
The Blackened Crown

Xerxes rises up in power in his previous life as the feared Dark King of the Throne kingdom. However, after being betrayed and killed by his allies, Xerxes finds himself reincarnated in a new world with a chance to start again. Determined to avoid his past mistakes, Xerxes sets out on a path to reclaim his throne and seek revenge on those who wronged him. With his newfound knowledge and experience, he quickly rises to power once again, but this time he must navigate a web of political intrigue and betrayal to maintain his hold on the kingdom. As Xerxes delves deeper into the mysteries of his new world, he discovers dark secrets that threaten to destroy everything he has built. With the help of a band of loyal followers, including a powerful sorceress and a skilled swordsman, Xerxes must confront ancient evils and powerful enemies to ensure his reign as the rightful king. But as the stakes get higher and the enemies grow stronger, Xerxes begins to question whether his thirst for power and revenge is worth the cost. Will he be able to maintain his hold on the throne and his own sanity, or will he succumb to the darkness within and lose everything he has fought so hard to gain? I do not own the cover if the owner would like me to take it down please contact me

DivineDominator16 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Void Within

In the heart of the Kingdom of Thorne, a great darkness had descended. The sky had turned black, the sun blotted out by a swirling maelstrom of shadows and voids. The air was thick with the stench of decay, the ground beneath them churned and twisted by some unseen force. And at the center of it all stood a figure, tall and imposing, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

His name was Xerxes, xerxes is a tall, imposing figure, with a muscular build and broad shoulders that make him seem larger than life. He has jet black hair that falls in long, sleek strands down his back, framing his chiseled jawline and piercing red eyes that seem to burn with an intense, otherworldly energy.

His face is ruggedly handsome, with sharp cheekbones and a prominent brow that give him an air of mystery and danger. He wears black leather armor that hugs his body like a second skin, enhancing his already impressive physique and giving him a menacing appearance. His armor is adorned with intricate runes and symbols that seem to writhe and pulse with dark energy, hinting at the immense power he wields.

Xerxes spent years fighting against The order after studying the power of darkness and he eventually tapped into a power called The Void.

Xerxes is a master of the void, with the ability to control the darkness itself. It was said that he could summon forth the very essence of the void, shaping it into any form he desired, from creatures of nightmare to weapons of incredible power.

But that is barely even the full might of The Void as Xerxes has never really spent much time studying this power throughly.

He is a ruthless and unforgiving individual, showing no mercy to those who dare to oppose him. He is cunning and manipulative, using his charm and charisma to deceive those around him and bend them to his will.

Despite his terrifying reputation, there is a certain magnetism to Xerxes that draws people to him. He exudes a dark charisma that is both alluring and terrifying, making it difficult for his enemies to resist him. He has a commanding presence that demands attention, and his voice is deep and resonant, making it impossible not to listen when he speaks.

And now, with his power unleashed in full force, he stood atop a high tower, surveying the devastation that he had wrought. The city below him lay in ruins, the streets littered with the broken bodies of men, women, and children. Smoke rose from the burning buildings, filling the air with the acrid smell of death and destruction.

Xerxes laughed, a deep, dark sound that echoed through the void. He reveled in the chaos he had created, the power he wielded. He knew that he was unstoppable, that none could stand against him.

But as he stood there, basking in his triumph, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and saw a glowing crystal embedded in his flesh, pulsing with a bright light. He tried to rip it out, but it was too deeply embedded, too powerful.

Xerxes was stunned as he discovered the crystal embedded within his flesh. Suddenly, everything made sense. He realized that the Order had planted it inside him while he was still one of their own. The crystal just needed a high amount of power to activate.

Xerxes screamed in rage and agony as the crystal began to glow brighter and brighter, searing his flesh and blinding him with its radiance. He felt his control over the void slipping away, felt himself falling into a dark abyss.

When he woke up, he was lying on the ground, He looked around, confused and disoriented. The void was gone, the darkness lifted. The sun was shining again, the sky a clear blue.

Xerxes rose to his feet, feeling weak and drained. He stumbled over to a nearby stream and drank deeply, trying to regain his strength.

As he sat there, he came across a puddle that displayed his reflection "huh? What's going on? Why am I so young?" He soon realized he was reincarnated inside the body of a 17-year-old boy who looked strikingly similar to his old self. Xerxes couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and anger towards the Order, but he knew that he had to keep his wits about him if he was to uncover the truth behind their sinister motives.

He tried to summon forth his powers, but nothing happened. He could feel the void within him, but he had no control over it. He could only preform some of the basics that his ability allowed

Xerxes felt a surge of rage and frustration. He had been defeated, but he refused to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to regain his strength, to regain control over the void.

He stood up and started walking, not knowing where he was going or what he would find. But he knew that he had to keep moving, to keep searching, no matter the cost.

And as he walked, Xerxes felt a new sense of purpose within him. He was no longer the all-powerful master of the void but he was still a force to be reckoned with. He would find a way to regain his power, to unleash the darkness once again.

For Xerxes was not a man to be underestimated. He was a villain, a destroyer, a force of darkness. And he would stop at nothing to regain his rightful place at the top of the world.