

vincent_babangida · ファンタジー
17 Chs


"Beep! Beep ! Beep!" The vital sign monitor attached to Jennifer's mum sang

 Jenny sat quietly beside her mother's bed she watched as her mum's chest rose and fell

 with the intake and exhale of oxygen

She was yet to regain consciousness few days after the attack

Smith came around looking gloomy but couldn't talk to his wife he knew she was mad at him.

He never knew her mother was in such a terrible situation and still she insisted that Smith's mum attacked the baby from the CCTV footage

 the beast wasn't of this world no known beast walked and ran like that

He wanted to apologize to Jennifer but then seeing her mother in such a state he dared not get too close.

So he stayed away from his parents because he was sure he saw his father used voodoo power to wake his mum

he saw the bright red light too why would his dad ask him to leave before he did whatever he did

it seemed he really didn't know who his parents were

 He hide himself in his office avoiding every call from his father to visit the family house

Jennifer couldn't help but feeling guilty

 if only she had listen to her parents and not to marry Smith maybe all this problems wouldn't have came up

Now her mother lay in bed unconscious her father pissed at her

But if her mother had not come what would have happened to Dereck and her?

and Smith managed to name their baby In the hospital

 some of their close friends came around it was a quiet and solemn meeting not to disturb patients in the hospital.

And also a family friend came with a pastor he prayed for Mrs Helen,

He told Smith that the devil is bent on destroying his family that he should be wary of the devices of the devil.

Mrs Helen was stranded in a realm between life and death

 she was running in a dark forest then she saw a group of cats standing in a circle they were probably in a meeting.

She hid herself behind a big tree watching their meeting

They spoke in human tongue this captured her interest the more

"Mr Simon just remember it's three weeks already you have two months and one week the great one wouldn't be merciful!"

A cat said.

"Why are you being lazy about this?

,you had more than thirty years to prepare for this

 why would you let your son to marry a Christian?

a believer ?

couldn't you see any liberal girl to marry ?"

Another cat grumbled.

"Mr Simon reply them don't boast here you know how stubborn my son is?

" He growled"

why do you think I've not brought him to the coven?

the boy is gonna to reject me Simon said with sadness.

"Then you have to kill him your second son will have to take over 

we must produce a heir in the kingdom for our wealth to be passed to the next generation you know that another cat said 

"Simon if we call Smith and explain the sacrifice he has to make for the continuation of our family wealth and affluence and he refuses we would have to kill him

 The Coven is better than anything you know that Ann said.

"Ann kill our first son?" He asked.

"Yes it's either him or us he has enjoyed of our wealth already

does he know the number of children I had to sacrifice?"

She asked

To bring us where we are today 

just to give us one child he had made us go through hell Ann grumbled

"Brothers of this great Fraternity you have to help your brother and sister to kill our grand child " Mr Simon begged.

They all went mute for a while then they heard a twig snapped.

"What was that?

there's somebody in the woods watching us get it!" Mr Simon growled the cats turned to a man change form from a normal sized walking four legged cat with furs darker than the night black as coal they began to sniff the air.

"She's this way get her!" They began to chase after Mrs Helen.

She was running in the dark tumbling over woods and shrubs

"Oh God don't let me die, oh God !" Mrs Helen cried

Mrs Ann and one if her close friend were catching up on her

 Mrs Helen was running aimlessly she couldn't see in the peach black forest dived on her and rolled her to the ground.

"We got her here!" Mrs Rose called Ann began to growl fangs exposed and ready for to attack.

"You old hag! if not for you that child would have been ours!"

Ann hissed Mr Simon and the ten other Cats walked up to them

"You this woman how many times are we going to harm you to teach you a lesson?" Mr Simon asked.

"Why you come into our family business?"

Ann asked as she dug her fingers into Helen's's face.

"Leave me alone that child is my grandchild, you cannot kill him!

His name is Derrick he's not your sacrifice!" Mrs Helen barked back.

"I see ! I see !" Mr Simon said as his hands intertwined behind his back.

"So it's you who would stop us?"

He asked with a deep howl

"Its you who would stop us?

do you know for how many generations the black Cats fraternity has existed even in our family? He said pacing around Helen.

She kept turning her head wherever Mr Simon walked her heart beating behind her chest

"Try to stop me as I rip out your heart and chew it before your face now!

He said with a smirk on his face

The whole cats began to laugh.

Mr Simon's's sharp claws began to grow out of his fingers

 they were thick like fingers white like ivory and sharp like blade.

"I want to see if that God you think you believe in can save you and your grandson from my hand.

" He dug his claws into Mrs Helen rib as she screamed in pains.

The cats standing six feet tall all roared in laughter.

"Where is your God?

why can't your God stop me from hurting you ?

Oh he couldn't hear your cry because he's dead!"

He tore his hands into her stomach again and pulled out her intestine.

Mrs Helen screamed in pain her eyes opened like a woman I'm labour the pain was unbearable.

"See your intestine warn your daughter to give us our grandchild and leave our family or else she would die with him too."

He said dragging out her intestine from her stomach.

"Mr Simon remove her heart and finish her up why are you wasting time !"

One if the cat grumbled.

"I need her to suffer!

how she made my Ann suffer before I finish her!"

Mr Simon said while laughing as Mrs Helen writhed on the ground with unbearable pains her blood flowed.

"Now say bye to this world!" Simon said to Mrs Helen as he licked his paws that was soaked with her blood.

as he raised his hands to strike her chest Mrs Helen closed her eyes to await the punch of death.

"Jesus!!!!" she screamed with her final breathe

A light from the sky brighten the night sky at the same time sent Mr Simon and his cohorts flying all over the forest Helen was snatched from between them taken away.

"Where did she go?

what was that ?" Mrs Ann close friend asked.

"Search for her! we cannot let her go! "

Mr Simon ordered his brethren for they searched the forest in vain for Helen had been taken by the same force, that dropped her in the forest to see their evil plans.