
The fall of Isaac Johnson Part 3

Bob Lee PVs

The person in front of me was Nadine Memphis, to be honest, I met her today. "Hello, Agent Memphis. I'm cooperating, but I don't think this man is qualified to conduct an interrogation, I don't think this man is qualified to do anything."

Nadine Memphis. "Leave now Agent Carter! I think you'd better do a full report on this illegal interrogation you just carried out!

Sergeant Swagger, I would like to press charges against Agent Carter, I can testify on his behalf.

I don't like people who think they are above the law and do what they want as if there are no consequences!"

When Nadine released me and asked if I wanted to press charges, Agent Carter was pale as a sheet. "I would like to know what happened. Agent Carter was telling me my gun was found at the crime scene.

I don't understand, the president was attacked and it was this strange person I saw with a bag in his hands. You checked the security camera footage, I can still recognize the suspicious man!"

Nadine Memphis. "I checked the location you indicated, but for some reason all the cameras are faulty and nothing that happened there today was filmed."

I looked at her with a thoughtful face and said. "If you can bring me the designer, I will describe everything I remember about this man!"

Agent Carter. "Agent Memphis, why are you releasing the prime suspect and casually talking to him like he's a witness?"

I looked at the idiot and said. "Am I the prime suspect?

I was right here in the presence of the Memphis agent at the time of the crime, how can I be the criminal?

There are more than six people as witnesses and not to mention the security cameras of this FBI agency. So Mr. Carter, unless I can be in two places at once, I can't be the killer.

Nadine Memphis. "You heard Sergeant Swagger, Agent Carter! He is telling the truth and I can and will testify for him."

I smiled innocently at Agent Carter and then said. "Agent Memphis, as I was telling you, the suspect is very peculiar and should be easy to identify! He's probably disabled!"

Nadine Memphis. "Yes. I appreciate your cooperation and apologize in advance for all the embarrassment you went through!

If you want to file a complaint, I will cooperate 100%!"

As my brother said, Nadine Memphis is honorable and upright, worth coming here and having her as my witness. "No, Agent Memphis, I am a man who believes in patriotism and I would like to believe that Agent Carter's actions are an exception and will not be repeated, I mean, given the circumstances of the country these days. If you understand."

Nadine Memphis. "Yes sir! Sergeant Swagger! I understand and I assure you it won't happen again! Thanks again for your cooperation.

Shall we go to the designer's room?"

smiled calmly and said. "Before I go, can I get my cell phone back?

I'd like to call my wife and let her know that I'm fine and that I'm going home any minute now."

Nadine Memphis. "Sorry, Agent Carter... Immediately return Sergeant Swagger's phone!

Once again, I'm sorry, Sergeant Swagger!"

"Alright, call me Bob Lee or just Bob.

I am not on duty and we are all patriots, there are no strangers."

After being reprimanded by Agent Memphis, Agent Carter returned my cell phone and left. Nadine was waiting for me at the door while I called my family. "Hello, Julia?"

Julia. "What's going on Bob Lee? The cops broke into our house, confiscated our personal belongings, and worst of all. They're claiming you freaked out and tried to kill the president!

Tell me anything before I freak out!"

I noticed the desperation in his voice, it gave me a lot of guilt but it's for our good, someone set me up and if it weren't for my brother to show up, the situation would be ten times worse. "It's okay love, you know there's no way this matter is related to me.

They'll apologize and fix everything the way it was before, and in a little while, I'll be home with you.

The good thing about it all is that I finally decided!

I'm retiring."

Julia. "I know it wasn't you because you never miss a target! Alright!

Finally, I would love to have you home forever!"

"Hahaha... I know, I promise I'll stay home forever! Kiss Mary for me. Bye, I love you!"

After warning Julie, I called Alex. "It's me, it all worked out! Her character is very close to the esteemed one."

Alex. "Well... That's not unexpected, let's move on to the second part. The shooter's name is Lon Schott and he owns a conglomerate that spreads across various sectors, but mainly deals with security.

The bastard has his legal army! In theory, it works with security and such.

In practice, he has a mercenary exercise that does various illegal jobs that our official army cannot do, they also sell their services to national companies linked to the US government and have committed various war crimes and crimes against humanity, the name of the project is Annex B.

You are in luck as the Memphis agent is in contact with a man named Dimitri Voydian who works for Lon Schott, find him and you will have proof that he is the murderer and we will also find out the motive for the murder of the African dictator. "

"Man, that's a turd sandwich without the bread.

How did I get involved in these deep waters and how do you know all this?"

Alex. "Hehehe... Thanks to your good friend Isaac Johnson, I followed the clues I found on your cell phone and hacked into various cell phones, computers, and security networks.

The rest is too boring to go into details, what you need to do is give Lan Schott characteristics as the suspect you saw at the shooting site and Agent Memphis will take care of the rest for us.

You just need to help her.

"Okay, leave it to me! Following orders is up to me."

Alex. "Yes. I'll give you cover and intelligence, go crazy little brother!"


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Agent Memphis will eat your cookies!)

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