
Grim reaper vs World

The entire world began to unite, fighting the death itself.

Grim reaper summoned various of souls to kill everyone, "you all shall slaughter everyone".

The souls began to kill everyone, and the death finally have a chance to duel with yamagod but the 2 mysterious man began to attack.

A powerful punch and a astonishing speed was combined to annihilated grim reaper/the death.

Grim reaper blow them away in seconds and spoke and said, "You both think you can kill me, "*laughs*, you have no chance of killing me, I AM THE DEATH I AM IMMORTAL".

Grim reaper summoned a humongous black lightning all over the world.

He began to reveal his scythe, and as soon as he reveals his scythe he ran towards yamagod, it was so fast not even the 2 mysterious man cannot caught at his speed, but yamagod sensed it and dodge it immediately.

The souls that was commanded were on a killing spree, soldiers and super soldiers began to fight with the souls, although the attacks that they were throwing don't even affect.

The 2 mysterious man begin to attack the souls, and still isn't enough, the soul began to swing the scythe but the 2 mysterious man grabbed it and pulled the scythe they swing it and it missed they tried repetitively but the souls keep dodging it.

Yamagod and grim reaper having a huge combat fight, yamagod was casually defending himself by the astonishing punches that was being throwed by him.

Yamagod punch the grim reaper to the face but his shoulders was caught by grim reaper and brutally rip his shoulder apart, But yamagod was still steady from the incident and punch the grim reapers face.

Somehow, the blood that was flowing through his body is fusing into one allowing him to make his strength grow even farther, strength was fusing into one and after a few seconds the fusing was completed he began to collect all the strength and released at it's full potential, the grim reaper was shocked it can't even react to the situation that was happening, a huge explosion happened, souls were demolished, too many deaths, and only few were alive.

Grim reaper and the 2 mysterious man is still alive, grim reaper finally felt the attack, he's no longer immune to the attacks, the 2 mysterious man endured the attack and fainted.

The entire city was demolished, the countries felt wind, and the wind that came was higher than any other wind that came.

The grim reaper and yamagod are the only ones that are left, the author saw the huge catastrophe that happened on earth and began to approach.