
The Black Flames of Destruction

Izuku Midoriya. A quirkless child who wants to be a hero. Even though people had their doubts about him, he never gave up. His childhood friend turned bully would torment him every time they met, with insults to physical pain. He was treated like trash, yet his passion to be a hero never wavered. The three most important person in his life has their faith in him, and that alone made the fire in his heart to be a hero even stronger. He wants to prove to everyone that a person in the lowest hierarchy in society can be great. A quirkless person can be a hero if they try hard enough and never give up. He wants to be the first quirkless hero. Or so he thought that he was quirkless and had no 'special power' whatsoever. He is in fact, the reincarnation of a being so powerful that his power can destroy the universe itself. What is this being you say? Akuma, The God of Destruction. But with that, comes great suffering. BNHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Every other reference I mentioned is also owned by their respective owners. -Credits to avery_aldini on Wattpad for editing and making the cover look better!-

hoov · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Ch. 5: The First Trumpet

[Alternate Dimension, 10:03 AM]

3rd Person POV

The majority of Musutafu had become piles of debris. Oceans of fire were spreading everywhere, turning everything near it into ash and covering the city in smoke. Giant craters were seen throughout the city, becoming more frequent to see than buildings that were still standing.

And amidst all the destruction stood the woman, heavily damaged because of the intense clobbering she just experienced. Bruises, cuts, and scratches were seen everywhere throughout her body. Her wings had many holes and slashes on them, making her unable to use them anymore. Her left arm was badly broken, ridiculously bent in the wrong direction as the bones were protruding out of the purple-tinted skin.

Blood trickled down her forehead as her expression grew more and more anxious. She cautiously looked in every direction, only to see flames and torn-down buildings.

'Shit! That bastard! He didn't give any specific info about this boy, and now I'm being beaten and battered! Fuck!...I need to escape, but I'm heavily injured and his speed is much faster than mine. I can't sense his energy because he's moving too fast for me to pinpoint his location. Also if I dispel the alternate dimension now, it'll take a huge toll on my energy! What should I do?!' The woman thought in distress, thinking of ways to overcome the situation. But without her even noticing, Izuku appeared right behind her with a maniacal grin on his face. His flaming eyes showed amusement in her suffering.

"Behind you~."

'Dammit!' The woman quickly turned around and activated a barrier, but it was futile as Izuku struck it with a powerful roundhouse kick, easily cutting through it like a knife through butter. The kick then landed on her temple, breaking her left horn and sending her flying at high speeds.

"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He maniacally bellowed while bursting into the air in a blink of an eye as the flames in his legs exploded, leaving a crater underneath him.

In a matter of milliseconds, the demonic teen appeared on top of the woman and brought down an axe kick towards her, sending her barreling back to the ground at the speed of sound, creating a huge explosion as a giant crater formed under her. Izuku's disturbing grin grew wider as grey flames swirled around his fists. He then punched the air repeatedly in rapid succession, sending out a barrage of air blasts down towards the crash site, creating another massive explosion of dust and dirt.

As the smoke began to dissipate, a toxic green aura bursts through it, flying away from the demonic teen who was in the air, still adorning the battle-excited grin on his face. He snapped his head towards the direction the smoke was going and chased after it, leaving a trail of sonic booms and grey flames behind him.

Inside the green smoke, the woman looked back towards the explosion with blood caking her right eye, making her unable to open it. She saw a meteor of grey flames coming at her at high speeds, making her grit her teeth in frustration. She then aimed her right hand at the ground below and clenched her fist. Black spikes erupted from the ground right below Izuku in an attempt to impale him. But due to the pure force, the demonic teen is emitting, the black spikes were disintegrated before they even touched him.

'Is there nothing I can do to stop him?!?!' The woman thought to herself in anger, desperately finding ways to stop the crazed demon from pursuing her.

The cat and mouse chase came to an end when Izuku suddenly appeared right in front of the woman with both of his arms stretched out, surrounded by grey flames as it swirled around like whirlwinds. His psychotic grin grew even wider after seeing the woman's pulverized state, sending jolts of terror throughout every fiber of her being.

"I hope you're still intact after this, cause I ain't satisfied yet!! WORLD BREAKER'S ROAR!!" He roared. He then punched both of his arms forward, sending out two gigantic air blasts coming in her direction at frightening speeds. The woman could only look in despair as she braced for impact.

