
Arise of yamagod

A concept of light, the blackroom where everything/anyone transcend humans/superhumans.

A battle between the blackrooms and yamauchi, the fight has begun one of the most deadliest fight in all of humanity causing yamauchi being the one who transcends everyone in the earth itself.

But how did he arise from gods?..

After the blackrooms he master 85 martial arts style, he is conceive to have such an 1,500 iq and mastered logical, intellectual,comprehensional,analyzation, critical, strategical and manipulation itself he also outrunned faster than the sound (mach 5).

He was holding back in any fights because of how many cautions the earth will reproduce of destruction.

Yamagod also caused the incident of destroying an entire city block because of the fight of the gang making yamagod causing them to the edge.

Although all of the events that have happened in the blackrooms/after blackrooms none of these were yamagod full potential.