

vincent_babangida · ファンタジー
17 Chs


Doctor Ben had gone to concrete roof to puff some few sticks of his Sarony cigarette it had come from his friend and patient his class mate Mr Mike who oftentimes teased Doctor Ben asking him how a good doctor like him could indulge in such a bad habit as smoking .

"Something must kill a man Mr Mike if a fine stick of Sarony can be my undoing I'll joyfully return to mother nature man just have to indulge in some of this vices drinking smoking,or womanising,I choose this vice" Doctor Ben would say causing the Mr Mike to laugh.

Mr Mike was a Senator and he made sure Doctor Ben got his pack of Marlboro Gold King Size cigarette every month.

the doctor loved the quiet serenity of the concrete roof of the hospital where he had privacy to puff up the white smoke of his rich cigar into the air,

this day he let out the smoke from his nose it wafted Into the air he respected his work space and couldn't smoke there

he had spent his earliest days in the medical profession in the UK where work ethics was held in high esteem so the culture had become part of him a Doctor couldn't be get caught smoking in the hospital.

He wasn't a chain smoker he just loved to have one brown stick of the fat cigar

He checked his watch it was almost his closing time the long and difficult delivery took a toll on him

so he just had to let out the tension with the smoke

What a odd bizarre family he thought out loud , why would the inlaws be acting all so strange and suspicious?

He wondered he was one who believed the woman

yes he didn't believed in God or any supernatural being watching the universe because he couldn't see them he only believed in what he could see he couldn't see God or whatever people called it this days because he cannot appear

only faith but he wasn't a man of faith but a man of science he wanted evidence but they couldn't give him any evidence.

But for voodoo and witchcraft he had seen it firsthand when he visited his paternal grandmother he was attacked by forces 

Only if he could see Me Simon standing just behind him with a weapon they waited patiently for him to finding his cigar and went back to his office .

Doctor Ben was biracial, almost as white like his mother's Caucasian skin

his mother was from America his parents and siblings still resided in America . But his love and passion for his profession made him to work at Serenade private hospital in Leeds.

The hospital was modern with all new modern medical equipment and technologies a favourite place for some Leeds elitist who didn't wish to travel to USA or anywhere far from Leeds for treatment .

He had gone into his bathroom to take his bath

and dresses in a navy blue suit sky blue shirt and red tie

he was looking extremely beautiful

 At thirty eight he was yet to get a wife and start a family he wasn't a player , but then he didn't want to rush into marriage.

He had finished talking to his long time girlfriend and put his phone into the pocket of his blue scrub

when suddenly he felt the presence of entities standing behind him

He whirled around whatever was standing behind him had disappeared out of his hindsight

He felt it was still around Doctor Ben swirled around and came face to face with two monsters

Black like night saliva was drooling from their mouth .

"What the heck? you beast what are you doing here ?

How did you get here? "

He recognised them even though they took the form of a large black Jaguar.

"A flie that refused to listen will join the corpse into the grave!

Mr Simon said pointing at Doctor Ben

"My grandchild is mine to do whatever I please

I'll sacrifice him if I want what is your business Mr Doctor?

your busy body has killed you already You're already dead

Mr Simon growled in a beastly voice

"Get the hell away from me weirdos!"

Doctor Ben screamed "You think I'm freaking scared of you?"

He asked turning around looking for an escape route 

Mrs Ann had covered the way

"Shut up where do you want to run to? wherever you go we'll follow

moreover how did we get in since your door is locked fool!" Mr Ann cursed

 "Since you can't mind your business, you're going die this now she hissed

"Somebody help!" Doctor Ben cried Mrs Ann launched at him she pulled him to the ground , his cries rented the air he managed to escape from the concrete roofing and ran into the corridor

The big cats chased after him his speed couldn't match theirs he opened his office and jumped inside his office chair stood in the way and wrestler him to the ground

 The cat wife and husband climbed on his body and began to claw at his face and gash open his throat with their sharp canines

Doctor Ben screams brought staff and security personnel running to doctor Ben's Office

they tried to get in but the cat couple had locked the door from inside they tried breaking into the door it was a beat difficult because the door was an original German bullet proof door

The heard gaggling sounds from Doctor Ben he tried to get on his feet and run away from the evil couple

Mr Simon slashed him across the face with his claws Doctor Ben let out a loud cry.