The devastating attack collided with her and began to drag her and everything it came into contact with, shredding them into atoms caused by the intense wind pressure inside of it. The woman gritted her teeth in pain, struggling to keep her body intact as the wind pressure kept attacking her with no mercy in mind.

'My body's tearing apart!...It..feels like my body's being stabbed by a billion swords!! It...hurts so much...How can mere wind pressures...do this to me!' The woman thought in agony, using all of her strength just to keep her body from being shredded in molecular levels by the raging currents inside the air blasts.

The air blasts then crashed into a mountain in the distance, destroying it in a monstrous explosion and engulfing the woman in tons of debris. The impact was so powerful, the whole dimension began to shake as some parts of the sky began to crack and fall to the ground, shattering like glass, revealing a black void full of emptiness.

As Izuku watch the debris fall on top of the woman, a bored expression began to wash over his battle-hungry one. He then sat cross-legged in the air, leaning one of his hands with one of his flaming eyes half-opened.

As the demonic teen waited for the woman to get back up again, a yawn came over to him. He then boredly stretched his muscular arms upwards, resulting in several satisfying crack sounds to be heard. 'Is she dead? Goddamnit! I only had my fun for 10 minutes...' He thought to himself, pouting as he began to descend to the ground. He then slowly made his way to the now pile-of-dirt mountain with his hand clasped behind his head, walking haphazardly while also sightseeing the destruction he created.

The demonic teen whistled in surprise as he comprehended the scale of devastation he just created, which is not supposed to be the normal reaction someone gives when they alone destroyed one of the biggest cities in Japan. 'Damn...I'm strong...' He thought, admiring his handiwork.

As he arrived at the destroyed mountain, he blew away the debris with his air blast, revealing the woman in a state where death is considered mercy. She was impaled by a large amount of debris, and her upper body was crushed. Her bottom legs were hanging loosely, having the ligament in her knees torn apart by the blast she collided with head-on. Her arms were twisted, with shards of bones sticking out of her skin.

"Still alive?" He asked. The woman shakily opened her eyes to meet his flaming ones and scoffed.

"Tch! Just...k-kill me!...that's what you wanted...r-right? My death...by your hands?" The woman asked, her voice raspy as if her vocal cord had been ripped to shreds. The demonic teen simply put one of his legs on top of debris that was impaling her abdomen, making the woman shriek in pain at the sudden added pressure.

"You're correct on that one! DING DING DING!! But too bad...I won't give you a quick death. And I don't think he will, too." He said with malice in his voice as he leaned closer to her, his demented grin appearing again to make the woman feel unease at the intense bloodlust he was emitting. It was very contrasted to the emotions he let out before. Before, it was only rage. But right then and there, it was pure bat-shit crazy.

Izuku lifted his leg off of the boulder, making the woman sigh in relief as the pain slightly went away. He then walked away from the woman, facing the destroyed city of Musutafu.

"You see, I'm not the boy you saw ten minutes ago. At least right now I'm not." He stated, confusing the woman.

"What...do you mean...?" The woman questioned. 'Izuku' giddily turned around to face the woman, making her flinch in anticipation of being struck with a powerful blow again, probably the finishing one.

"I'm the embodiment of his insanity. All of the negative thoughts inside his head--Which is A LOT, I tell ya'--cultivated into one and created an entity that he would only see in his imagination. And that entity is me!! Kaen! IcameupwiththatnamemyselfcuzIdon'tknowanyothernamestochoose!! " The crazed demon cheerfully chirped while jumping around crazily and other overemphasized gestures to accompany the explanation.

"I guess in layman's terms I'm the boy's alter ego. I think...I dunno, I'm not even sure what I am called." Kaen continued while pointing his finger at the boulders that were crushing the woman. Grey flames swirled around it before shooting out a wind pressure strong enough to destroy it, freeing her.

"Now, 'cause you're already too weak to give me proper amusement, I'll let the boy takeover. I'm sure you and he still have something to discuss. Y'know, cuz you molested the woman he loves. Obviously, he wants to know why you did that, and I think he won't hesitate to use violence on you...Now then, Ciao~" Kaen spoke before the flames all over his body disappeared. He began to wobble all over the place with smoke coming out of his mouth, feeling the energy inside his body being almost completely drained at that point.

After a few moments of silence, sounds of flames blazing were the only thing heard, the demonic teen opened his eyes again as he struggled to stand up straight. But the pure craziness and bloodlust he emanated had completely vanished, meaning that Kaen had gone back inside the dark-haired teen's head again, switching place with the real Izuku.

"What in the world..." Izuku uttered, exhaustion clearly heard from his voice. He looked around in confusion, not having a single clue on what happened until his eyes landed on the beat and battered woman lying limply on the ground.

His confused and exhausted face instantly contorted into the expression of murderous rage. Throwing aside his confusion as the urge to tear her apart limb by limb, watching her suffer with a satisfied grin on his face rose again as he slowly made his way to her. He forcefully activated his 'quirk' as his anger was taking over him, sending gusts of wind everywhere while also making the earth under him tremble.

"You..." The demonic teen growled as he lifted her off the ground, making the woman groan in pain.

"Who sent you?! Why did you do that to her?!" Izuku shouted, trying his hardest not to rip her apart into millions of pieces right then and there. He wanted to do that so badly, as the rampaging demon he calls his 'quirk' inside of him was getting unstable, but it was fortunate that he was able to hold it back and decided the most rational thing to do, which was to gain information first about why all of this was happening, doesn't matter if he uses violence or not. The last part was for a personal matter of his.

The woman, who was hanging limply in the air as her limbs were already in a state of no repair and can not be of use anymore, began to adorn a smirk on her face, as an idea finally shined upon her on how to turn the tides to her side.

'Why didn't I think about this? Fufufu~ I'll just reveal it to him now. Let's see how he reacts~...' The woman internally chuckled, making Izuku narrow his eyes cautiously, thinking that the woman still had a trick up her sleeve. But unfortunately, he couldn't be more correct.

What came next was a statement that would change Izuku's life forever.

For the good...or the bad.

"The Emperor of Darkness and The One Bestowed The Title Satan, The Third King of Hell, Azeryth, sent me, Vhesvia, personally to bring you back to hell." The woman now known as Vhesvia stated.

The demonic teen's heart sank as he heard her statement. He couldn't believe what she was saying. The king of The Underworld? Satan? Was there even such a thing? The concept of higher beings existing in the world has been believed by a lot of people ever since civilization first existed. But as time passed and science developed at an incredible rate as the civilization evolves, a lot of people started to question their own beliefs.

Do they actually exist? If so, then why don't they give protection and blessings to their creations, even though they have been praised by those they created?

But now as a society saturated with superhuman people, it all came into question again. Some people could bend the laws of physics to their will, the laws that are the base of the universe, the thing the keeps the balance in check. So, if the law that controls the universe can be bent by a mere human, then those tales of higher beings doing miraculous things may truly exist, and not just some mythical stories that a lot of people believe in. So the real question is, do they actually exist or not?

Well, apparently so after hearing what she said.

Time felt like it had stopped for the demonic teen. His stomach churned after hearing the name, echoing in his mind endlessly like a broken record. The name was unheard of, but it had a familiar and eerie feeling in it. Izuku couldn't tell why, but the feeling of familiarity, followed by the feeling of dread and terror when he heard that name began to implant itself inside his mind.

"King...of...Hell?" Izuku uttered as his crimson eyes shrunk in fear.

Seeing the look on his face brought amusement to Vhesvia. She let out a chuckle, ending with her coughing up blood violently.

"But...why? What is it of me that got even The Ruler of Hell interested in...? I was a powerless person all my life until yesterday, and now I'm wanted by The Ruler of Hell...? Why..?" The demonic teen shakily asked, knowing zero reasons on why he had piqued the interest of even The Satan himself.

Vhesvia, who was still hanging a few inches in the air, shrugged nonchalantly. But the answer she carried after was not something to look away from.

"He said that there will be someone who will be the biggest threat there is to his little plan, so he wanted me to do a little where's waldo on the supposed 'biggest threat'. Turns out it was easier than I thought, cause the energy level inside your body is way higher than everyone else's, so it was very easy to spot you. He also told me to do a little observation on the said person. And also if possible, bring the said person back to him so he can deal with them himself." The black-clad woman answered in a rather smug tone, knowing full well that she now had the upper hand.

"As for me molesting your girlfriend, I was just inspecting her, if she was worthy of you or not~." She continued, teasing him with her sly tone of speaking.

Izuku couldn't even reply to her statement, as he was overwhelmed by the weird feelings churning inside his body. Fear, despair, anger, confusion, was attacking his mind with no consideration.

"Now, without wasting any more time, let me show you the beginning of what his 'little' plan is~...I guess it has already started~.." Vhesvia stated still with that sly tone of hers, hiding something sinister behind her back.

Then, with the few nerves and muscles that were still usable in her right hand, she snapped her middle finger and thumb together. A booming sound roared as the impact of the snap, immediately followed by a small shockwave that shook the demonic teen's heart.

What followed after, was the sky falling to the ground, as the dimension began to crumble.

And like breaking glass, the reality shattered, revealing the real world. But sad to say, it was not a jovial revelation waiting outside.

"Now then, because I have done the majority of my part, I guess it is time we part ways...see you later, cutie~..." Vhesvia teased, as she exploded in a cloud of toxic green-colored smoke. And as the smoke dissipated, she was no longer there.

Izuku didn't even bother searching for her, as he stood petrified in his place, atop the mountain that he destroyed in the previous dimension. Skin as pale as snow, shivering from the horrifying sight before his eyes. He began to hyperventilate, as his heartbeat became uneven because of the intense fear he was experiencing. The fear for his loved ones, the fear for his own safety, the fear of all the people out there, all jumbled up inside his head and were tearing everything apart.

It was the same level of fear as when The King of Hell's name echoed inside his mind only a moment ago. No, scratch that. This was far worse. What he felt at that moment was,

Absolute terror.


[Musutafu Beach, 9:59 AM]

The giant tsunami was approaching Musutafu at a frightening speed, making the expression of the heroes more anxious than ever. Their confidence from when Soleil arrived slowly began to fade away, seeing the sheer size of the tsunami approaching them at breakneck speed.


Sweat ran down their foreheads as their hands began to shake in anxiousness. They had never seen a tsunami this big before in their lifetime, so they couldn't help but feel the dread creeping up their spine.


"Ready?" Soleil looked to her side and asked the number one and two heroes, who were shrouded in golden Lighting and flames respectively. They both nodded as a response, confidence much more shown in the three of them than the other heroes seen.

'If All Might and Endeavor cannot manage to destroy it with their attacks, I'll be the last line of defense.'


All Might cocked his right arm back, surrounding it with golden lightning more fiercely than the other parts of his body, concentrating his power there. Wind pressure emitted from his right fist, as air currents swirled around it.

At the same time, Endeavor stretched his left arm backward, charging his flames as it concentrated and condensed into a ball in his palms.


Golden runes appeared right below Soleil's eyes and her arms. In her starry eyes, appeared a golden circle, shining bright as it outshines the other colors in them. Heatwaves began to surround her like a shroud, making the heroes around her a little uncomfortable because of the intense heat.

"Runes of Apollo..." She muttered under her breath, steam coming out of her mouth as she opened it.


The tsunami was right in front of them, enveloping them in its shadow as it blocked the sun from shining down on them.

"NOW!!" Soleil commanded, and following her command, was the barrage of attacks sent out by the heroes using their quirks to their maximum capability to stop the incoming tsunami.

Their quirks were nowhere near as powerful as the top ten heroes, but because they had strength in numbers, they were doing significantly in the progress of stopping the tsunami from hitting Musutafu.

The gargantuan wave of saltwater seemed to slow down its descent towards Musutafu Beach, however unfortunately it is nowhere near being pushed back, nor destroyed.

"All Might! Endeavor! Now!"

All Might and Endeavor both shared a glance for a moment and nodded. The number one hero then drove his right fist upwards, accompanied by the number two driving his left.

"HELLFIRE SMASH!!!" They roared in unison, already giving a name to their synchronized attack.

A Behemoth of a wind pressure shot out of All Might's fist, while at the same time a powerful blast of flames erupted out of Endeavor's left, fusing in a beautiful spiral pattern, creating an even bigger fire blast as the wind pressure combined itself with the flames.

Soleil aimed her right hand at the blast of powerful flames with her eyes narrowed in concentration, and snapped her fingers.

"Blazing escalation!"

In an instant, the blast exploded into different heights in both temperature and size, making all of the heroes present widen their eyes in astonishment.

The blast then came into collision with the tsunami, creating a monstrous explosion of hot mist. The intense heat of the blast instantly evaporated the vast amount of saltwater, thus effectively destroying the tsunami from flooding Musutafu. The mist then covered the beach for a good minute, blinding the heroes of what's to come.

