craziest set of people in Europe, the two men holding the chains got infuriated and start slamming blows on Carlo's face. Three grown men kept punching the teenager on the face but he didnt fall, instead he roared the more.

Debbie seemed to be feeling the punches more than Carlos.

She gets up and screams.


Then she goes gaga.

"Fuckin stop it you bloody bitches", she yells.

But just as she finished pronouncing the 'bitches', she got a thunderous slap on the cheek which swept her off her feet and sent her crashing on the ground. Then she faints. The slap came from Kabir.

"HHAARRGHH!!!", roared Carlos, the three marines punching him froze, they each tightened their grip on the chain using two hands but cautiously took a step back coz this was no ordinary scream despite the fact that they the marines are one bunch of crazy, fearless wild dogs.

Enzo seeks for permission from his boss, Kabir, by fixing his eyes on him. The boss looked very pissed and impatient and that meant 'give him hell bloody Enzo'!

Enzo takes two steps backwards, he pulls out his thick cable whip from his waist band and straightens it.

Carlos didn't scream again but his eyes were closed. Seems he was not even breathing anymore but he was still kneeling and sitting on the back side of his legs.

Enzo was done with the straightening, seems Carlos hates or fears being whipped, no wonder he shut his damn mouth up. But the bloody marines dont pity their victims; they'll rather drag them through all sorts of hell.

Enzo swings his iron cable whip at quiet Carlos. The two men holding the chains cleared for the incoming whip on time still holding the chain which was long enough for them to adjust. This whip brutally flogged a cop to death two days ago cos he arrested Enzo's girldfriend, Maya, for squeezing his dick while on duty on the highway.

Enzo furiously flogged the cop to death simply because he refused to accept banging his crazy girlfriend in exchange for her release. The cop insisted he's taking her to the station for violating his privacy, even while on duty, in public.

Thanks guys, your support means the world to me. I kindly need ur likes, votes, comments and more patronage. Love y'all...

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts