
The Blackened Mc In Fantasy World

When Stephen Peter was betrayed by his childhood friends.... this things, how will he change? Will he be able to stay the same person once he was?! or is he going to..... This Novel is written by me and is my original novel. I don't know will you people like it or not?..just give some reviews about my mistake so that I can correct them. Thank you for reading. The update will be a bit slow, as I started writing recently. The artwork doesn't belong to me, if anyone knows the artist of the photo, please remind me. I will tag him

HuangTian1156 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Betrayal and awakening (Prologue)

"Why..why do I have to go through all this?! What did I do wrong?! Why did you TWO betray ME?! All those years, those emotion's from childhood were all fake? Was losing me nothing to you.."

Stephen peter screamed as his voice was heard from the valleys as he fainted. However, no one was there to listen to his cries, as this was one of the most dangerous valleys in the whole universe known as - 'Valley Of The End'. 'Valley of End', it was given this name because there were rumors that secret related to the end of the world was here but no one knows if it is true or not..and though it is said to be a valley, it was many times larger than the 'Human kingdom' - Alverious; which is known as the largest/biggest empire of humanity. It is said to be a valley because most of the land here is a downside as if it was razed to the ground by something. The mystery of this place remains unknown. This mystery was also known alongside the other six mysteries as 'The Mystery Of Beginning And Ending'.

At that time, to the south of the valley, where most of the places here are full of volcanoes. There are no plants in here, it was looking like a living hell on earth, the sky is also burning red, it was as if someone has thrown a large scale fire magic here. In an Unknown corner/hole a person was lying there as if he was dead but if you look closely you can find that he is still breathing. Most of the clothes the person wore were torn as many parts of his naked body were visible. It was a miracle as to how he survived in this place.

There were bruises in many parts of his body, even then after seeing him many people; whether male or female would be mesmerized. His white hair that goes down to his shoulder makes him look even more unearthly as if a fairy truly exists. However, there was no one to appreciate it. Even though he may look like this, not most people know his story.

Suddenly, Stephen opened his Brownish eyes and looked here and there is confusion to understand where he was. As he tried to recall things, the pain started to come as he clutched his head, as memories slowly started to come as he started to remember everything.

His name is 'Stephen Peter'.A student from 'Karl Magic Institute'.Normally, students who still haven't graduated from the Institute are banned from coming to any dangerous places. So, he shouldn't be here(the valley of the end) but he was invited by his two childhood friends, though it is said to be friends they were no different from childhood sweethearts. Their names are 'Angelica Theourdus' and 'Ketrela Leon' They have grown together in an orphanage as the three of them had no parents, they have supported each other all time. Then, when they became 12 years old they were taken to measure their aptitude for magic and found to be genius in magic, as they have much more mana than normal people and have good attributes. So they were recommended to 'Karl Magic Institute'.

This institute was opened jointly by the 6 Major Human kingdoms and was named after 'Karl' the Greatest Human magician, he was so powerful that he can easily defeat any SSS class Humans/Demons/Angels, even if they fight together to defeat him. You must know, there are only a handful of SS class-level humans/devils/angels, lest any SSS class. He was also known to be the 'World's greatest Scumbag', because of how many women he had. Even then he was respected for all this, after all in this world, only the strong have the power.

"It doesn't matter how powerful you are, if anything has a 'Beginning' then it will also have an 'Ending'.In front of time..everyone has to bow…nothing is an exception..even the universe, as the universe also has to go through countless cycles to become perfect" - was the last sentence said by 'Karl' before he died. There we also many strong people of SSS rank who died over time.

The power level of this word is divided from(E~D~C~B~A~S~SS~SSS). The power level is superficial as it was only for people to understand. They give rank based on the 1<Mana a person have>,2<The power his/her speed have or the damage he/she deals with others>. Many peoples like to hide as sometimes they might not show you their true power while testing. Well..this doesn't happen many times, I mean, the higher your rank the higher people respect you. So this rank saves many troubles a person would have when doing things.

What do we call a UNIVERSE?.. A place where there is a vast number of galaxies. But in this universe(the universe mc is in) there are not even galaxies but only three planets. Namely "Earth, Heaven & Hell". Earth is where most humans live, Heavens is the place of angels, whereas Hell is the place where demons live. But why do we call this a universe? because this universe is so big or vast that even the strongest beings of the three races(human/demon/angels) said - "The more powerful we are, the more 'awe' we are in of Universe because we can't see the end of it(universe), as if it almost infinite."

A universe has to go through countless cycles for it to become perfect and every cycle most of the living beings in this world die, only some powerful beings survive but then also they die over time. Fate' also plays with people, as they entangle human feelings or emotions. Every path, a person has to cross one difficulty, to evolve and see another new scenery.


If there are any grammar mistakes, please let me know. I will appreciate it

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

I mean it took more than 1h 30 min to write.

HuangTian1156creators' thoughts