
Waking up from the Coma and News! ( Rewriten )

Alex PVs

The next thing I know, I'm awake and in a hospital bed, luckily it wasn't anything serious, apart from the headache I don't feel pain anywhere.

I got up, or rather I tried to get up but my legs don't respond the way I want, I fell to the floor and kept trying to get up, wow, why are my legs like this, am I disabled?

After trying one more time to get up, a nurse walked by my door, she saw me and ran to help me. "Oh my God, boy, are you ok, what happened? Are you on the floor like this?" says the nurse nervously.

"I don't know, I tried to get up but it feels like my legs are numb, I can't control them directly, can you help me?!" Alex says nervous and crying.

"Aaah! Wait, I'll call the head nurse and the doctors to check your condition, wait a little longer, I don't know if I can touch you, I don't want to make your health worse!!" says the nurse after almost helping Alex get back to bed.

I don't know why my leg is like this, but now that I've calmed down and my headache is gone, I've discovered something very interesting.

My mind is much clearer than before and I can remember things better than before, I have to think and find out what the cause is, some things look different in my body, this also needs to be studied, for now, I will wait for find out what happened.

Maria PV

Today it's been four years since the accident, and I'm still hopeful that everything will go back to the way it was before and that when I come home he'll be there smiling at me and asking me anything and everything.

Lala doesn't say I know she's worse than me but she likes to play hard and says she has hope but with each passing day she gets more depressed.

I'm also more worried every day, I feel like I'm going to lose him too, if Alex dies I won't be able to bear this loss, I won't be able to continue.

I enter the hospital and, as usual, continue doing the same thing I've been doing for over thirty years until a nurse comes running up to me looking like she's seen a ghost and says:

"He's awake!! He's awake!! Come quick! the boy in room one is awake!!" says the nurse who found Alex on the floor.

Mary looks at the girl with her heart in her throat and asks "Are you talking about the boy who's been in a coma for four years? the one with the red hair!"

"Yes, it is! He woke up and tried to get up, but he fell to the floor. I found him crying on the floor and crawling, I wanted to get him up but I thought it was better to leave him where he was because I don't know if it can worsen his condition..." Before the girl could finish speaking, Mary was already running to her room, looking like an Olympian.

Upon entering the room, Mary finds a shaggy-haired Alex looking at nothing like a zombie, she goes into despair and shakes Alex to the floor not caring about a thing, she only had Alex in her eyes.

"Wake up my boy... Grandma is here, and she won't let anything happen to you! That's my promise!"

Alex comes out of his thoughts, he looks at the woman in front of him, but at first, he doesn't recognize her, but after hearing her voice, he speaks. "Grandma? What happened, how long did I sleep? and Why can't I walk? I want to walk, I don't want to be a cripple!" Alex says the ending with a cry.

After listening to her grandson's questions, Mary tells him everything, about the incident and everything that came after, especially about Lala and her father Earl, Alan, and Susan, who came to the hospital every day, he mostly smiled upon learning about Bob Lee, but she cried when she told me about the repercussions of my accident on our family.

After knowing what happened and how long I was sleeping or rather in a coma, I was sad as I wasted a lot of time lying in this bed, my father became an alcoholic, he was retired on disability because he was shot in the knee in Vietnam after he returned to the home he became sheriff, and when he's not working he's drinking, June became a drug addict, my grandmother didn't talk like that but you could tell just because she talks about depression and only sleeps on medication.

The good news was that Alan is doing very well, he comes to visit me every day for these four years Susan too, the boy was very grateful to me and calls me his big brother, always bringing his toys and telling me all about his life.

The main thing is Bob Lee, nothing out of the ordinary has happened to him, but he comes to visit me every weekend, and it drives June crazy, he's five now, and if I'm right, he's coming tomorrow with his dad, talking about father, he comes every morning and evening.

After talking to grandma I asked where grandma Lala is, I just asked for her and she came, running like a rocket to my bed, lying next to me, and hugging me, without saying anything she cried, cried a lot while letting go weird laughs, I didn't say anything and hugged her tight because I know how hard these last four years must have been.

The doctor gave his report on my health and said I'm healthy, I just need rehabilitation to walk again because despite having had an orthopedic leg massage, I haven't moved it for many years.

At dusk, my dad got the news that I woke up through gossip, and I have to say seeing my dad happy and angry is pretty funny was kind of like that."Why am I the last to know when my oldest son leaves the coma? Is it funny to see me anguished like an idiot!" Says Earl running, stuttering, and stumbling to the bedroom

"Calm down son! Alex is over there, look he's fine, apart from the fact that he can't walk and is a little underweight, he looks great!" Mary says with a smile.

"What did the doctor say, when is he going to be released? Why are you all over my boy, get out of the way! I want to see him after all I almost died of depression these last four years!" Earl runs to hug Alex.

"hahahahahahahahaha, why are you so nervous dad, I'm fine, it's okay, I'm back and I'm not going anywhere, aren't you doctor?" says Alex innocently looking at the doctor.

"Yes Mr. Swagger, the boy Alex is fine, he just needs time for rehab and soon he can get back to running around!" The doctor tells Earl in a professional tone.

After the doctor's words, everyone became calmer and the games continued into the night, the family was almost all and very happy, I finally understood that this is my family and that I'm not going anywhere, this is my life from now.

I was very happy that I didn't die in this accident, and it also seems that this accident wasn't a complete misfortune, and I may even have been earning some benefits.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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