
Grim reaper arrival!!

He welcome the mankind.

Grim reapers: "Greetings humans!!!.. I have been sent from the author itself, THE GOD OF OUR UNIVERSE!!"

Yamagod was shocked by the abrupt information.

Yamagod asks the grim reaper, "Who's the author you are talking about and why did he sent u here?..".

Grim reaper: "Oh my, I was keeping this as a secret but I would broke the trust instead, after all he isn't the one who created me he will not be in charge of extinguishing me, he's the only one who commanded me".

Grim reaper: "He wanted to make an entire large catastrophe, and by that catastrophe is killing you".

Yamagod was shocked, finding the source of why does the author wanted him dead.

Yamagod: But why does he want me dead?

Grim reaper: You interfered his own scheme by your unparalleled jurisdiction of yours, that's why he commanded me to execute you from this world.

Yamagod was astonished by the information that was given through him.

The last words come by before the mankind recieve a huge carnage and destruction in the mankind.

Grim reaper: "I shall put an end on you, YAMAGOD!!".