
The Secret

As they head upstairs to tour around Peter's house, Sophia stumbled across a painting.

"This painting looks familiar. I think I saw it somewhere." Sophia thought about it for a while. Matt came and told her, "Oh, that's Peter's mom's favorite painting of the forest. This painting won many awards." Sophia nodded.

"I saw this painting at a show once. I thought it was familiar." Sophia remembered few years ago she went to an art show with her father. The forest painting was so wellknown during that time that everyone wanted to buy it. But she didn't know the meaning behind it.

"Matt, do you know the meaning behind the painting?" Sophia was curious about it.

"I am not sure but we can ask Peter's mom about it." Matt told her. As we looked around, we saw Peter's mom talking to another person. When she saw us, she smiled and said goodbye to the other person. She came to us and introduced herself.

"I am Peter's mom and Matt's step- mom, Marybelle. You can call me Mary. " Matt introduced Sophia to Mary and she smiled.

"This is Sophia. I am just showing her around your house." Mary smiled and said, "Thank you so much for coming. Peter's dad bought this house because of the interior is just beautiful. Did you look at the painting earlier?" We nodded our head.

"We were just curious about the meaning behind of the forest painting. Do you know the meaning?" Sophia asked Mary.

"It's very tragic. Peter's father's close friend commited suicide at this particular forest. It is in Japan apparently. His other friend was an artist so he painted this." Mary sounded somber.

"I am so sorry about your loss." Sophia was saddened by the news.

"It is okay. It's been a long time since his friend passed away. But the strange thing is that once you enter the forest I heard it is very hard to come out alive." Mary told her about this and Sophia was shocked by it.

As we talked some more, Mary told us she needs to go right now so we said our goodbye.

"Have fun touring around my house. Feel free to come over. Peter loves having guests over." We smiled and nodded.

Sophia looked at Matt and he looked pale.

"Is something wrong, Matt?" Sophia was concerned.

"Let's go somewhere else. Come on." Sophia took Matt to the balcony to take some fresh air. The balcony was gorgeous too, flowers and vines grew.

"Matt, you looked pale in there. Did you see anything weird?" Sophia asked.

"I felt strange in the hallway. I am not sure. I felt I was being watched. I guess I was too tired." Matt laughed nervously.

"That happens. Today is a long day. Thank you for showing me around. I really do appreciate this." Sophia thanked Matt.

"I am glad you liked it. I lived in this house for short amount of time before I moved back to my mom's house." Matt said. "I almost forgot what they look like now." Sophia and Matt laughed as they exchanged looks.

"Sophia, can i have your phone number? I need to go soon. I really hope we can talk to each other more. I'll tell you more when we get the chance." As they exchanged phone numbers, Sophia waved Matt goodbye.

She went downstairs to meet Kate and the others.

"Sophia! How was Matt? Did you guys talk about anything interesting?" Sophia nodded. "We exchanged phone numbers." Sophia smiled. Kate's smiled like an idiot and suddenly jumped on her. "Yes! You did it! Matt is great, right? I knew you would like him." Kate was so happy that Sophia and Matt began to like each other.

Kate checked her phone and Steve called.

"My brother is here. I think we need to go now."

As we said our goodbyes to the other people, Steve came in and picked us up.

"Looks like you guys had fun! Come on, let's go!"

As we head back, Steve dropped us off at our house and waved us goodbye. We waved back and finally we are home.

"Sophia! Your phone is ringing! It's Matt!" Sophia picked it up.

"Hello Matt?"

"Sorry I left without checking on you. Did you leave yet?" Matt asked.

"Yes. I just got home with Kate. How about you?"

"Yes I just got home. My mom was sick so I went to the hospital. Everything is fine now. She will be back in a few days." Matt said.

"That's good to hear. Hope your mom will be alright. Are you okay?" Sophia asked.

"I'm fine. Sophia, can I ask you something?"


"Are you available this coming weekend?"


"That's great. I'll text you later to see where you want to go."

"Okay. see you." Sophia smiled.

"Oooh... are you dating?" Kate smirked at her.

"Matt wants to go out with me." Sophia said.

"Yes!! Do you know where you wanna go with him?" Kate bombarded her with so many questions.

"I'll think about it." Sophia answered.

Sophia received a text message.

"Goodnight, Sophia. It was really nice talking to you. Have a good night. Sweet dreams." Kate looked amazed.

"Sophia, you need to reply!" Kate looked at her eagerly.

Sophia texted, "Goodnight, Matt. Thank you for today. Sweet dreams to you too!"

Kate hugged Sophia tightly and said, "You and Matt better get things heated up."

Sophia smiled at Kate.

"Let's see." Sophia stuck her tongue out jokingly. As they joked around for another hour or so, it was really late.

"We should sleep now. It's 2AM now." As they got ready for bed, Sophia thought about Matt and hoping he's alright after that thing happened at Peter's house. Sophia was too tired to think about anything and she slept.