
The 5 giant octopus (2)

After defeating the 3 giant octopus who went on the last 5 giant threshold.

He went on to fight the 2 giant octopus seeing both of them have different hierarchy of strength.

The other giant octopus who is seemingly higher standards than the other giant octopus pulverized an entire large vicinity where as big as an arena.

As soon as they're gonna fight pillars that are unbreakable came down from the sky with electric barriers that consists of 3 million of volts.

Somehow, yamagod got suspicious that this giant octopus is somehow a omnipotent being who decimate anything in this world.

But the battle has already begin the giant octopus release an electricity from his tentacles and shooted it towards yamagod, yamagod reaction time couldn't see it because of how fast it is, The electricity light was going around (Mach 50).

Although, Yamagod sense the aura of the electricity power, a phenomenal power that is capable of destroying an entire city.

Yamagod asked himself 『I sense this power, this is beyond mine.』

Yamagod has no choice but to attack it having to not able to dodge that kind of speed he attack it with all his might knowing this might be the end of his.

He prepared his fist for it to counter, and an explosion happens so big that the barriers broke and the city were nearly destroyed the monsters weren't affected somehow.

But both of them did survive the attacks, yamagod went for another burst attack with all his might, the giant octopus also went for an attack.

Another explosion happen and another and another until the last one, city was destroyed by the intensity of power, the giant octopus began to transform.

The giant octopus were transform with a big circle shield, 2 little giant octopus was at his side, the giant octopus began to somehow making everyone loses its mind.

Even yamagod itself. Yamagod: 『What is this intensity. 』

The intensity, the aura, the presence. the giant octopus might be somehow a being that is stronger than anyone in this hierarchys of monsters

A being that surpass anyone in the hierarchy but somehow he was erased from existence somehow the giant octopus power may surpass everything.

Causing everyone to lose their minds by just looking at it even yamagod itself, Yamagod asked himself 『How did he get erased so quickly? did he/she ceases to exist by his unparalleled presence? 』

Too many mysteries have happened at the events and it's still not over.