

The next day,

I was sent along with the hunting team of the pack strolling through the forest listening in for any creature around. At the back and made to carry all the weapons, I walked in slow strides. Trying to keep away from everyone. I didn't miss the subtle gazes directed at me. Especially the one behind me, Trevor happened to be the leader of this hunt and he stood at the back. He planned to keep an eye on me throughout the hunt, a very close eye.

"Walk faster rogue" he snapped behind me. I quickened my pace forward a bit. Facing downward to avoid making eye contact with anyone. I accidentally bumped into another person in front.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there" I didn't bother raising my head however bent lower to show my sincere apology.

"It's okay you dont have to apologize I didn't break my back." this time I looked up at the fellow I had bumped into. He had a warm smile on his face as he reached out his palm for me to hold on to. I was confused by his kind gesture. Was he planning something else? Do I have to keep my guard up now?

"Thank you but I think it's better I stay behind" I looked around uncomfortable by the stares." for everyone's sake" I added.

Waiting for him to walk away instead he came beside me looking elsewhere. Trevor was already close behind me. I had to keep moving and he matched my pace slowly. This went on until we reached a spot to rest near the river bank. Some other females had tagged along on the hunt. I went close to another side of the bank where no other wolves stood to rest. The sound of footsteps approaching behind me made me on edge. I checked over my shoulder, It was still him. He had been walking around me since I bumped into him. It was starting to be a bother, so I ignored him and drank some water. He would get tired and be gone soon. That was what I thought.

"From which pack were you?" he asked breaking the silence.

"I dont belong anywhere" I answered flatly


I froze but answered "Can't remember them" he kept quiet for a bit.

"They must be dead then, mine are too," he said, making his way beside me. I watched him take some water from the bank. what was he planning?

" you dont have to be scared around me" he turned me.

"I'm not scared," I said then he looked at the distance I created when he came nearer.

"My name is daven" he brought out his hands to shake. "what's yours," he asked with a small grin. I hesitated a bit but reluctantly took his hand.

"Hello," I said slowly, and he broke into a burst of laughter. I furrowed my eye confused by his amusement. I never said anything funny.

"You are one weird wolf" he is the weird one who laughs for no reason. "From now on let's walk together, it must be lonely walking all by yourself"

"Im fine walking alone," I said

"No, I insist" he interjected

"I dont need your sympathy," I said already getting irritated by his persistent bother.

"And I wasn't giving any" he is really a bother. He had a triumphant smile plastered on his face. Trevor called everyone together. We gathered all together, I stood away where I could still hear the details.

"The routes here are large so its best we split up into four to search more grounds," he said

No one would want me anywhere near them. I guess I am doing this alone. The guy named daven happened to be called into a squad of four whereas I was left alone by myself. I knew this would happen. There were saying to my face 'go survive on my own'.

"Hey, I would like to go with her" daven raised his hands in the air pointing at me.

I was shocked as everyone else was, I didn't know he was that insane.

"Are you sure?" Trevor asked

"Yes" he answered

"Me?" I said in confusion, he walked over to me.

"Yes, you" he grabbed my hands pulling me away.

"I think there's a mistake" I looked between his formal squad and him. He dragged me into an unknown route.

"Wait a minute" I dragged my arm, glaring at him." why are you doing this"

"Doing what? hunting with you" he said as a matter of fact.

"Yes that, look if you feel sorry for me you dont have to, I am fine on my own" I went on my own.

"Well, I can't leave anyways 'cause you have to be under watch." he said following me "besides do you know your way around here," he asked. I stopped in my tracks. He walked ahead turning back to shoot me his triumphant smile. We walked on the trail catching some rabbits and a dear.

I stuffed the dear into the large sack forcefully. "I think thats all we can get, LLet'shead back," I said in a disinterested tone. I wanted to crawl back somewhere, I felt exposed in this outdoor forest.

"For a werewolf, you are really inactive." he joked but I gave him an unimpressed glare.

"Oh dear, pardon me for not leaping into the trees and barking at squirrels", I said in a sarcastic tone.

He snorted at my comment "those are dogs"

I clicked my tongue at him, "Same thing"

"We aren't the same thing" he retorted

He was about to argue further when we heard a twig branch snap in half. It got silent and we were on full alert. He tiptoed to where we heard the sound only to find a huge boar grazing in the corner. I could see his eyes lit up in excitement as he looked at me instantly. I stared back at him confused, was it what I thought he was thinking? As if reading my mind he nodded ecstatically. I shook my head repeatedly, mouthing 'no' over again. I moved away and he came to meet me.

"We need to leave, we got enough" I pointed to the bag we brought along filled with hunting game.

"It's just one more boar"

"Absolutely not" I refused

"I thought you dont like it back at the pack"

"It's safer than being out here"

"What's going to hurt us here" he put his hands wide spread apart.

"Many things, forget the boar lets head back"

"Go on without me then" I looked at him bewildered he knew I couldn't go back without him. He had that annoying smirk on his face. Damn it.

I sighed, cursing under my breath before giving in. "Just this last one, after this can we go back," I asked defeated.

I can't believe I gave in to him. Maybe I should have left him and gone back however that would bring up issues especially if something happened after I came alone.