
The black sorceress

When the magic was vanishing from our earth, different Covens around the world decides to built schools for wizardry and keep the magic alive among the next generations. Aurora Dimitri knew she belonged to a family of white wizards. So when her Coven decides, she is sent to a school of magic. With a start of new year at new school, a little love, heartbreak, new forbidden friendships are the things she least expected. When lot of secrets are been exposed, she has to decide a side to save the world.

Nehhl3 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Walking early to my school was fun, but on winter it was hard to walk on snow and bear the freezing cold outside. I pulled my coat further closer to stop shivering.

" hello Aurora… how you doing? " Mr. Adams our baker asked me.

" I'm good.. Mr. Adam. What about you?"

" ohh.. l have told you to leave the formalities… call me James" he chuckled.

" ok.. as you Say" I laughed " bye see you later. I would love to chit chat but I'll be late for my first day class"

"Ok, ok hurry go!! Bye" he shooed me away kindly.

James was our old baker from whom we brought breads and bakeries. He was kind enough to give us bread when we were struggling, since then I have started to respect him and never could I call him James. Out of respect I always calls him Mr. Adams even though I know he dislikes it. His son Jacob is my best friend and the boy I have had crush since I was eight years old when I first met him at his grandma's funeral. We all were pretty same as we all had one thing in common.

" Auroraaaa...!!" Nimmy came running towards me, took my hands and spinned me to end up with a bone crushing hug.. " you are so Damn lucky girl.. I wish I could be you"

I looked at her as if she had developed two horns " what-t iss i—t? " I asked her trying to catch my breath.

She slapped my hands " come on, even though I don't want to tell you I can't seem to keep my mouth shut" she giggled " you know your dream of marry your crush is going to come true babe" she exclaimed chirping. I looked at her confused

"Jake is going to propose you I guess" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Jacob? " I asked

" yes , Jacob.. I saw him buying flowers and chocolates today morning from the Leverings. I'm sure it's for you" she seems more excited than me

" may be it's not for me" I chuckled nervously.

"What?? How do you know that? I'm pretty sure it's for you"

I sighed.. " he never told me anything before"

" oh my god!! Are you crazy? No one ever tells that they are going to propose us… it's always a surprise. Besides everyone that knows the way he cares for you, the way he looks at you.. do you remember that day at the cafe cappuccino.. what happened?" She asked

I shook my head no, suddenly I couldn't think straight.. if he is going to propose me what I'm I gonna tell him.

"He ate your cake with the same spoon and drank your coffee… Rings a bell? I knew from then on he's so into you.. you should see he waits for you all the time. Only when you come does he leave. And he keeps on asking about you."

"Really?" I asked "oh my god, Nimmy how I'm I gonna react? I don't know… well should I say even I had crush on him since very long"

" that depends, you should initially confuse him. Don't say anything immediately.. stay quite for sometime and then exclaim yess!!" She explained

"Ok.. I'm so nervous"

"Come on, let's go fast. Now we don't want to be late" she caught my hands when we saw our school gate and started slightly pushing me towards. She was way more thrilled than I. Me and Nimmy had been best friends since we were toddlers. We were there for each other always.

Once we reached the gate I looked to the building which is more like a castle. "THE SCHOOL OF VALIERY" was written in big bold letters in the middle of the campus on a fountain with two angels one sitting down and one up with a goddess in between sitting with a book. It seems like the one sitting down was interested in hearing what the goddess has to say and the one above was peeping into the book.

This is my new school and it taught magic.. yes magic. in our world there was magic but not everyone was gifted only few around the world. We live in kingsland and there was only one school of magic here and thats in Valiery, my hometown. After my secondary education which is normal for all people irrespective of magic, I am sent here for my higher education which includes magic though my mom was not so willing at first, our committee decided that I need to go to this school so she had no choice.

There are three types of magic the light, black and dark magic. It's said we don't choose magic the magic chooses us. From generation to generations my family belongs to light magic. My parents and their ancestors practiced light magic, here in Valiery which is famous for light wizards and magi.

Our school had three entrance from the one we entered is the side for the light and there are two other one for black and one for dark. We have separate buildings and classes for different magics. Even though the campus is all connected we are not allowed to wander or go to other magic classes , it's strictly prohibited. Once caught the punishment is severe. We have same auditorium, sport courts, library and lunch hall. But we usually don't mingle with each others.

We had an orientation class one week back about the school, classes, rules etc. so today was literally our first day at school. We went straight to the office to collect our schedules for the year. Me and Nimmy had all classes same except some there and here were different which was a relief. Our first class was After welcome ceremony, for which we headed straight to the auditorium. During our second and third year we are supposed to stay here at the hostel provided by the school, it's compulsory.

Once we reached the venue we took our seats which was according to the number provided to us from the office. I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes and opened it to let my breath out only to look straight into two brown ones in front of me.