
Chapter 25


A Year Later

"Are you ready to shut it down for the day?" I ask Merry when the final customer leaves right before closing time.

"Yes," she sighs, rubbing her eyes. "I'm really tired today."

No one knows our little secret. It's fun having something that's just ours. In the life I had before I came to Blizzard Bluff, I kept my secrets close. I never allowed anyone in. Since Merry and I got married in April, I've been sharing everything with this town. They stop me on the sidewalks or wherever they see me, asking when I'm going to come back to work at the bakery. They wonder how Merry and I are getting along, are we planning on staying here, or moving to a bigger city?

At first, it was disconcerting since I've never had this many people in my business before. I had to come to the conclusion that everyone was worried about Merry. They wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

Now? I'm used to it, but we've been keeping a secret the last three months.