
The Blank Omnitrix

I wanted to end it all...what's the meaning of life if I've only got 2 months to live...so I decided to commit the most heinous act... taking my life. He jumped, just before he landed, a meteor crushed ryt onto him...a watch with a green and black dial was given...read on... *The cover page isn't mine. Please don't sue me, I have nothing

Saintbarbido · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

What In The Hell? Scam of the century

I wanted to die....Life wasn't appealing to me anymore. Afterall I only had two more months to live. The chemo was taking a toll on me and the desperation was even worse. I love my life damnit!! Everything was going so well. I'd only finished my campus education in musicology and I was on the way to being a star just before I was diagnosed with cancer. Now after 2 years of fighting hard for a chance to live, I was done. My family would probably not understand...but at least they'll go on with their lives.

"That's enough stalling....time to take the plunge."

I said to myself as I stood on the edge of the top of an abandoned feris wheel.

" I don't even know how I got up here... he he he."

This amusement park had been closed once the state had reclaimed the area surrounding it. So I was sure nobody would be here to stop me with a good dose of talk-no-jutsu.

I stretched a foot in front of me and closed my eyes.

"This is going to be soooo painful..."

Then I jumped...and nothing happened. Just a bright light shining through my closed eyelids. The light disappeared just as fast as it came. I opened my eyes and saw a typical office room, with a fat guy sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"Where's the pain?" I asked," I thought that death was supposed to be painful."

The fat guy raised an eyebrow and looked at me like I was an idiot.

"That's the first question you have? Not 'where I'm I?' or the more popular 'who are you?' then again mr. Wentworth, you are a different breed from the usual lot. Anyway, Let's get this over with..."

"Are you God?"

I interrupted him amid his speech.

"No, and I'll appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me whilst I'm speaking. Now where was I? oh yes, you died and your death was fast, you were struck by a meteor just before you hit the ground. That's why you didn't feel any pain and I have to say Mr Wentworth, I am very disappointed in you. You see you were supposed to be the motivation your younger brother needed to come up with the cure for cancer.

But then you decided to fuck it up by taking your own life!"

He finished by shouting and I was momentarily speechless. My emotions were all over the place... motivation needed?...for that little piece of shit Edward...the brother who was loved by the whole family for being perfect?...you gotta be kidding me... Edward was as far from perfect as the sun was from the Earth and he hated me for my talent in music...he would probably have used my death as a sob story to become famous...granted he was really really smart but fuck him! and fuck this guy too.

"You're telling me, I suffered all that pain just to be some motivation for a little shit that could have probably invented the cure for death in his sleep!!! Are you fucking with me... You and I both know I suffered for nothing!!"

I shouted as my rage got the better of me. Suddenly I was flung to the wall and held there by some unseen force. The fat guys eyes had changed from their unassuming black color to a bright red.

"Don't take that tone with me boy... you're nothing but an insignificant mortal and if it wasn't for the rules, I'd throw you in a fiery pit and leave you there for eternity! Due to those same rules you were supposed to die in a certain way in a particular day and fashion and after you died, you would have been rewarded due to the positive karma you would have had. Fate doesn't take kindly to those who ruin her plans, your soul would have been mine to do with as I please, if your suicide had been successful. but the meteor disrupted that, so now I have to compensate you...what a headache."

After calming down, I reviewed his words carefully and my eyes shone. This was it...an Otaku's wet dream. If I heard him correctly, I assumed I was going to get some OP wishes and travel the multiverse being a mega badass.

The force holding me to the wall let me down gently and I instantly adopted a kissass attitude,

"He he he, this sir. I apologise for my earlier attitude, the death and trauma got to me and I didn't think about what I was saying at that particular moment. Someone of your grand stature deserves all the respect in the world. I had eyes and didn't see mount Tai..."

" Stop stop stop! Heavens that voice is so annoying. How can you change so fast?! just get on with your 3 wishes you shameless brat."

"first, I want an Omnitrix with master control unlocked and access to all the aliens in the watch, whether ultimate or not. second, I want to travel the multiverse by hopping in and out of worlds whenever I want with no restrictions. third, I want complete control of my bodily functions, similar to that of Joshua Taylor from the webserial superpowereds."

The fat guy who up until now still hadn't introduced himself was briefly silent, just before a smile appeared on his fat face.

"first penalty, all wishes will be 60% less effective for trying to take your own life. Second penalty all wishes will be 30% less effective for disrupting fate's plan."

Wait what?!

" No, that's not fair, you smug bastard!!! what right do you have.."

" Every right as the overseer of this plane. Have a horrible life Mr. Chris Wentworth."

He said that as I started fading away...

(Place skip?) + (Time Skip)

I groaned as I came to in a garbage bin. How did I know this? I could tell by the horrible smell. I looked at the surroundings and noticed that I was in a in an alleyway. first thing was to check on my wishes to see just how big of a penalty they had. My anger was still at an all time high but I was still excited.

I looked at my wrist and found the iconic Omnitrix from the classical Ben 10. However there were some worrying changes. For starters, the dial glowed a dim green and the watch was a bit on the thin side, widthwise. The buttons were missing too.

"Goddamnit! what did that guy do to my lovely watch!!!!?"

I was hesitant to turn the dial because I had a foreboding feeling. I took a deep breath and turned it.......... nothing. I turned it again, nothing. And again, still nothing. It's ....blank. it's blank? it's BLAANK!!!!!

After raging and kicking the garbage bin alot I finally calmed down. No master control, no ultimate Ben and no aliens. The only thing I had left was the scanning function as well as something new called Cloak mode, which effectively integrated the Omnitrix with my DNA, making the watch on the wrist thing kind of point-less.

I also tried my full body control powers and just like the watch, they were dumbed down so much, they were discount seimen kikan from One Piece. I had a feeling I could control my hair length, fasten my digestion and the best part make changes to my body though on a smaller scale. My cancer also seemed to be cured. I didn't want to thank the bastard but I was still grateful.

The only things left was to find out just where I was as well as try out my world hopping powers. On second thought I'll leave the latter for later. Why? a newspaper had just hit my face with the image of a young Howard Stark on it. The date was 1944. Fuck, I was in Captain America. Whelps let's get Stronkk

Hey guys, this is my new book and don't worry I have a lot planned for it so no dropping.

My mc is selfish and naive but hopefully he'll grow out of it. I want an mc who's going to grow strong to the levels of planet buster and beyond but not without a lot of pain, blood and sweat. so get ready it's gonna be a journey.

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