
Chapter 19


Pulling up to the front of the bakery, I notice Merry's already here, as always. I wish she'd let me come in at the same time as her, but she insists on getting started by herself. No matter how safe Blizzard Bluff is, I still worry.

Keeping the women in my life safe is almost an obsession now because of what happened to my sister when we were younger. Gripping the steering wheel, I allow myself to be taken back to the night I found out she wouldn't be coming home.

Lights stream in the front windows as someone turns into the drive. It's about time Lanie got here. I've been waiting on her for hours. She'd reassured me she'd be home right after her shift was over. Since our parents weren't big on raising either of us, I've been her primary caregiver for the last three years. At sixteen, she's craving independence and testing me at every turn. Tonight I gave in, letting her drive herself home even though the weather is calling for heavy snow.