
The Path

As the realisation hit him that he had just killed an inoccent family he could'nt bare kill more he decided to go back tho camp. As he was going back using the map he incountered a strange path which that he had'nt seen before otto thoght that he just could'nt remember it, but this path was very strange it had a hole in the middle of it, it was in the middle of a field of crop's Otto thoght to himself that he would deffinetly remember a path like this. He concluded that he must be going the wrong way, yet every way he tried to go he would find an identicle path he decided that he would go threw this strange path. As he was walking in it, it kept getting stranger and stranger. Out of nowhere he saw a little girl run past him into the wood's, he ran after her to see the burning house and outside the family which was lit on fire. He could'nt believe his eye's Otto was'nt a supersticios man he was a logical one. He thought it was just his brain manifesting his guilt and ran away from the the house lit on fire. After a long journey he made it back to the camp.