The lower-rank heroes all stood silently cheering to themselves, having their sense of sight reduced to almost nothing by the mist covering the beach. But All Might, Endeavor, and Soleil still stood with narrowed eyes.

'I don't like this...It's too quiet...far too quiet.' Soleil narrowed her eyes in suspicion, still glowing gold as she still hasn't powered down yet. She planned to be the last line of defense if both the number one and two heroes of Japan didn't manage to destroy the tsunami, even with her amplifying the attack.

Unfortunately, her suspicions were true. Because what came next will be the single most important event in the history of mankind.

Suddenly, the sound of a trumpet roared from the heavens, its grandiose blare petrified everyone in their place, as their hearts were shaken to the very core. Each rumble pulsated throughout the sky, piercing everyone's soul that heard it.

Its roar had no note, yet it was both high and low. Its rumble was rough, yet it had a soft tone to it. It was both sad and happy, brave and fearful, hopeful yet desperate at the same time.

It was both light and dark.

As the rumbling of the trumpet fades away, leaving a heartshooken silence, the earth began to tremble again, ruining the whole world once more. But what comes after was no longer giant tsunamis, no.

It was much worse than that.

Much, much worse.

As the earth calmed down again, without giving the people a chance to rest both their mentality and body, an aftershock exploded right from the center of the pacific ocean, exactly from the same spot where the previous shockwave exploded. It was nowhere as powerful as the shockwave before, but it was still much more powerful than any other natural catastrophe as it sent powerful gusts of wind everywhere.

The wave of powerful winds arrived at Japan in only five seconds and immediately blew away the mist, giving everyone on the beach the sense of sight once again. However, they still didn't open their eyes, as the winds were still too dangerous for the safety of their eyesight.

The winds kept attacking and attacking, as the heroes struggled not to be blown away, because its force was enough to lift a car 50 meters high into the air.

"Just what is going on?!?!" All Might cried, but no one answered his question.

Alas, they would know the answer to that very soon.

As the winds calmed down, they all fluttered their eyes open, only to widen them in fear. A terrifying sight was waiting before them, as the color of their faces became pale and their faces contorted into horrified ones.

"T-this can't be..." All Might shakily uttered, feeling a sense of fear he had never felt in his life, as he no longer adorned the signature grin that brought hope into people's eyes. His hands were shaking, and his breathing became erratic. His glowing blue eyes were pulsating, expanding and shrinking at the sight he was witnessing.

"I-it's.." Endeavor followed after, as his flames dissipated over the sheer terror he was experiencing.

"The end of the world..." Soleil finished the sentence, as the golden glow around her eyes and arms disappeared, leaving only a frightened woman underneath.

A colossal pillar of fire was bursting out of the earth's womb in the middle of the pacific ocean, towering into the blue sky, tainting it with pitch-black smoke. The pillar of inferno was so gigantic, almost everyone in the whole world could see it clearly. It was so destructive and volatile, rains of fire and molten rock dropped from the ashen sky, crashing into the sea and some parts of the land.

The ashen sky then began to blind the sun, making it unable to shine down on the earth as the only source of light was the orange hue of the colossal pillar of flames.

What came after...or 'out of it' to be exact...was a threat greater than every villain in history combined.

Bursting out of the pillar were hideous, bizarre-looking creatures, smiling gleefully as if a child finally got the toy they wanted. There were so many of them, overflowing out of the pillar and began to pile on top of one another like untrained soldiers tripping on wet soil.

Jet black wings then sprouted out of their backs spontaneously, making them able to use the ability of flight. The eldritch beings then began to spread out towards every land they see, still smiling gleefully with their jagged and spiky teeth.

They seemed to lack intelligence, or even sense in general, as some died on the way, either by being crushed by molten rocks or being burned to death by the rain of fire they didn't avoid. They also seemed to lack empathy, as they didn't even glance their eyes when their comrades (?) met their ends. They only set their eyes on one thing.


Even though they were thousands of kilometers away from the nearest land masses, they could sense life forces, meaning that they can detect humans from very far away.

"lEt'S GeT tHE paRTy sTArtED!!" They gurgled gleefully in unison, flying at high speeds towards every land they see.

[10:04 AM JST]

To be continued.